"Crazy, crazy..."

Zhou Yuanwang seemed to be demented!

Jiang Fan is really crazy!

Actually want him to go to war with the Song family!

Too ruthless!

He wanted to make the Zhou family irresistible!

But if you disagree, without those inventory materials, at most one week, Zhou's business will inevitably face a devastating blow!

Zhou Yuanwang trembled all over, only that the whole heart was held in Jiang Fan's hands!

"Huh! Dignified Zhou Family Patriarch, see what you are like now!"

At this moment, a low drink suddenly sounded!

It was Zhou Yuanhe who was speaking with a look of contempt!

"Zhou Yuanwang, please stand up! When I kill Jiang Fan, all problems will be solved naturally!"

Zhou Yuanhe smiled proudly!


"No, you can't kill!"

Zhou Yuanwang stood up suddenly, with a look of panic!

"Yuanhe, think about it carefully. Since Jiang Fan holds all those things in his hands, he will definitely consider that our Zhou family will not let go! That kid is cunning like a fox, and he will never wait for us to kill the door and be indifferent! He is sure! Already prepared! If we fail to assassinate, and he destroys the inventory in a rage, our Zhou family will really be over!"

Zhou Yuanwang's mind is still sober, he finally knows that things are not that simple!

Only Zhou Yuanhe smiled coldly!

"What are you afraid of? The current Jiang family is only supported by Jiang Fan. Once he dies, there will be no heads of dragons! I don't believe that those people are really willing to bury Jiang Fan! As long as Jiang Fan is dead, the group of his men will survive for their lives. There is no need for my Zhou family to speak, they will take the initiative to offer those materials!"


Zhou Yuanwang hesitated!

Zhou Yuan's remarks were correct, but Jiang Fan turned over several times, 10,000 yuan he missed, causing Nu Jiangfan to ruin the inventory, or Jiang Fan increased the price, by then, I am afraid that it will be even more troublesome!

It's just that Zhou Yuanhe ignored him at all and got in the car directly!

Zhou Yuanwang gritted his teeth and had to keep up!

He can only hope that Zhou Yuanhe will take this shot and kill Jiang Fan in one fell swoop!


At this moment, Jiang Fan, who was bothered by Zhou Yuanwang, was looking into the distance with a smile on his face!

There, there is a fire that almost connects to the sky and illuminates a full range of miles!

This is Zhou's last factory in Lingzhou!

So far, the Zhou family's foundation business in Lingzhou for decades has been completely destroyed!

"The Zhou family...this is just the beginning!"

Looking at the skyrocketing flames in front of him, what reflected in Jiang Fan's eyes was the fire in the Jiang family once!

The fire here is far worse than it was at that time!

"Let's go! Back to Los Angeles!"

Following Jiang Fan's order, Long Yan and others who had gathered around Jiang Fan immediately boarded the spacecraft.

As the spacecraft set off for Los Angeles, Long Yan and the others couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Fan, will the Zhou family really agree to your request and go to war with the Song family?"

"of course not!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Huh? Then, do you still make this request?"

"Don't understand?"


A group of people nodded again and again!

They all looked at Jiang Fan like a curious baby!

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

"It won't take long for you to know!"

Soon, in less than twenty minutes, the spacecraft had landed directly in the courtyard of the Jiangzhai!

When Jiang Fan walked out, Wang Yi greeted him with excitement!

"Congratulations to the master for winning the flag and killing the Quartet! All the Zhou family inventory has been completely disrupted and scattered to all corners of Xiangzhou, Qingjiang, and Wucheng according to the plan. Unless the Zhou family replaces all the forces in these three cities with their own people , Otherwise even if you let them go, just want to find all these things, it will take ten and a half months!"

"Yes! Where's the banquet?"

"The banquet has been arranged, just waiting for you to come back!"

"It's not bad, working overtime until so late, a supper is simply enjoyable!"

Jiang Fan looked satisfied and waved his hand!

"let's go!"


The crowd laughed!

Seeing that he has been around for three times, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang at this moment!

The caller ID turned out to be the owner of the Yu family, Yu Zhengming!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled, vaguely feeling that something big must have happened!


As soon as the call was answered, Yu Zhengming's slightly gloomy voice rang directly!

"Jiang Fan, something happened!"

"I am listening!"

"Okay, let me make a long story short. Two hours ago, Zhou Yuan took a trip to Dangyang Mountain and brought back a person from the mountain!"

"It was also during that time that a subordinate reported to me that Zhou Yuanwang's private plane was ready to take off."

"Obviously, Zhou Yuanwang invited a retreat master from the Zhou family to deal with you!"

"According to the promise I made to you, I immediately sent someone to stop them on the way, but unfortunately, I failed!"

Yu Zhengming said it quickly!

But Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

Yu Jiaji didn't stop it?

"Do you know who that person is?"

"It's... Zhou Yuanhe!"

"It's him?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Zhou Yuanhe is a real master of the Zhou family, at level 17!

Unexpectedly, this old monster ran out in person!

"Jiang Fan, sorry, above Grandmaster, even if I am the Yu Family Patriarch, it will take a lot of time to mobilize, so this time, I can't help you!"

"It's okay, you can tell me this news, I'm already grateful!"

"Don't blame me, Zhou Yuanhe just boarded the plane, and he can get to Los Angeles within four hours at the earliest. You can leave while you still have time!"

"Go? Haha, no, although I am not strong right now, it is not a problem to kill him!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and even touched an item in the backpack in his hand!

"You, what did you say?"

Yu Zhengming was taken aback!

Jiang Fan's tone is brisk, obviously not joking!

It's just that Zhou Yuanhe is a super master at level 17!

It's a real monster that doesn't show up at all!

How could Jiang Fan have such confidence?

and so on!

Could it be that the man came back?

Do not!

If that person does come back...

Yu Zhengming's complexion changed, and Jiang Fan didn't explain much, just smiled.

"Patriarch Yu worked hard, rest early, and when I go to the capital again, I will definitely make sure that I will be completely healed!"

"Okay, I look forward to meeting with Mr. Jiang!"

Both sides hung up the phone, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly sank!

"Zhou Yuan and... Zhou Family, you are really wicked!"

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Jiang Fan's expression was wrong, a group of people suddenly asked.

"It's okay, you eat first, I'll go out!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already returned to his room!

Then suddenly closed his eyes!

After a long time!

"Fine, instead of wasting it, it's better to go straight..."

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared!

Surprisingly, it has entered the system space and completely recovered from the previous injury!

And then!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

"System! Start the third transfer mission!"

Jiang Fan unexpectedly chose the three-revolution mission at this time!

"Ding! The third job transfer mission is open! The current mission requirement-kill Storm Goonitz and obtain the Soul of the Overlord! Is the host sure to enter the mission?"


"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"The King of Fighters 96"!"

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