God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1413: I don't need to know

Jiang Fan had long anticipated the difficulty of the three-revolution mission, but only when the mission was actually released did he realize that he still underestimated the urinary nature of the system!

Actually arranged such a terrifying opponent for himself!

But Jiang Fan will never waste time and emotions on established facts!

Now that the mission has been released, the most important thing to think about now is **** Gonitz!

"System! Back to reality!"


In the next moment, Jiang Fan has returned to the real world!

At this moment, Pang Shiyong and the others hurriedly entered the bathroom, then turned their heads out, and immediately looked at each other!

And Jiang Fan has already spoken directly!

"Do you know "The King of Fighters 96"?"


Everyone was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"Find out all the arcade comics and video clips of the King of Fighters 96 that you can find on the market!"


Following Jiang Fan's instructions, a group of people from the Pang family suddenly came out!

The current Jiang Fan is the life-saving straw of the Pang family, not to mention that the Pang family has all the allegiance. Not to mention Jiang Fan asked them to find the information about the king of fighters, even if they let them cosplay Shiranui Wu, then these people will definitely do it!

Pang Shiyong and the others were clever and didn't ask much, just re-push the cup for another one!

But just when the banquet is about to end!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Pang Shiyong's cell phone suddenly rang!

As soon as he saw the call, Pang Shiyong smiled at Jiang Fan!

"It's Xining, it seems that what Mr. Jiang just ordered has been done!"

While talking, Pang Shiyong has already answered the phone!

"Xining, isn't it..."

It's just that Pang Shiyong didn't finish speaking, and Pang Xining's voice full of panic sounded directly!

"It's not good Dad! Cao Wenbin took away the things Mr. Jiang asked just now!"

"what did you say?!"

Pang Shiyong's face suddenly changed!

"Dad, all the things Mr. Jiang wanted were robbed by Cao Wenbin!"

"Bastard! Why don't you stop!"

Pang Shiyong was furious!

This is the first thing Jiang Fan ordered!

It was done right under his nose!

Things are fine, but if Jiang Fan is dissatisfied with the Pang family's service standards and marginalizes them, what will the Pang family's rise in the future?

"Dad, the masters around Cao Wenbin are too powerful. In order to save Mr. Jiang's things, we even took the lead, but unfortunately we couldn't beat them at all! Xicheng was seriously injured! This, this is really..."

Pang Xining's voice was full of frustration and helplessness!

"Shut up! Bad work is bad work! How can there be so many excuses! What Mr. Jiang has ordered, even if it is dead, I must do it for me!"

Pang Shiyong was also anxious, and suddenly roared!

He was also worried about his son, but if Jiang Fan was dissatisfied, it would involve the future of the entire Pang family!

But at this moment!

"So what is the anger?"

Jiang Fan snorted and grabbed the phone directly!

"Xining, this is Jiang Fan, where are you now?"

"Mr. Jiang, I'm at Qinghe Bookstore on Wenhua Road..."

"Okay, wait!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!



Pang Shiyong immediately took a few powerful figures in the family and left the Pang family with Jiang Fan!

Soon, a group of people had arrived at Qinghe Bookstore.

I saw that two cars belonging to the Pang family had been smashed and transformed, and a young man covered in blood was squatting on the side of the road and smoking a cigarette!

This person is Pang Xining!

Seeing Jiang Fan and others arrived, Pang Xining hurriedly greeted him!

"Sorry Mr. Jiang! I..."

"Don't talk nonsense! What is going on?"

Jiang Fan hadn't spoken yet, Pang Shiyong had already roared directly!

"Just now we found a lot of things according to Mr. Jiang's instructions, but Cao Wenbin happened to pass by when we were about to leave!"

"We didn't want to be troublesome, but Cao Wenbin wanted to **** those things. I begged a very important person to ask for these things, but all of them were useless. Instead, they were beaten by Cao Wenbin!"

"Xicheng was so angry that he was the first to take the shot, but was severely injured by Cao Chi's under Cao Wenbin..."

"Damn! The Cao family!"

Pang Shiyong gritted his teeth!

And Pang Xining had already looked at Jiang Fan cautiously.

"Mr. Jiang..."

"It's okay, what about Xicheng and them?"

Jiang Fan first took a look at Pang Xining's injury, and saw that it was just a skin injury, and then asked.

"Sent to the hospital."

"Okay, do you know where Cao Wenbin went?"

"The fat man just finished drinking, he must have gone to the Lido for a bath now!"

"Lead the way!"

Jiang Fan spoke softly.

"Huh? Mr. Jiang, you, are you going to find him?"

Pang Xining was taken aback!

"Of course! If you robbed me and beat me, of course I will look for him!"

Jiang Fan sneered coldly.

The group of Pang family lifted their spirits!

Jiang Fan's words undoubtedly show that he has completely agreed with the Pang family!

But the more this is the case, the more sensible the Pang family must be!

Listening to what Jiang Fan said before, it was obvious that he had a plan for the Cao family. If he shot Cao Wenbin now, it would be bad for the evening.

So Pang Shiyong hurriedly spoke.

"Mr. Jiang, that Cao Wenbin belongs to the Cao family..."

It's a pity that Jiang Fan shook his head before he finished speaking.

"I don't need to know who he is! Those who dare to move me are useless by the four great families!"

Everyone was shocked!

Pang Xining's eyes brightened!

Since the Pang family has been in the faint city, even the little forces with big farts dare to be presumptuous to them!

And now as soon as Jiang Fan appeared, he actually had to use Cao Wenbin, the youngest of the Cao family, the first family of the Faint City, to perform operations. It was absolutely domineering!

"Mr. Jiang, I will show you the way!"

Pang Xining looked excited!

And at this moment, in the Metropolitan City!

Cao Wenbin, who was covered in fat, had already taken off his clothes and soaked directly into a ten-meter-diameter circular hot pool made of marble!


As soon as he got out of the water, Cao Wenbin sighed comfortably!

His height is only one meter six, but his weight exceeds two hundred catties!

So, his action is slightly difficult, the thing he likes to do most is to take a bath!

As soon as Cao Wenbin entered the water, two slim and beautiful women immediately began to massage him with interest!

"Haha, comfortable!"

Cao Wenbin laughed and beckoned!

Suddenly, a burly man who stood behind him like a statue immediately walked to his side!

This person's name is Cao Chi, he is Cao Wenbin's bodyguard and one of the masters in the Cao family!

Full 13 levels!

"Master, what's your order?"

Cao Chi muffled his mouth.

"Didn't the car that robbed Pang Xining just now? Show it to me!"


Cao Chi nodded and looked directly at the men at the door!

One of them quickly walked out, and after a while, pushed in a simple cart and walked in!

And on the board, there are all comics, CDs, handhelds, and even an arcade about the King of Fighters 96!

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