God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1418: Just to deal with one person

As soon as this voice appeared, Jiang Fan's eyes were full of joy, but suddenly fierce!

In the next moment, he had already turned around and looked behind him!

There was a man who was full of powdery gas and ridiculed in his eyes!

Qiuyuanfeng! !

And with Qiu Yuanfeng's appearance, there are five more men and women with different descriptions behind him!

However, no matter what these people look like, they all have one thing in common!

A powerful and unmatched aura!

These five people are actually half-step masters!

It's just that the mere five and a half-step grandmaster obviously didn't put it in Jiang Fan's eyes!

"It's you!!"

Jiang Fan stared at Qiu Yuanfeng, his eyes boiled with murderous intent for an instant!

In this world, apart from Zhou's family, the person Jiang Fan wants to kill most is the animal in front of him!

If Qiu Yuanfeng hadn't betrayed the Jiang family back then, the Jiang family wouldn't have suffered such a catastrophe!

But Jiang Fan certainly wouldn't let him die too happily, so he tricked Qiu Yuanfeng into swinging his sword from the palace and practicing the evil spirit sword spectrum!

Just when he wanted to kill this beast, he suddenly disappeared!

"Unexpectedly, the person behind this round is actually you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly took a step forward!

"Tsk tsk, terrible look!"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled darkly and took two steps back!

And those five and a half-step masters stood in front of Qiu Yuanfeng with a sneer!

"Qiu Yuanfeng, do you think these five wastes can stop me?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Of course I can't stop it! So, I found another helper!"

Qiu Yuanfeng didn't have a hint of surprise on his face, instead he gave a weird smile!

"Swish swish swish!"

The four winds suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, there are already four more men and women behind Jiang Fan!

At the same time, four extremely terrifying auras suddenly burst from these people, directly and firmly locked Jiang Fan!

That is the breath that only the fourteenth level limit can have!


Jiang Fan looked at Qiu Yuanfeng with surprise!

"It's absolutely impossible for you to find so many masters!"

"It's me, of course not! But with the help of others, that's not necessarily the case!"

With Qiu Yuanfeng speaking, the next moment!

"Jiang Fan! Long time no see!"

Suddenly an extremely happy voice rang from the main house of the Cao family!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked back!

"Zhou Yantang?!"

That person is Zhou Yantang!

And at the moment, beside Zhou Yantang, there are actually two men!

One of them is in his forties, with no white face and no need for his hands on his back!

And the other one seemed to be 70 years old, but the light in his eyes was more radiant than the middle-aged man next to him!

The two of them couldn't feel the slightest energy fluctuations all over, but just standing there made Jiang Fan feel like a cold back!

There is only one possibility that can make Jiang Fan feel such a threat today!

And the fact is exactly the same!

These two people are the masters of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanqi and Zhou Yuanhai!

In an instant, with five and a half step grandmasters, four fourteenth-level limits, and two grandmasters, the killing game has been completely formed!

"Hey hey! Jiang Fan, after observing you so many shots, do you think I will be like others, without a master, I will shot you rashly?"

Qiu Yuanfeng laughed wildly!

And Jiang Fan's expression finally changed this time!

He looked at Qiu Yuanfeng almost incredulously!

"Impossible! If the Zhou family dispatches a grandmaster, it is impossible for me not to get news!"

"Hey, Jiang Fan, do you know why you didn't get the news? Because they are not from the capital, but from another place, a place you have been coveting for a long time!"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled gloomily!

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly his pupils shrank!


"That's right! It's Lingzhou! Hey, Jiang Fan, don't you think that your plan for Lingzhou can't be seen thoroughly, right?"

Qiu Yuanfeng's smile was full of pride!

"You told the Zhou family?"

Jiang Fan's face is ashen!

"That's right! It's me! Besides me, who would know your style so well?"

Qiuyuanfeng laughed!

And a group of guests of Cao's family were completely dumbfounded!

What is the origin of this Jiang Fan?

In order to deal with him, even the Zhou family, one of the four great families, did it!

And so many masters were dispatched!

Such a lineup is simply enough to destroy any first-class family!

And this is just to deal with one person!

Even the Cao family who participated in this incident was dumbfounded!

The Cao family and Qiu family had already cooperated, so when Qiu Yuanfeng approached the Cao family to jointly kill Jiang Fan, the two immediately hit it off!

However, the Cao family did not expect that in this round, the Zhou family would actually participate!

People who can make the Zhou family not hesitate to lay out, this is not something that a Cao family can participate in!

It's okay if Jiang Fan is dead, if he doesn't die, then the entire Cao family must disappear!

But now it seems that no matter who this Jiang Fan is, even if he has three heads and six arms, he is destined to die here!

And if you can build a relationship with the Zhou family...

When he thought of this, Cao Shanqing only felt that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot!

But at this moment, he is obviously just a little guy!

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, this lineup should be enough to kill you, right?"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled darkly!

Jiang Fan is silent!

for a long time!

"Why would you think of making a game at this time?"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked towards Qiu Yuanfeng coldly!

"Oh? It seems you thought about it?"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled triumphantly and suddenly clapped his hands!

next moment!

With the sound of dull footsteps, a man suddenly walked out!

When he saw this person, Jiang Fan sighed in disappointment!

This person, he is so familiar!

Bao Dabao!

Sure enough, he still betrayed himself!

"Fan, Brother Fan..."

At first sight of Jiang Fan, Bao Dabao visibly trembled!

Especially seeing Jiang Fan's eyes full of disappointment, his heart is full of unspeakable guilt and struggle!

And this guilt and struggle suddenly turned into contempt and contempt for oneself!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan, his Bao family would have been annexed by the Pang family!

It will not become the first family in Xiangzhou!

However, the Bao family regarded Jiang Fan as a thug and a **** for use. It would even take a long time for Jiang Fan to ask for a cart of ore, and even more ungratefully, he wanted to take back all the benefits he had promised to Jiang Fan!

It wasn't until Miemen's misfortune struck that Jiang Fan was remembered again!

Regarding the betrayal of the Bao family, Jiang Fan not only did not anger Bao Dabao, but instead gave him the entire Xiangzhou to take care of!

As a result, he betrayed Jiang Fan now!

"Dabao, why are you betraying me?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.


Bao Dabao trembled, and his inner self-contempt became stronger and stronger!

In the face of this kind of conscience, some people will deeply confess, but there is another kind of people who, in order to justify themselves, will transfer all this guilt to others!

At this intersection of fate, Bao Dabao once again chose the latter!

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