With the blast of Gonitz's third blow, the whole body of the two of them has been enveloped by a dark storm!

That storm is like countless horrible knife wheels combined together, actually cutting Jiang Fan's body continuously!

No matter how powerful the rebirth speed of the T virus is, with the continuous separation of flesh and blood, Jiang Fan's breath cannot be restrained and begins to decline!

However, in the face of such painful torture, Jiang Fan's eyes were unprecedentedly indifferent!

It's as if it wasn't me who was hurt at all!

"Sixth blow...seventh blow...can hold it!"


With Gonitz's last shot, he has firmly clasped Jiang Fan's neck!

Then he saw him suddenly accumulate energy, and then smashed Jiang Fan to the ground fiercely!

The method of the true eighth child, the reality is to first abolish the opponent's limbs through her own powerful force, then use the terrifying storm power to cut, and finally pull out all the vigor in the opponent's body through a fall, and completely obliterate the opponent!

And accompanied by Gonitz's fierce fall!


The earth shook suddenly!

Almost like a volcanic eruption, there was a huge mud wave that almost enveloped the entire gymnasium!

And the stadium, which was overwhelmed, finally came to the end of its life in this last formula!


Countless buildings collapsed with a groan of "creaking"!

For a time, a few kilometers around is like the end!

for a long time!

As the soil fell to the ground, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a terrifying pit on the ground that was more than a few hundred meters in diameter had appeared in front of everyone!

And at the center of the big pit, blood was covered, and Jiang Fan, who was almost half of his body left, was lying there in pain!

As for Gonitz, he was proudly by the pit, looking at Jiang Fan frantically!


"Jiang Fan! The way you look now is really gratifying!"

"Painful? This is the price you deserve for killing my clan!"


However, looking at Gonitz who was laughing wildly, Jiang Fan's mouth turned into a smile!

"Gonitz, didn't you say you wanted to kill me? I'm already like this, why don't you do it yet?"

Gonitz's complexion changed!

Then he sneered directly!

"Huh! The way you are now, it will only be more painful than death!"

"What am I doing now?"

Jiang Fan sneered. The next moment, all the blood in his whole body was trembling, and then he seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, all of them were constantly splitting and rebirth!

In just a few seconds, Jiang Fan's tattered body was actually half healed!

And the breath is increasing even more!


Gonitz's eyes widened suddenly!

Jiang Fan didn't explain much at all, just smiled!

"With this move, you are really out of control, right? You don't want to shoot me, or can't you do it?"


Gonitz's complexion changed drastically, but his feet were motionless!

Jiang Fan is right, he is indeed exhausted!

The move just now actually killed Jiang Fan, but the counter-shock power used as a forbidden move also paralyzed his hands and feet, exhausting all his power!

What's more terrible is that the injuries he had previously caused by Jiang Fan could no longer be suppressed at this moment, and it broke out!

If Jiang Fan is not resolved, he will definitely die!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan's body trembled slightly, just a little trembling!

However, Gonitz seemed to have discovered something and suddenly laughed wildly!

"Jiang Fan, since you know that I have run out of oil, and the same question is given to you, don't you want to kill me too? Why don't you do it?"

Jiang Fan looked stagnant!

If you look carefully at this moment, you will find that the wound on his back has not only stopped healing, but it is also flowing out like clear water!

This is surprisingly the T virus has reached its limit, and it is causing a genetic collapse at this moment!

Gonitz was right, Jiang Fan, too!

In order to fight against the true eight childish girls, Jiang Fan has pushed the effect of the T virus to its limit!

Just now, in order to confuse Goenitz, he desperately squeezed himself!

Now, the backlash has finally begun!

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, Gonitz smiled more and more proudly!

"Jiang Fan, you are very strong, but you are still too tender! You said earlier that my two hole cards are not correct, my hole cards actually have three!"

And as Gonitz spoke, a harsh and harsh roar suddenly sounded in the distance! !

And the place where this sound was heard was actually the location of the previous group of fighters!

However, with Jiang Fan and Gonitz's action, the battle between the two had long stunned the group of people!

It doesn't make sense to wake up one suddenly and make such a terrifying cry!

The point is, along with this cry, there is a terrifying aura that is as high as fifteenth level!


To the two people who are exhausted at this moment, the appearance of a master is absolutely life and death!


As a figure flashed by, a beautiful girl with long blood-colored hair and wearing a shorts and vest appeared at the edge of the big pit!


This person is actually Lianna who also has the blood of the gods of the kingdom of heaven!

Gonitz unexpectedly chose to activate Lianna's blood of the serpent at this time, causing her to run away!

Gonitz was already laughing!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! You are dead!"


And along with Gonitz's wild laugh, Lianna also roared, staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

In the blood-red eyes, apart from killing, there is no other desire!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's oil was exhausted, and his hand was almost completely wiped out. It seemed that he had reached the point of exhaustion!

However, at this moment, he suddenly showed a mocking smile!

"Gonitz, I said that you have two hole cards, so you only have two hole cards! As for Lianna, do you really think that a mere fifteenth level is a hole card? It seems that your requirements for hole cards are really not high. what!"

"You, what did you say?"

Gonitz was taken aback!

Jiang Fan already shook his head.

"I originally planned to save something, and even if I forced you to commit suicide, I didn't expect that you would have to waste something from me! No matter what! Anyway, I still have a chance to get it later!

As Jiang Fan spoke, a small Rubik's Cube engraved with weird pictures and texts appeared in his hand!

This thing is derived from the Transformers world-the source of fire (imitation)!

Fire source (imitation): This is an imitation of the fire source, with a trace of the original energy of the fire source attached to it!

Note: Using this item, you will give life to any machine, and the other party will unconditionally loyal to you!

Tip: In order to prevent you from enslaving the living body, the created object will disappear completely after half an hour after it appears!

It's just that the stadium has become a ruin at this moment, let alone machinery, even if there is no complete piece of metal at all, how can Jiang Fan take out this prop, how to use it?

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