"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the quest "Save Princess Peach"! You can choose and come back anytime!"

Jiang Fan will be a fool if he doesn't leave!

"Kuba, be a good man! Mario, I wish you all happiness!"


"Heroes, wait—"


At the next moment, Jiang Fan has already returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level five!"


In the system space, unexpectedly, a firework was set off!

At the same time, the system space seems to be slightly larger, and at the same time, it is brighter!

Jiang Fan faintly, as if he could still see the distance, there was a faint red shimmer, flashing away!

However, before Jiang Fan paid too much attention, the reward sounded again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 87 causal points!"

87 causal points?

It seems that the historical world has more causal points. The game world, the main gain is experience!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by Mario—Mutated Yellow Mushroom!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Mario's gratitude-Mario Wrench!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Kuba's surrender-the'Kuba' summoning card (one piece)!"

"Ding! Since the host has completed the side mission "Rescue Princess Peach", a special reward of "Pattern"!"

Needless to say, the summoning card, Jiang Fan first looked at the "mutated yellow mushroom"!

Mutated yellow mushrooms: Mutated mushrooms, rich in vitamins and amino acids, are a little expert in supplementing nutrients!

Note: After taking this food, all physical fitness will be doubled instantly! Duration, five minutes!


There is no level restriction on this thing. If you wait until you reach level 100 before you eat it, wouldn't it be invincible in the world?

The Mario Wrench is unremarkable, it looks like a normal wrench!

Mario Wrench: Repair the pipes as if they were flat on the ground! Mario is relying on this ability to help Princess Peach over and over again, cough cough, talk too much! Cherish the boy! The benefits of this thing are beyond your imagination!


Jiang Fan looked at the rewards of the side missions again!

Pata tortoise: a flying little turtle, fighting power, a scum!


That's an egg use!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 5, you won a silver level prize draw! Would you like to draw now?"


The highlight is finally here!

"Ding! The lottery is in progress..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a Silver Synthesizer!"

Silver level, synthesizer?

This thing is similar to a small stove, with a silvery white light radiating from all over it. At first glance, it is not a common product!

Synthesizer (Silver Rank): Throw five bronze items into it, and you will surely synthesize a silver item! The available types are: skills, props, and equipment!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

nice one!

"Ding! System reminder! Since the host has reached level 5 and meets the transfer criteria, the system will be maintained and upgraded for three hours!"


Before Jiang Fan had time to react, he was directly kicked out of the room by the system!

Your sister! Every time! You say hello!

Jiang Fan complained dissatisfied, and strode out of the cafeteria!

It's just that, just coming to the door, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan! Do you still want to run?"

I saw that Yue Jianchao had a gloomy face, staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Run? Only you are qualified to let me run?"

A murderous flash in Yue Jianchao's eyes!

"Boy, you are crazy enough!"

"Today, I won't kill you, I will abandon your hand first, let you know, the price of arrogance!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue saw the tide, turned his palm into claws, and suddenly grabbed Jiang Fan's right arm!

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

Similarly, turn your palms into claws, buckle Yue sees the tide!


The two claws collided, unexpectedly, there was an explosion! At the same time, take a step back!

Yue Jianchao's expression changed, and he looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

Damn it! This kid, how can he be so powerful!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Just now, Super Mario World consumes too much infuriating energy, and consumes 70% of it!

Yue Jianchao gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Fan! After hesitating for a while, finally, did not dare to continue!

Now, there are too many people onlookers. If you lose, you will be ashamed and lost!

Go back and plan again!

"Boy! You are lucky today! Let's fight another day!"

Jiang Fan was thinking about his job change, and was not in the mood to respond to him. Hearing this, he suddenly sneered!

"go away!"


Yue Jianchao glared at Jiang Fan fiercely, turned around and left!

And Jiang Fan absent-mindedly returned to the office!

In Yueyang's home!

"Uncle! Have you killed Jiang Fan?"

Seeing that Yue Jianchao came back, Yue Yang suddenly looked excited!

Yue Jianchao's face is gloomy!

"This kid is really hard to deal with!"

"What? Even you... Then, what should I do?"

You know, Yue Jianchao, but the previous generation of the Yue family, apart from that person, is the strongest master! •

"It's okay, fortunately I brought a'little **** pill'! As long as you absorb this pill, your skill will increase by 20% within three hours, and then you can definitely kill Jiang Fan!

"Little God Pill?"

Yue Yang was stunned!

"This is, our Yue family's baby! Is it too wasteful to use it at this time?"

"Do not!"

Yue Jianchao's eyes vaguely with a trace of worry!

"Jiang Fan is too dangerous! According to the description of the third child, when Jiang Fan competed with him, he never had such a strong strength!"

"In just a few days, he can be equal to me, and let him continue to grow. It will definitely become a major problem for my Yue family!"

Yue Yang hesitated for a moment!

"But, Uncle, Jiang Fan, didn't take the initiative to find trouble with our Yue family..."


Yue Jianchao sneered!

"The reason why he didn't take the initiative to trouble us is because he doesn't have that strength for the time being!"

"Just watching him ambush the third child, you know that this person will be retributed! When he grows up, sooner or later, he will retaliate against our Yue family!"

"So Jiang Fan must die! Moreover, the sooner you die, the better!"

Yue Yang's expression stunned!

"Now, I will take the'Little God Pill'! You protect me, and you will kill Jiang Fan tonight!"


Time, school soon came to the afternoon!

Jiang Fan had just walked out of school, and his mobile phone suddenly rang!

Actually, Qiu Mingyue called!

"Jiang Fan, do you have time?"

Since the last time at Fenghua Hotel, Jiang Fan has spared Yang Qi for himself, Qiu Mingyue has always been hanging in her heart!

Moreover, the reason why Jiang Fan has not been contacted these days is because she is really embarrassed!

I thought Jiang Fan would take the initiative, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to be quiet!

Today, she couldn't help it, and finally, took the initiative to call Jiang Fan!

"Today, there may be no time!"

"Then, what about tomorrow?"

"It's almost tomorrow, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, the company has hired a few new security guards, and I want you to come over and see if it fits!"

Qiu Mingyue had no choice but to make up a reason!

"Okay, I will go tomorrow if I have time!"

The call here just hung up, and the system prompt sounded suddenly!

"Ding! The maintenance is complete! The transfer task-open!"

"Ding! This mission-enter "Predator 1"! Kill the predator! Get the transfer item "Soul of Killing"!

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