God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1489: Founder of Bashu Post

"Something happened?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

And the color behind suddenly sank!

Uncle Zhong did say before that Uncle Zhong's chicken soup seemed to have been blackmailed in Wucheng.

But now Faint City is almost the Faint City of the Jiang Family, just for this little thing, Uncle Zhong will never find himself!

"What happened?"

"Food poisoning!"

Uncle Zhong said in a deep voice.

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes jumped, but a memory suddenly appeared in his mind!

Before leaving for the Bermuda Islands, Murongcui sent himself a marketing account.

The main content of the news was that someone faked Uncle Zhong's chicken soup. As a result, food poisoning occurred and more than 20 people were hospitalized.

Murongcui passed the news to himself because he often endorsed Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup.

At that time, I faintly felt that someone was going to start with Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup, and he deliberately forwarded the news to Bai Xia as a warning.

Later, Bai Xia not only strengthened the management of the following, but also set up a special inspection team, which would randomly appear in various branches for inspection.

But I didn't expect that even if it reached this level, something happened!

"What exactly is going on?"

"The location of the incident was a branch of Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup in Hezhou Pedestrian Street. During lunch today, all of the more than 30 people who drank the soup in the store had severe vomiting and fever. The preliminary judgment was that it was food poisoning! But what was it? It's still investigating!"

"Lunch... just happened?"

"Yes, it's not more than twenty minutes since the incident happened! And the first guest who had an adverse reaction, it took only three minutes from drinking the soup to experiencing discomfort!"

"Heh! The onset is fast enough!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

Normal food poisoning will never happen so quickly, especially if it reaches the level of fever, it will take a few hours at least!

And Uncle Zhong also sneered:

"Master, do you suspect poisoning too?"

"Yes! There is absolutely no problem with the recipe I made, and even if the stores everywhere want to reduce costs and go wrong, but now with the deterrence of the inspection team, they will never go against the wind!"

"You know, once they are discovered, they are likely to face criminal lawsuits. No one will take such a big risk!"

"So, someone must be poisoned!"

Jiang Fan's tone is full of determination!

He tapped his fingers twice before suddenly speaking:

"Where is Bai Xia?"

"He has already set off for Hezhou!"

"What about PR?"

"Preparing copywriting!"

"That's too late!"

Jiang Fan spoke directly:

"Send the takeaway star video I recorded before! Let Guan Ying organize fans to grab the hot search!"

Uncle Zhong was taken aback, and immediately reacted:

"Are you trying to divert your attention?"

"Yes! The traces of this matter are so heavy, it must have been premeditated, at most half an hour later, the opponent's public opinion war will begin! But if you want to be on the hot search, how can it be so easy!"

Jiang Fan sneered, and at the same time he strode out of the villa!

"Uncle Zhong, you immediately let someone investigate Hezhou to see if we have any competitors, and prepare to send me the information of the employees in Hezhou!"

"Yes! Master, are you going to Hezhou yourself?"

"Yes! I must hurry up and find the poisoner!"

Jiang Fan's eyes had a hint of cruelty:

"Tell the public relations group, don't think about how to make an apology copy, and contact the big V naval forces immediately. Once I find the person behind the scenes, I will start drainage!"

Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup is the first company created by Jiang Fan himself, and its role in the future will only increase!

It's even bigger than everyone thought!

So Jiang Fan will never allow Uncle Zhong's chicken soup to appear anything wrong!

Before speaking, he had already summoned the iron-blooded spacecraft, and then waved to Sadako!

"Sadako, go with me!"


Sadako promised and got on the spaceship quickly!

Jiang Fan was about to go up, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"After he is the emperor, his status is honorable!"

"He is the pioneer of righteousness, and the following generations will worship. All three of his brothers are examples!"

"He is the founder of Bashu Post. It is he who makes transportation more convenient!"

"He is based on virtue and governs the world with virtue and righteousness!"

"He is a benevolent and virtuous monarch praised by everyone!"

"But the real him, is he a hypocrite or a real husband?"

This introduction...

Jiang Fan is a little confused!

He thought he knew who it was when he saw the first two sentences, but he was at a loss in the third sentence!

At this moment!

"Ding! Please give Liu Bei a bitter gourd omelette!"

Damn it!

It's Liu Bei!

What the **** is this founder of Bashu Post?

Through the system, Jiang Fan understood what was going on in an instant!

After Liu Bei established the Shuhan regime in Sichuan, because the traffic in Sichuan was relatively backward and there were many mountain roads at the time, he and Zhuge Liang, the prime minister, began to develop the Sichuan post business continuously.

In order to deal with Cao Wei in the north, he first established a military base for the Northern Expedition in the Hanzhong area.

In order to open up the main roads for military losses, four main roads were opened between Hanzhong and Guanzhong. These are the famous Ziwu Road, Tangluo Road, Baoxie Road and Jinniu Road!

In addition, in Hanzhong, an important military pass, Baishui Pass, was set up.

The mountains around Baishuiguan are full of beacon towers.

A series of pavilions and shelters have been set up from Baishuiguan to the national capital of Chengdu 400 miles to ensure the normal operation of the post.

In the Jingzhou area on the border with Soochow Wu, the general Guan Yu also set up a military communication "shoulder" along the river, and the beacon tower reached the front line of Xiangfan from the rear.

The communication tools used along the way are all fast!

It is also because of this speed that there is communication between the Shu Han and the Wei State in the north and the Wu State in the east.

For example, Chen Qun, who was shot by Wei Guoguan to Shang Shupu, once wrote to Zhuge Liang to inquire about Liu Ba, Shangshu of Shuhan. The Shuhan and Wu have more friendly correspondence. Chen Zhen once said this to Wu Guoguan when he was on an envoy to Wu.

Even Zhuge Liang and his elder brother Zhuge Jin and general Lu Xun in Soochow often had correspondence in correspondence!

Knowing the cause and effect, Jiang Fan was immediately trapped!

Especially the Three Kingdoms still have this operation!

The point is that these pen pals can actually be tight-lipped, only talking about feelings, not about intelligence!

No wonder the Three Kingdoms pushed the word "loyalty and righteousness" to the peak. This kind of trust between monarchs and ministers is not comparable to other times!

But it’s strange that Liu Bei should know his relationship with Cao Cao, so why did he come to order?

The point is that even the takeaway he asked for is the same as the one he gave to Cao Cao last time!

do not care!

The order matters, let you go!

Coming to the kitchen in a hurry, Jiang Fan did it himself!

Soon, a hot bitter gourd omelette was completed!

Taking this takeaway, Jiang Fan shouted directly!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! It is about to enter-200 AD!"

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