God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1433: How could he be a bad guy so handsome


The crisp knock on the door sounded directly!

It was just beyond Jiang Fan's expectation, no one answered!

Jiang Fan frowned and opened the door directly!

It's empty inside, no one!

"Your sister..."

Jiang Fan reacted instantly, Kagura Chizuru was extremely strong, if he was really here, how could he not hear it!

"come here!"

Jiang Fan pointed directly at a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes outside the office!

"Don't don't don't don't don't, don't hurt me! I was promoted to section chief yesterday, I don't want to die!"

"How much money is your dog worth! I ask you, where is Kagura Chizuru?"

"This, this, me, I don't know!"

"do not know?"

"Ya Chu! My lord! I, I'm just a worker, and the boss won't report to me wherever he goes!"

The middle-aged man fell to his knees in shock!

"Um... it's true! Give her a call to me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Soon, the middle-aged man took out a long-standing flip phone, then dialed a number and handed it to Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan held this mobile phone, unexpectedly gave birth to a feeling of excitement!

Unexpectedly, you can use this old antique once in your lifetime!

But when it comes to mobile phones, I don’t know how Peter Parker’s mobile phone business is now?

Wait for the Spider-Man World to come back and order again!

Just when Jiang Fan was thinking about it, the phone was already connected!

"Master Yamamoto, what's the matter?"

A cold and unabashed female voice sounded directly!

As soon as he heard this voice, Jiang Fan knew that the other party must be Kagura Chizuru!

"Hello Miss Qianhe, my name is Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan? Chinese people?"


"If I didn't guess wrong, it was you who taught my people just now?"

Kagura Chizuru's voice became colder and colder!

Obviously, she already knew about Jiang Fan's uproar in the Kagura Building!

"It's me! And I'm in your office now!"

"You didn't leave?"

"Go? I'm here to see you, why should I go?"

"Sorry, I have something today, you may not see it anymore!"

"Well, I have limited time, wait for you for ten minutes!"

Jiang Fan didn't care what Kagura was talking about, he just spoke for himself!

"You, didn't you understand? I said you can't see me today!"

Kagura was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a hint of anger in his cold tone!

However, Jiang Fan still talks to himself!

"After ten minutes, I will start from the top floor and destroy this building layer by layer. If you haven't appeared before I destroy the entire building, then I promise, before the seal is lifted, the Yata House will become A history!"

"You, what did you say?!"

Kagura Chizuru suddenly exclaimed!

Big snake!

The other party actually knows the big snake!

And he even knew that Kagura's real name was Yata!

Who is the other party!

It's a pity that she hasn't finished asking, Jiang Fan has already hung up the phone!

At the same time, in a low-key but luxurious black car!

"Damn it!"

A woman suddenly shouted angrily!

This woman is in her twenties, wearing a well-cut skirt, long hair combed into a ponytail, and a face like a jade carved by a master. She is unparalleled in beauty!

But at this moment, she was angry, her perfect face was full of murderous aura!

This woman is Kagura Chizuru!

"Don't go to Kusanaru's house anymore, go back to Kagura Building immediately!"

Kagura Chizuru directly ordered the driver!

The car turned a corner directly on the road and headed straight to the Kagura Building!

"Damn it! Jiang Fan? Who is this guy? How could he know?"

Kagura Chizuru frowned!

Soon, the car came to the downstairs of the building!

At this moment, a group of people in the hall are trying their best to drag the security guard and the old man off the wall!

It's a pity that these two hapless guys were embedded too deep in the front, and a group of people couldn't pull them off after a long time!

Seeing Kagura Chizuru come back, the crowd was overjoyed!

"Miss Qianhe!"

"You are finally back!"

"Just now there came a terrifyingly powerful and ruthless character, and he slapped them to the wall with just one slap!"

"We haven't got them down yet!"


The crowd is babbling!

But Kagura Chizuru's face became more gloomy!

Just look at her figure flashing, she has come to the wall!

And raised his hand to shoot against the wall!


The front wall was shocked, and the next moment, the security guard and the old man bounced directly out of the wall!

After doing all this, Kagura Chizuru kept walking and went straight into the elevator!

She was stunned just when she came to the top floor!

The walls here are full of splashes of blood, and his two family bodyguards and a group of security guards all have their cheeks swollen and they are looking at her pitifully!


Kagura Chizuru's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water!

She didn't even look at a group of subordinates, and walked directly to her office!

It was just that she had just entered the office, but she was so angry that she almost never gave up her breath!

I saw a man sitting on a chair with his back to him, his legs on the desk, his hands crackling and pressing something!

And on the desk, my computer was originally used to look at stocks, and the picture on it at the moment was actually Super Mario!

This man not only injured a group of his subordinates, but now he is still playing Super Mario in his office!


Too bully!

Kagura Chizuru was so angry that he roared suddenly!

"Jiang Fan! You are too presumptuous!"

"Huh? Miss Qianhe is back?"

Jiang Fan dropped the gamepad and then smiled back!


Kagura Chizuru suddenly took a breath!

The whole person was stunned!

Okay, so handsome!

It's more handsome than Kusanakyo and Iori-an tied together and multiplied by Zhou Yunfa!

It turned out that I had been calling myself before, but he was such a handsome guy!

For an instant, Kagura Chizuru was inexplicably more shy!

But she reacted immediately!


Was he too rude just now?

If it affects Jiang Fan's senses, then, what should I do?

As for Jiang Fan's destruction of the Kagura Building, huh!

Kagura is a lot of money!

As long as he is happy, ruin is ruined!

However, about the big snake...

Kagura Chizuru barely took a deep breath and finally calmed down!

And the color behind deliberately sank!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, hello!"

"Hello, Miss Qianhe, I was anxious to see you before, so I was forced to make a move. In fact, I am not hostile. Please believe me!"

Jiang Fan looked sincere!


I knew it!

So handsome, how could he be a bad guy!

Only Lucar's sluggishness is the standard for bad guys!

"No, no, I didn't blame you, it must be that the subordinates are not sensible! It should be a lesson to them!"

Kagura Chizuru hurriedly spoke!

"Miss Qianhe does not blame me. I am here today to tell you a major event that concerns the family of the Three Sacred Artifacts, and even the safety of this world!"

Jiang Fan smiled, solemnly!

Kagura Chizuru was taken aback for a moment, and his expression also became serious.

"Mr. Jiang said, is it a big snake?"

"No! Orochi can't come out yet, what I want to say is one of the eight masterpieces of Orochi, Xipuzhilan, Storm Goenitz!"

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