"Yes! It's me!"

Jiang Fan took a step forward and stared at Gonitz with the same gloomy look!

Then he spoke slowly in a cruel tone that only two people could hear!

"I killed Wei Si and Mai Zhuo!"

"I emptied their blood!"

"It was me who used Kusanaru's tactics to cover people's eyes, and hurt you and them!"

"It's me who does all this! It's just me!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's last sentence fell!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Gonitz suddenly let out an extremely crazy howl, and the corners of his eyes exploded directly!

As if two lines of blood and tears flowed out!

And then!




In the entire venue, there were inexplicable loud sounds like drums!

Everyone was looking for the source of the sound, but in the end, they were surprised to find that it was the sound of Gonitz's heartbeat!

With the constant ringing of Gonitz's heartbeat, many people who had no time to escape from the stadium all fell head-on, covering their hearts with painful faces!

"How can my heart beat so violently!"

"I, I feel my heart is about to split!"

"It hurts! The heart seems to be shattered by something!"

"Help! Help me!"

Everyone bleeds from seven orifices, crawling desperately to get out of here!

And among those fighters, many of the low powers actually trembling all over and covered their hearts!

At this moment, everyone's hearts, as if they were all being pulled by Gonitz, all burst out with the same frequency!

But Gonitz didn't even look at these people, just stared at Jiang Fan!

kill him!

Must kill him!

Kill this bastard!

Gonitz's eyes kept turning blood red, and the whole person continued to exhale thick mists along with the more and more loud heartbeat!

At the same time, his originally straight waist actually chucked down bit by bit, and even his whole body was trembling!

And with the constant trembling, his pores all over his body were exuding a fascinating **** mist!

However, when he saw this weird sight, Jiang Fan showed a relieved expression!


Another hole card of Gonitz appeared!

God blood runaway!

Any existence with the blood of the heavenly gods has a certain chance of going away!

And after the blood ran away, the whole person will become incomparably crazy, and the combat effectiveness will increase in a geometric number!

The Iori Temple in the original plot was precisely because of the runaway, and directly killed Wei Si and Mai Zhuo, who were almost the same in strength as him!

That kind of terrifying combat power can be imagined!

The ghost king of Raksha seemed to feel the horror of Gonitz at the moment, and his cruel expression was suddenly full of fear!

Almost desperately trying to pull out the fist firmly held by Gonitz!

However, Gonitz at this moment is surprisingly powerful!

No matter how hard the Rakshasa Ghost King tried, he couldn't shake a single trace!

And then, the squally wind that had filled the entire stadium stopped!


"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

Gonitz, who trembled to the extreme, suddenly let out a terrible and crazy howl!

Then he grabbed the head of Rakshasa Ghost King!

next moment!


A terrifying storm of blood red and black lightning has completely enveloped the ghost king of Raksha!

Cry in the dark!


The Ghost King of Raksha suddenly let out a terrible scream!

Then the whole body was separated from flesh and blood in this terrifying storm, turning into dust in the sky!

One hit kill!

Gonitz running rampantly, his level of intrepidity, simply surpassed everyone's imagination!

Killing the ghost king of Rakshasa with one move, Gonitz had already turned around and stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, the transformation time of the Ghost Rider, has finally ended!

Just now!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, but suddenly a thread-bound ancient book appeared in his hand!

On that, there are faintly four big characters written in four official scripts-bright minds!

This is exactly the gift Jiang Fan got from Jiang Liuer in Journey to the West!

Bright minded mind: Use this item to improve any skill skills by one level!

Note: Full level skills can also be upgraded!

"System! Upgrading-a great shift in the universe!"

"Ding! The upgrade is complete! Congratulations to the host! The current level of the Great Shift of the Universe has broken the limit!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for moving through the limit! Comprehending the twelve vitality!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for moving through the limit! The skills have changed! The system is being integrated..."

For a moment!

Jiang Fan's body looks like a river is rolling back, and the land is cracked!

A horror to the extreme infurience suddenly sprayed out from every pore of him!

Even the ground under Zhen's feet was trembling!

The top-level seventh-layer cosmic movement has increased Jiang Fan's true qi content by a full five times, but breaking the limit, this time Jiang Fan's true qi has soared tenfold in horror!

Even if you can see through Jiang Fan's body at this moment, you will find that the amount of zhenqi has almost condensed into liquid because it is too large!

However, Jiang Fan didn't think it was enough. With a flick of his right hand, there was already an extra card emitting brilliant golden light in his hand!

Prop Copy Card (Gold Level): Use this item to copy any item that the host has obtained, and does not exceed the gold level! And once the item appears, it will definitely become a gold level!

Looking at this item silently, Jiang Fan finally let out a sigh!

"The last battle..."

"Replication-T virus!"

With a golden light flashing, Jiang Fan's prop copy card has completely disappeared, replaced by a light blue tube, like an injection containing the color of the entire sea!

T Virus (Gold Level): Will you become a superman or a monster? This is the famous tyrant virus! Its beauty can only be known by personal experience!

Remarks: Injecting this virus, you will have various abilities such as automatic healing, recovery from disability, and breakthroughs in combat power within the duration! Don’t try to inject it as a last resort!

System reminder: within ten minutes of injection, be sure to use the antidote! Otherwise, unpredictable consequences will occur!

Jiang Fan actually copied the T virus that was used in the second rotation mission, and that finally caused his genes to collapse!

At the moment when the T virus appeared, Gonitz's hair was suddenly erected, and then he roared, his claws lifted, and he tore towards Jiang Fan!

Even if he has lost his sanity at this moment, he seems to be able to feel the horror of this virus!

But long before he took the shot, Jiang Fan had already held this tube of injection and stuck it firmly into his neck!

For a moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly let out a cry, a howling that is more than ten times more tragic than crying in the dark!


That familiar, heart-piercing pain!

It hurts as if every cell is being torn apart, every gene is collapsing!

The dark and crying peeling and frustrating bones, in the face of this pain that is enough to tear the soul, it seems to be enjoyment!

However, along with this endless pain, there is also a force that broke through the limit, broke free of the shackles, and completely surpassed all constraints!

At the same time, Gonitz finally rushed to Jiang Fan's body, and the terrifying claw attack that was enough to shatter the seventeenth level also smashed Jiang Fan's chest!

However, at the moment when Gonitz's right paw was about to reach Jiang Fan!



Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand, holding his arm tightly!

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