God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1405: So many people are watching

"Xiao Yue woke up!"

Everyone gathered around!

Even Jiang Fan finally woke up from a daze!


Yue Jianhan suddenly rushed out of the training tank, and then stared at his right hand in a daze.


The right hand that had been abolished was actually healed!


Jiang Fan asked.


Yue Jianhan finally recovered and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Master, are you back? The disciple disdainfully, failed to—"


Before Yue saw Han's words, Jiang Fan suddenly hugged him hard!

Yue Jianhan stiffened!

Then he said embarrassedly.

"Ahem, Master, so many people are watching..."


Jiang Fan finally let go of Yue Jianhan!

"How about it, should it be completely healed?"

"Yes, it's just..."

Yue Jianhan's expression suddenly darkened, and he slowly stretched out his left hand. In the palm of his hand, there was a metal fragment.

Upon seeing this, everyone's complexion sank.

This fragment is exactly the wreckage of Yue Jianhan's previous sword!

Strictly speaking, Yue Jianhan's Qingfeng Longsword was just a general merchandise with no grade at all!

But this is Yue Jianhan's first sword, and he has been with him for more than 20 years. It can be said that it is Yue Jianhan's only friend before meeting Jiang Fan!

And for such a long time to be warmed up by Yue Jianhan, this long sword is not only like an extension of his hands and feet, it has already surpassed many fine products!

Jiang Fan's fingers moved slightly. He originally wanted to give Yue Jianhan his Shuiyu Zimu Sword, but now he has changed his mind.

"Xiaoyue, I have let Wang Yi put away the remains of this sword. Don't worry, Master will repair him perfectly for you!"


Yue Jianhan looked overjoyed!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand directly.

Yue Jianhan immediately placed the wreckage of the long sword in Jiang Fan's hand without hesitation!

Everyone was taken aback!

No one has ever touched Yue Jianhan's sword!

Previously, Curtis had to look at what he owed, but in the end he was almost not killed by Yue Jianhan with a sword.

This sword is more important to Yue Jianhan than his wife!

But only for Jiang Fan, Yue Jianhan seemed to be undefended!

Jiang Fan cherished the fragments of the long sword, and he was about to speak!

at this time!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

It seems that the phone is actually an unfamiliar number!

Jiang Fan answered the phone, and a hesitant voice immediately rang from the other side.

"Hello? Yes, it's Jiang, is it Mr. Jiang?"

That voice was not only hesitant, but also full of timidity.

"I'm Jiang Fan, who are you?"

"Mr. Jiang, my name is Pang Shiyong. You said before that if our Pang family is in trouble, we can find you..."

At that time, in order to obtain Xiangzhou, Jiang Fan used a lot of methods, and the first one was to design Pangjia!

The Pang family collapsed, Jiang Fan cut the roots, let Curtis kill the Pang Shifang family, but let the others in the Pang family go, and promised them that he could help them free of charge within three years!

Now, it was obvious that the Pang family was in big trouble, and only then had to ask Jiang Fan for help!

"Don't worry! I remember it all!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly raised!

It finally started!

"You, as long as you remember, Mr. Jiang, our Pang family is in big trouble!"

Pang Shiyong's voice was full of anxiety for an instant!

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

"Yes! Since... Since that incident, our Pang family has moved to Wucheng."

"Because of the previous events, the children of the clan finally have a lot of understanding, and they just want to slowly rebuild their family business."

"It's just that although we are low-key, after all, we were once powerful in Xiangzhou. Many forces in Wucheng were afraid of our rise, which would affect the interests of Wucheng. Therefore, we were suppressed by many local forces in Wucheng."

"Never mind. My Pang family is somewhat of a family background, and it is not enough to be insulted by a few small forces, but just this morning, the Cao family suddenly sent someone to the door, saying that one of our children had molested the Cao family. Let us give an explanation!"

Pang Shiyong quickly told the story again!

After listening to Jiang Fan, he suddenly smiled.

"It doesn't sound like a big deal, you guys prepare some gifts and come to apologize?"

"No, Mr. Jiang! It's not that simple!"

Pang Shiyong hurriedly spoke!

"The Cao family is the first family in the faint city. Although it is not as powerful as the Dou family, it has very strong financial resources. It is said that there is also a master of the fourteenth level in the family, which can be said to be the strongest family among the nearby cities. !"

"Such a big family, even in the heyday of our Pang family, dare not provoke them, let alone now?"

"As early as when I first arrived in Faint City, I had already told the disciples in the clan that I must never provoke the Cao family, and all the disciples of the Cao family's big figures know the appearance of them! I will never take the initiative to offend them!"

"Mr. Jiang, I can assure you that this is definitely what the Cao family wanted to drive away, even to kill our Pang family!"

The more Pang Shiyong spoke, the more panicked he was, and his cold sweat dripped like water!

"The Cao family..."

Jiang Fan's voice was hesitant.

Pang Shiyong's heart was cold, and he hurriedly spoke!

"Mr. Jiang! Only you can save our Pang family now! No matter what your requirements are, we will definitely meet them all!"

"This...well, I'll go tomorrow!"

"No way, Mr. Jiang! I'll be late tomorrow! Please! Come now! It only takes more than an hour to fly from Los Angeles to Wucheng. It won't take you too long!"

Pang Shiyong hurriedly spoke.

"Okay, then I will go now!"

"Thank you Mr. Jiang! Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Pang Shiyong thanked again and again excitedly.

Jiang Fan hung up the phone, and the rest of the group immediately surrounded him.

"Master, the trouble of the Pang family doesn't sound like a big deal, and what the Cao family says is pretty good. Even if you really want to kill the Pang family, it shouldn't be so ugly, right?"

Wang Yi spoke first.

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and gave Wang Yi a slightly surprised look.

"Yes, it seems that I learned a lot with Uncle Zhong!"

"Hey, my lord is absurd, so, am I right?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then looked at a group of subordinates.

"Pang Shiyong lied just now. The things in Wucheng are definitely not that simple! The Pang family probably offended the Cao family because of something, so they asked me for help, but they were afraid that I would not go, so they made the matter small! Humph! , The Pang family is trying to drag me into the water! If I can quell the Cao family, everyone will be happy! If I am abolished by the Cao family, it will be regarded as revenge for the forced Pang family to leave home!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Then his complexion changed drastically!

"Pang Jiaran still wants to calculate you, it's just looking for death!"

"Yes, let them fend for themselves!"

"My lord, let's just take a shot and help Cao's family!"

"Damn, I knew I shouldn't have left the scourge of the Pang family!"

A group of people writhing in murderous intent!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled.

"What are you all so excited for? I've been waiting for too long this day! Even if the Pang family doesn't let me go, I will go too!"

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