After receiving all the rewards, Jiang Fan was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly found a light spot in the servant column was flashing!

Jiang Fan opened it and found out that it was the flying Dutchman that was flashing!

I almost forgot this baby!

Jiang Fan opens the property bar of the ghost ship!

The Flying Dutchman: Gold-class three-masted ship

Vessel attributes: displacement of 368 tons, capable of carrying 96 people

Special attributes:

1 Aura of Immortality: Once you become a crew member of the ship, as long as the ship is in good condition, the crew can recover regardless of any injuries suffered!

2 Passive devouring: The flying Dutchman will continue to absorb any life body that enters the ship, even the life force of the crew, to strengthen the hull!

3 Draining aura: After activation, any creature that enters the ship will have its strength absorbed by the ship and fed back to the captain!

Remarks: This is a ghost ship that travels between the deep sea magic prison and the world!

Current Captain: David Jones

Number of crew: 68

Incidental crew: Norwegian sea monster

Tip: As the current ship owner, the host has the right to rename it once!

Don't worry about naming!

Jiang Fan looked at the attributes of David Jones again!

David Jones: Servant

Level: Level 10

Ability: Dark Witchcraft

special power:

1. Short-range teleportation: Davy Jones can move arbitrarily within a range of 100 meters, and can give this ability to his crew!

2,? ?

3.? ?

Pet: Norwegian Sea Monster

Loyalty: 30

Personal quotation: Damn! The pipe is wet again!

Note: This is a grumpy, cruel, but infatuated guy!

Loyalty is only 30?

This is not good!

Jiang Fan looked at the attributes of the Norwegian Sea Monster again.

Norwegian Sea Monster: Octopodidae, Cephalopod

Level: Level 17

Ability: None

Remarks: This little guy was adopted by David Jones when he was only slap-sized. After turning into the undead captain, David Jones continued to use black magic to help it evolve, and finally made it the overlord of the sea. !


Jiang Fan's smiling eyes narrowed!

Unfortunately, this guy can only fight in the sea, if only he could land!

Jiang Fan flipped through his backpack and suddenly his eyes lit up!


With Jiang Fan's snapping fingers, David Jones appeared directly in the system space!

Once Jiang Fan is overwhelmed by Jiang Fan, the system will automatically instill information about Jiang Fan and the world in the relevant characters, so David Jones didn't panic when he just appeared, but looked at this in shock!

But Jiang Fan was delighted to discover that David Jones' loyalty had actually risen by five points!

"Old Dai, you will be my subordinate from today. You can ask if you have any requirements!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Subordinates dare not! Your lord is what you say!"

Davy Jones opened his mouth cautiously, while aiming at the left and right with his small eyes.

"What's your kindness, you performed well before, so let's do it, knowing that you like to smoke, I have nothing good about this, so I will give this to you!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out a pipe!

This is the first time Jiang Fan has entered the world of the Lord of the Rings and he has obtained a Hobbit pipe!

The Hobbit's pipe: a cigarette after a meal, beats a living fairy! This is the hobbit’s favorite pipe!

Remarks: Take a sip, refreshing! Always suck, always cool!

What is rare is that one of these pipes will contain shredded tobacco, which can be refilled indefinitely!

As soon as this thing was taken out, Davy Jones couldn't help sucking his nose hard!

Jiang Fan directly handed the cigarette holder to Davy Jones' mouth, and lightly lit it for him!


David Jones was flattered and took a deep breath!


"Oh my God!"

"This, this feeling of flying in the clouds!"

"It's so wonderful!"

"My lord, what kind of tobacco is this? It just makes me fly!!"

Davy Jones was intoxicated!

Loyalty has skyrocketed in a straight line!

Soon it reached eighty!

Damn it?

Is this thing so effective?

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Originally, he thought it would be good to be able to raise it to fifty, but he didn't expect this pipe to be so powerful!

"This is a pipe from another world, and there is only one shredded tobacco inside. Enjoy it!"

"What?! Unlimited tobacco?"

Davy Jones looked shocked!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And Davy Jones' loyalty has gone up again, almost reaching ninety!

"Follow me and work hard, and you will find something better than this in the future!"

Jiang Fan patted David Jones on the shoulder!

"Yes! Your lord!"

Davy Jones was surprised!

"Oh, yes, change the name of the ship!"

"No problem! What do you want to be called?"

"Um...just call it Jiaolong No.1!"

"This name is so domineering! Your lord is really educated!"

"Hahaha! So so so!"

Jiang Fan waved triumphantly!

"Go back first, I have something to call you!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Davy Jones disappeared, Jiang Fan finally let out a long sigh of relief!

This time, the Pirates of the Caribbean world is simply a profit!

Not only got two legendary items and a gold ring, but also got Jiaolong No.1!

It is simply Jiang Fan's most harvest in history!

After tidying up contentedly, Jiang Fan finally returned to the real world!

Outside the villa, Yuguangzi is still struggling to write!


"Mr. Jiang, it's finished!"

Yuguangzi handed a piece of paper full of writing to Jiang Fan.

The ones listed above are all sects that have traded with Jing Lingzong!

Jiang Fan took it, and immediately took a closer look!

"Nine Sun Sect... this kind of straight temper, not them!"

"Positive valve...not..."

"Hai Lanzong... overseas island..."

Jiang Fan looked at them one by one, but eliminated them one by one.

Strange, combined with Wang Yi and their previous narratives, none of the above is actually quite the same!

And at this moment!


With the sound of water, Lu Bu suddenly jumped out of the cultivation tank!

This guy has a strong background, and he was the first to recover!


Jiang Fan hurriedly walked over.

"It's okay, the foster father is really amazing, so he can recover from his injuries a hundred times faster!"

Lu Bu looked surprised!

"It's okay if you are fine, now think about it carefully, when the other party does it, are there any other characteristics?"


Lu Bu furrowed his brows, and then he spoke uncertainly after a long time.

"Although that person's Thunder Fa is powerful, he always felt a little suffocated when he shot it. It doesn't seem to be a technique he is really good at. Moreover, as a cultivator, the opponent's physical power is a bit too powerful. Crushed Xiaoyue's sword..."

As soon as Lu Bu's voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his brows!

"Master Yuguangzi, among the cultivation sects here, are there any forces that are good at physical skills?"


Yuguangzi thought for a while: "In fact, many of the cultivation sects have techniques for exercising physical skills, but this thing is only a side door for the cultivator, not a great way, so there are very few practitioners. But I remember It seems that a few decades ago, there was indeed a sect that cultivated a master forging..."

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