God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1561: A letter and a gift

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Not far from the tea table, a landline full of retro style suddenly sounded!

Song Hexuan frowned slightly, but just bowed his head to drink tea, completely ignored!

However, Song Yi, a middle-aged man who looked like his shadow, had already walked over quickly and answered the phone with one hand.


"Song Yi? Where's his father?"

Song Ming He's panic voice suddenly sounded!

"The old man is drinking tea!"

"Quick! Let father answer the phone!"

"You should know that the old man hates being interrupted the most when he drinks tea. Just tell me what you want!"

"Tell you there is a fart! The people who went to kill Jiang Fan are all dead!!"


Song Yi was taken aback!

Then suddenly looked at Song Hexuan!

"Master! Something happened!"

"Huh! That trash, what big things can he do!"

Song Hexuan frowned!

And Song Yi took a deep breath, then said:

"Minghe said, all the people who went to kill Jiang Fan this time are dead!"

Song Hexuan shook his right hand, and the tea cup in his hand fell directly to the ground, breaking it to pieces!

However, he didn't care about this valuable cup at all, and when he moved his figure, he went to the table!

Then he pushed Song Yi away and grabbed the phone directly!

"What did you just say? The people who went to kill Jiang Fan are all dead?"

"Yes! Father, all are dead!"

Song Minghe's voice is trembling!

"Father, not only are everyone dead, Yueyue was kidnapped by Jiang Fan!"

"Idiot! What is that little **** Song Yue! He Yang and Ming Chi are 16th-level masters! How could they die!"

"I, I don't know..."

"That's not going to check!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Wait! How did you know they were dead?"

Song Hexuan asked suddenly!

"Yes, I called Yueyue. As a result, it was Jiang Fan who answered the phone. He told me personally..."


Hearing Song Minghe's words, the shocked expression on Song Hexuan's face disappeared. Instead, he said coldly:

"What else did he say?"

"He said, give us two choices, or give him the body of the assassination planner..."

"Huh! This little beast! What a big tone!"

Song Hexuan sneered directly with anger!

"What if you don't pay it?"

"He said, if he doesn't agree, then he and our Song family will never die!"


Song Hexuan directly smashed the phone!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

"You little beast!"

"Dare to be so rampant!"

Song Hexuan trembled with anger, and his face was extremely gloomy!


Song Yi on one side had never seen Song Hexuan make such a big fire!

Immediately he opened his mouth cautiously:

"Father, this is just one side of Jiang Fan!"

"Uncle Heyang and Mingchi are all sixteenth-level masters after all, plus the two from the George family, they are four sixteenth-level!"

"On Jiang Fan's side, he doesn't even have half a master!"

"Even if Jiang Fan has the ability to reach the sky, it is absolutely impossible to come back!"

"Could it be Jiang Fan who was deceiving?"

Song Hexuan nodded!

"That's right, Jiang Fan! Humph! This little beast, if he really has such an ability, would he still use it till now?"

In fact, he didn't believe Song Minghe's words just now!

According to his thoughts, Song Minghe was mostly fooled by Jiang Fan!

He is angry because Song Minghe is too unworthy!

It is Jiang Fan, too rampant!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have made such a big fire just now!

But Song Hexuan hadn't finished speaking, just at this moment!


A servant suddenly walked in with a big box!

And on the big box, there is a letter!

"Master, this is the courier I just sent, and it's named for you to open it in person!"


Song Hexuan frowned!

And Song Yi stepped forward quickly and picked up the letter!

But just a quick look, his expression suddenly changed!

Handed the letter directly to Song Hexuan!

Song Hexuan took it, and saw a few lines of scribbles written on it!

"Song Patriarch Hexuan proclaimed:

See the younger Jiang Fan! "

These two sentences are really full of respect!

Song Hexuan suddenly smiled proudly!

I guessed right, Jiang Fan, this kid must have run away with tricks!

Now, I deliberately prepare gifts for myself, just to survive!


How can it be so easy!

He continued to look down, but the more he looked, the more he looked!

"The polite remarks are over, let's get to the topic!

Old Song! You are a bit inhuman!

Song Minghe's dog head, no matter how great he is, he can't mobilize the master!

I heard that you old dog returned to the capital. You must have done this **** thing, eight achievements!

Haha, good, I thought I would join forces with the George family, but Song Minghe was just a fool!

Unexpectedly, you old dog would actually come in too!

Since you gave me such a big gift, then I will give you half a gift in return!

Whatever you want to do in the future, make more use of your Song family's dog brain! "

"Jiang Fan!!!"

After reading this letter, Song Hexuan became furious!

Even the teeth are crunching!

How many years have it been!

No one has ever dared to be so presumptuous to him!

After crushing the letter, Song Hexuan was already staring at the box!

At this moment, Song Yi had already put his hand on the box!

Immediately afterwards, his expression suddenly changed!

Opened the box!

next moment!


The servant screamed, his hands shook, and the box fell directly to the ground!

At the same time, a few chubby things in the box sprinkled all over the floor!

One of them even rolled to Song Hexuan's feet!

Upon seeing this thing, Song Hexuan only felt cold in his hands and feet!

I saw that it was a human head!

If it's just the head falling down!

Song Hexuan has never seen any storms in his life!

But, by the way, he knows this head!

This turned out to be Song Heyang's head!

Moreover, this person's head is not squinting, and his eyes are staring at Song Hexuan!

Song Hexuan's body was trembling, and even the palms of his hands were covered with fine beads of sweat!


Really dead?

This, how is this possible!


This is a sixteenth-level grandmaster!

The entire China, even in ten years, will not necessarily die!

But now, right in front of my own eyes, it is the head of four masters!

Jiang Fan didn't lie!

He actually killed all these four people!

"This, this monster..."

Song Hexuan's face was dull, and in his eyes, there was a look of fear that he hadn't seen in many years!

"Old man..."

Seeing the heads of this place, Song Yi was also stupid!

The corners of the eyes kept twitching!

In the Song family, it is no exaggeration to say that Song Yi's concentration is definitely one of the few!

This is not only because he has been with Song Hexuan for half his life, and has been used to wind and waves!

It is even more because he himself is a seventeenth-level master!

However, at this moment, he only felt a chill, rushing directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead!

Jiang Fan!

This kid, where does such a strong strength come from?

Where is such a ruthless confidence?

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