God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1417: Too talented for funny

This old man has a rich body, although his hair is gray, but his face is white and fat, and he is not old. Facing a group of guests, he smiles with kind eyebrows and kind eyes!

This person is the Patriarch of the Cao family, Cao Shanqing!

It’s just that everyone knows that this old guy is a well-known smiling tiger in the city. On the surface, he is kind, but in fact he is cruel!

Otherwise, the young man who had just spoken to him, how could his father have just finished the operation and didn't dare to cultivate, so he had to come over to celebrate his birthday?

"Haha, you are interested, Xiao Li, your father just finished the operation, just let him cultivate well, people don't have to come!"

Cao Shanqing smiled!

"Uncle Cao, my father said, forget about other things, but your birthday, let alone just finished the operation, even if you are lying on the operating table, you must come!"

"Hahaha! Good, good! Your Li family is interested, so let's leave the project in the Dongcheng district to your Li family!"

"Thank you Uncle Cao! Thank you Uncle Cao!"

That person was overjoyed!

Others are even more envious!

It's just that if you look carefully, you will find that everyone's eyes have an inexplicable smell!

You must know that in previous years Cao Shanqing had his birthday, Cao Wenbin was inseparable!

And this time...

But everyone was smart and didn't choose to ask questions!


At this moment, Cao Wentong, the second youngest of the Cao family, hurried over.

"Father, the Pang family hasn't arrived yet!"

As soon as Cao Wen spoke out, everyone's expressions changed!

Cao Shanqing has not yet reached his birthday, and it seems that the Pang family really has a backing!

All around Cao Shanqing was quiet for a while!

But Cao Shanqing didn't change his smile!

"What's the hurry? Maybe there's a traffic jam on the road!"

Everyone trembled!

Cao Shanqing's tone is calm, but the cruelty in it can be heard by an individual!

Everyone looked at each other and then spoke almost at the same time!

"Huh! The Pang family is too arrogant! Father Cao dares to show off after his birthday!"

"No, it's just going to die!"

"Don't they know that they can stand still in Faint City without Mr. Cao nodding?"

"It's just a group of people who have settled down, thinking they are the Pang family in Xiangzhou?"

"Father, your word, I will take someone to destroy the Pang family now!"

A group of people opened their mouths to show their loyalty!

Cao Shanqing smiled with satisfaction!

But at this moment!


An Audi A8 was like a violent wind, a beautiful drift, and it stopped directly at the door of Cao's house!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan in a casual suit, holding a gift box and walking out of the car with a smile on his face!

"Who is this person?"

"so hot!"

"Could it be a big star?"

"No, if there is such a handsome star, how could I not know?"

The crowd at the door looked curious!

A few ladies stared at Jiang Fan directly!

And Jiang Fan has already stepped into the courtyard, and put the gift box directly to Mr. Gift Account!

"Pang Jia Keqing, specially came to wish Patriarch Cao a birthday!"


"He is from the Pang family?"

"Pangjia Keqing? Could it be that Cao Wenbin..."

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

The crowd's expressions changed, and they all looked at Cao Shanqing!

It's just that Cao Shanqing's expression is extremely weird. The moment he saw Jiang Fan, he felt relieved!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang can come, my Cao family is brilliant!"

Cao Shanqing actually walked towards Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Hehe, Mr. Cao actually knows what my name is. It seems that he has been prepared!"

Jiang Fan also smiled!

Cao Shanqing's complexion changed slightly, but he spoke immediately.

"Mr. Jiang did a good thing at the Metropolitan Hall in the afternoon, of course I don't know it!"

As soon as Cao Shanqing said these words, all the guests suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

It turns out that this is the person who injured Cao Wenbin in the afternoon!

But Jiang Fan tickled the corner of his mouth!

"Master Cao, do you know who I am because I hurt Cao Wenbin, or because someone has told you, who am I?"

Cao Shanqing's face suddenly changed!

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, Cao Shanqing, everyone is smart, do I have to make it clear?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"You posted to the Pang family earlier this morning, and then asked the person who had an interaction with the Pang family to tell Pang Shiyong that you were going to attack the Pang family at the birthday banquet, but because you wanted the Pang family to find me to faint city. That's it!"

"And Cao Wentong appeared at Pang's house this morning, not because he was afraid that Pang Shiyong would run away, but just to make sure if I came to Faint City!"

"Am I right?"

Everyone looked blank!

I don't know what Jiang Fan is talking about!

But only Cao Shanqing and his son's face changed!

"I, I don't know what you are talking about!"

"I don't know? Hehe, it seems that you really believe in the ally behind you!"

Jiang Fan's face was full of mockery!

"Unexpectedly, even my son is willing to endure such a serious injury, waiting for me to enter this game, Cao Shanqing, you are not afraid that your ally will destroy your Cao family?"

Cao Shanqing trembled!

The smile that always existed on his face was gone!

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan! You know this is a game, but you dare to come! There is a kind!"

With Cao Shanqing's murderous voice sounded, the next moment!

"Swish swish!"

A full five strong men of up to fourteenth levels have suddenly sprang from the courtyard's banquet and surrounded Jiang Fan!

And the strength of one of them even reached the fourteenth peak!

It is the hidden master of the Cao family!

The faces of all the guests have changed!

Unexpectedly, Cao Shanqing's birthday banquet turned into a killing game!

And Cao Shanqing sneered!

"Jiang Fan, to tell you the truth, someone hired our Cao family to deal with you! And the advantage is your foundation in Los Angeles!"


"Los Angeles?"

"Jiang Fan? Wait! Luocheng Jiang Fan?!"

"He is that Jiang Fan!"

"No wonder you are so crazy! I dare to shoot Cao Wenbin!"

"But who exactly hired the Cao family? How could you want to deal with Jiang Fan?"

The crowd was amazed!

And Cao Wentong is a step forward!

"Jiang Fan, you were all right before. That's right, my Cao family is going to deal with you! But what can you do? You are now in my Cao family's game. If you know it, you can catch it, and you can suffer a little bit less pain! "

"Ha ha……"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan actually laughed!

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha!"

Jiang Fan laughed louder and louder, and finally turned into a wild laugh!

The complexion of Cao Shanqing and his son is getting worse and worse!

"Jiang Fan! What's so funny!"

"Sorry, I, I really can't help it, haha, hahaha!"

"Thank you, it's been a long time since I was so happy! Hahahaha!"

"Oh~~ My stomach hurts when I am laughing! I, I really didn't expect that your Cao family is so funny, hahaha, so talented for funny!"

"With these five fourteenth levels, you actually told me that this is a game? You guys, you are afraid that you have any misunderstandings about the layout, right? Hahaha! You laughed at me!"

Jiang Fan laughed out of breath, but Cao's father and son had pale expressions!

However, at this moment, another gloomy laughter suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Fan!

"Hehehe, I want to deal with you with five fourteenth levels alone. It's really funny! But what if we are added?"

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