God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1400: I will harvest you next time I meet

"Boom! Boom!"



Accompanied by the sound of artillery fire from dense to sparse, and finally gradually disappeared, the entire sea has completely restored calm except for countless ship wrecks!

The East India Company took the remaining dozen warships and retreated in a panic, and the pirates won the final victory!

"Oh roar!!"

"Won! We won!"

"Long live Master Jiang Fan!"

"Long live the pirate emperor!"


The laughter of the pirates resounded across the sky!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

so amazing!

Actually, the whole battle situation was completely changed by only one person!

"You, who are you?"

Tiadora also looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

At this moment, even she shuddered for no reason!

Who the **** is this man?

How could there be such a terrifying means?

You know, even she can't make David Jones so obedient!

"I'm Jiang Fan!"

"This, this is not the answer I want!"

Tiadora screamed directly!

"That's not important, the important thing is that you are finally free, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Tiadora's heart trembled!

The whole body is filled with unspeakable joy!


It doesn't matter who Jiang Fan is!

The important thing is that I am finally free!

And once he gets rid of the imprisonment, no matter who this Jiang Fan is, he will be dead!

Whether it is pirates or navy, they are just their own playthings on this sea!

Not to mention that Jiang Fan extorted so many of his own collections, he must die for this kind of method that can change the situation of the great battle!

It's your own chessboard, and you absolutely don't allow others to interfere!

"Everyone! Get out of the way!"

Following Jiang Fan's order, the deck was cleared out!

And Jiang Fan shook his hand and revealed the tokens of the nine pirate kings!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan looked directly at Tia Dorma, and finally spoke slowly!

"Release Poseidon!"

"Ding! The host submits the mission of'Poseidon's Salvation'!"

"Ding! The mission was submitted successfully! Congratulations to the host for completing the'Poseidon's Salvation'!"

Accompanied by the system's prompt sound, the next moment!


Tiadora suddenly let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice!

Immediately afterwards, her body unexpectedly began to swell and enlarge, almost in just a few seconds. This enchanting woman has become a giant with a height of more than ten meters!

At the same time, a breath that was almost terrifying to the extreme had already erupted from her body!

This breath is really strong to the extreme, and in an instant, the clouds in the sky are distorted, and the entire sea is screaming and the waves are surging!

If Jiang Fan, which is erupting at full force, is a volcano, then Tia Doma at this moment is a whole burning continent!

Calypso, the sea god, was finally completely released!

"Hahahaha! Freedom! This is freedom!!"

Calypso laughed wildly!

And along with her laughter, the entire sky was flashing and thundering!

Everyone looked at Calypso in horror!

Shaking all over!

He even knelt down involuntarily, all worshipping this sea **** in fear!

Only Jiang Fan, letting Calypso's breath blow, stayed still!

Calypso, who had been laughing wildly for a long time, suddenly stopped laughing and stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Mortal, why don't you worship!"

"You are just a pagan god, at best the sea **** of the Caribbean, let me worship, you are not qualified!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

Everyone was stunned!

As expected of Jiang Fan, too domineering!

Facing the Poseidon, he was still so strong!

"Mortal! You dare to blaspheme the gods!"

Calypso was furious!

With just a look, the time and space around Jiang Fan seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't move a finger!

Jiang Fan has no doubt that Calypso can kill himself without even having to do it!

After all, the gap is too big!

At least it's a whole big level!

In other words, Calypso's true strength must be above level 20!

It's just that Calypso is so terrifying, but Jiang Fan not only has no fear, but also laughed!

"Good! Very good! Calypso, you must be more valuable than DiscoTripoca!"

"You, what did you say?"

Calypso was obviously startled!

And Jiang Fan had already blinked at her!

"Wait for me! I will reap you next time I meet!"

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, a white light suddenly appeared!

Calypso was surprised!

not good!

This kid is going to run!

"You can't run!"

The angry Poseidon roared suddenly, and suddenly shook his one hand!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Just as her palms were about to close, Jiang Fan had completely disappeared into this world!

"Asshole! Asshole!!"

Calypso was furious!

Jiang Fan disappeared, and her collection obviously couldn't be kept!

"Damn it! Davy Jones! I blame you all!"

Her grievance vented directly to David Jones!

It's a pity that she was going to trouble with the ghost ship, but found that the same white light flashed on the ghost ship!

Disappeared completely!

"Well, what's going on?"

Calypso was stunned!


Along with the white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Damn! It's dangerous!"

Jiang Fan's face was pale!

When he faced Calypso before, he seemed laid-back, but his heart almost raised his throat!

The feeling of being imprisoned is completely different from the feeling of the mermaid in the ruins of Atlantis before!

It was not only the complete loss of all control over the body, but also the terrifying feeling that the world around him was completely frozen!

Jiang Fan knew clearly that without Calypso's permission, he would not even be able to speak!

Not to mention using abilities or other means!

Could it be that this is what the night demon once said...field?

damn it!

If it weren't for the choice to return at any time, I would definitely hang up once!

Is this the power of level twentieth?

Compared to the master, there are simply two creatures!


Slowly spit out a foul breath, but Jiang Fan suddenly became excited again!

In Ten Thousand Realms, risk and return have always been proportional. This Calypso is so difficult to do, and it is absolutely extremely valuable!

Wait, then!

I'm not kidding when I say I want to harvest you!

And just as Jiang Fan was sharpening his sword, the reward of the system finally arrived!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 32,000 causality points!"

More than 30,000 causal points!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the salvation of the Seagod. The seal of the compass that will not point to the north is lifted!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the salvation of Poseidon. Please randomly select five collections of Tiadora!"


Finally unblocked!

Jiang Fan took out a compass that could not point north!

The properties before this thing are as follows:

The compass that does not point north: It will give directions as you think in your mind!

Item level: legend!

Item status: Sealing!

System reminder: If you need to unlock the seal, maybe Tiadora the Witch will have a way!

Seeing the attributes after unblocking, Jiang Fan gasped directly!

Oh shit!

No wonder the unblocking task is so troublesome!

This is really an artifact!

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