As soon as Yu Zhengming's voice fell, Yu Xiaoze suddenly trembled!

But he immediately looked at Yu Zhengming in an incredible way!

"Father, you, do you know what?"

When he said this, Yu Xiaoze's voice was trembling!

There is a backing behind Jiang Fan, it is indeed very possible!

But Yu Zhengming's tone is too sure!

Even so sure, as if he knew who it was!

Yu Zhengming's eyes changed, and after a long time, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

"These are not what you should know now, even..."

Yu Zhengming's tone suddenly paused before he continued to speak.

"Xiaoze, you four brothers and sisters, your eldest brother is too domineering and wants to ask for martial arts! Your second elder brother is weak and can only be a scholar! As for Fluttershy, who is fascinated by the boy of the Xia family and will be abducted sooner or later. Go! Being a human being, only you are the most like me!"

Yu Xiaoze was stunned, why is his father's words weird?

But before he could react, Yu Zhengming had continued to speak.

"There are some things that should be let you know, I will tell you naturally in the future!"

Yu Xiaoze finally reacted!

At this moment, his father has included him in the ranks of cultivating people!

My father is now in his prime of life, and he actually hinted at cultivating his mind at this time, which is a bit weird early!

However, Yu Xiaoze thought about it, and suddenly his body trembled!

Jiang Fan!

All this is probably just because of the recent relationship between himself and Jiang Fan!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoze only felt even more at a loss!

Could it be that behind Jiang Fan, there is really an existence that even his father is afraid of?

How is this possible?


Yu Xiaoze's confusion is based on Yu Zhengming's decision.

And some people's blankness is entirely because of shock!

Lu family!

Patriarch Lu Changyun looked at the information in front of him with a dull face, and even his ears and eyes were filled with confusion and shock!

And several other powerful figures in the Lu family also have the expressions of seeing a ghost!

The housekeeper Lu Cheng saw everyone in a sluggish state, and finally gave a light cough, reminding him to speak.

"Master, what should I do next?"


Lu Changyun was startled, only then did he react!

No wonder he was so shocked, no matter where you put the news in front of you, it was simply a hurricane!

"Jiang Fan... this kid has developed to this point without saying anything!"

Lu Changyun's face is full of disbelief!

Killing the two masters of the Zhou family destroyed all the Zhou family's foundation in Lingzhou, and also robbed all the materials that the Zhou family had so hard to transport out!

This method is crazy to the extreme!

Even the rest of the wealthy family would not have the guts to do this!

at this time!

"Father! Father!"

With a scream of excitement, Lu Hongyue rushed in with excitement!

"Father! Jiang Fan harmed the Zhou family like this. He is looking for death! Hahahaha! Quick! Let's contact the Zhou family! Let's go and destroy him together! Hahaha!"

Lu Hongyue's laughing teeth are all exposed!

No wonder he was so excited, the last time Jiang Fan came to the capital, he was miserable!

Inexplicably, the Zhou family thought that the Lu family and Jiang Fan were in collusion, and Lu Changyun was almost slapped back to the wall!

If his mother Yan Yuqin hadn't arrived in time, his Lu Hongyue would have been on the wall!

It's just facing the interested Lu Hongyue, but the rest of the people are all looking idiots!

Lu Changyun's face was even more gloomy, dripping water!

"Oh? Dad, why do you all have this expression? I didn't expect my thinking to be so fast, right? Hahaha!"

"Laugh at your uncle!"

Lu Changyun roared, and he went up with a big mouth!


A crisp sound!

Lu Hongyue was stunned, and the laughter was directly returned to his stomach!

"You, you hit me again!"

"Nonsense! You idiot! Since Jiang Fan can kill the two grandmasters of the Zhou family, even though they are only level fifteen grandmasters, they are also grandmasters! Do you want my Lu family grandmaster to die?"

Lu Changyun suddenly roared!

Lu Hongyue was stunned, and then his face was extremely pale for a moment!


Jiang Fan, that monster, that demon!

Since he can kill two masters, of course he can kill more!

"That, then my hatred..."

"Your hatred is a fart! It's nothing more than being tricked by him!"

"Ah? You didn't say that last time!"

Lu Hongyue was aggrieved.


Last time it was because your mother was here!

Had I not been afraid of your mother, I would have beaten you to death!

Lu Changyun sneered and waved directly!

"Go! Go play with your woman!"


Lu Hongyue reluctantly took two steps back.

Lu Changxiao, Lu Changyun's younger brother, finally spoke at this time.

"Brother, Hong Yue is just a playful, still a child, don't scare him... what shall we do next?"

When Lu Changxiao spoke, the others immediately followed.

"Big Brother, the Zhou family's loss of soldiers and soldiers this time is an opportunity!"

"Yes, don't forget, Hong Lei was killed by Zhou Ning!"

"Big Brother! Last time Zhou Ning was frantic and killed the children of our Lu Lin Song Yan family. Although we were compensated, the life of my Lu family can be bought with only a small amount of money!"

"Yes! If you don't take the opportunity to retaliate against them once, it's hard to dispel the hatred of my Lu family!"

A group of people all looked at Lu Changyun with piercing eyes.

Lu Changyun narrowed his eyes and shook his head after a long time!

"No! It's not time yet!"

"Brother! What do you mean?"

"Yes, Patriarch! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"That's right! Once the Zhou family reacts and they are prepared, we probably won't get any benefits!"

A group of real power figures in the Lu family are all anxious!

However, Lu Changyun smiled coldly!

"Do you think that Jiang Fan's revenge against the Zhou family will end?"

Everyone was taken aback!

"Brother, you mean, behind Jiang Fan, are there any means?"

Lu Changwei asked hurriedly!

"Not bad!"

Lu Changyun nodded!

"I said before that Jiang Fan is cruel, and since the Zhou family has destroyed the Jiang family, then Jiang Fan's ultimate goal is definitely to kill the Zhou family!"

"Now, it's just the beginning of Jiang Fan's revenge. If we take action now, don't we help Jiang Fan instead?"

"What does the master of the house mean?"

"Watch the changes! By the way, contact Jiang Fan and ask him how much he would pay if I help him from the Lu family!"

Lu Changyun smiled slightly!


Everyone was stunned!

"Brother! You, are you trying to put the price on Jiang Fan?"

"Big brother, don't be impulsive! Although the Zhou family seems to be miserable, the first one in the capital is not called for nothing!"

"Yes, Patriarch, don't forget, the Zhou family still has the wealth of the Jiang family, and the ancestors of the Zhou family have not yet left the customs!"

"Now bet, if Jiang Fan fails, our Lu family is afraid that we will go to full-scale war with Zhou family!"

Everyone spoke in a hurry!

However, Lu Changyun waved his hand with a smile.

"Of course I won't bet so early, and since I want to bet, of course I can't just place one!"

Everyone's expressions moved!

And Lu Changyun narrowed his eyes!

"By the way, ask the Zhou family if we need our help to deal with Jiang Fan. After all, my Lu family has to avenge Hongyue even after careful calculation! However, it depends on how much the Zhou family can give!"

"That's it! Big brother bet on both sides, no matter who wins by then, we won't lose!"

"As expected of Patriarch! Good calculation!"

Everyone's complexion was shaken!

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