All parents, unbelievable, looked at the humanoid children beaten by themselves!

"Son! This, this is really, you got it out of the exam?"

Lu Wei looked at Lu He in shock!


Lu He touched his head swollen into a pig's head, with tears in his eyes, grievingly agreed!


Lu Weiben suddenly looked up at the sky!

Old tears!

"God's eyes are open! My son, finally passed!!"

With this long roar from Lu Weiben, the entire third squad exploded again!

"Hong Lei! Fifty-eight points! Fifty-eight points! Guangzong Yaozu!"

"My ancestors! Feng Jin has finally made progress!"

"Qian Yan! Oh, it's worth noting that Dad has been doing charity before! Finally there is a return! Dad will continue! Donate 100 schools to the mountain area!"

"Su He, mom wants to give you a reward! Sports car! Bag! I will give you whatever you want!"


The entire third class instantly became a paradise of tears!

A group of old parents burst into tears and wept with joy!

The crying tears and nose all rubbed the bear children!

The students and teachers passing by Class 3 were all dumbfounded!

Teacher Jiang, why is this not human?

Why didn't even the parents of students let it go?

Too cruel!

Stay away!

A group of parents are too excited!

Even Liang Kai's father cried out!

It took a full half an hour before the atmosphere finally eased down!

However, the eyes of every parent when they look at their children are still full of love!

Then, all the parents looked at each other and suddenly they all stood up!

Then, everyone, with eyes full of gratitude, respectfully bowed to Jiang Fan!

"Ms. Jiang! Thank you!"

This voice cannot be said to be loud, but that kind of heartfelt gratitude and respect made Jiang Fan feel like everything is worth it!

That is the joy of paying back!

That is the pride of guiding students to success!

That's even more of my pride as a part-time teacher!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and replied with the same seriousness!

"You're welcome, as a takeaway, ahem, a part-time teacher, this is just my job!"

"This time, the third class can improve, in fact, the relationship with me..."

Jiang Fan smiled modestly:

"It's really big!"


A group of bear children all slandered in their hearts!

This **** really doesn't know what humility means!

"However, these little bunnies in Class 3-bunnies!"

Jiang Fan almost didn't stop the car, and almost called out the little brat!

"Ahem, they also made an unprecedented effort!"

"In the past few months, our three classes have worked together to achieve such good results!"

"Next, we need the cooperation of all parents to make the results of Class 3 go further!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, a group of parents suddenly nodded their heads!

"Teacher Jiang rest assured! No matter what you need, we will all cooperate unconditionally!"

"Yes! As long as my child's academic performance can go up, you can educate it at will!"

"Yes! As long as you are not disabled for life, you will die!"

"It's all because we usually treat our children too much. Originally, we thought these children were incurable, but we didn't expect Teacher Jiang to rejuvenate me!"

"Teacher Jiang, please give your orders at will in the future!"

A group of bear children turned blue!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction!

"Okay, let me talk about it now!"

"The grades of this group of children can't stay the same!"

"There are bound to be ups and downs!"

"But regardless of the rise and fall, I hope that all parents can maintain a calm mind!"

"Don't interfere too much with them!"

A group of people nodded repeatedly!

Can't help but look forward to Jiang Fan's words!


"That's all, well, the meeting is over!"

As Jiang Fan said, he waved his hand directly!

The crowd is stunned!

"Ms. Jiang, this, is this over?"

The crowd is full of unbelievable faces!

"Yeah! Otherwise?"

"The so-called care is chaos, no matter how much I talk about it, when you face your child preaching, I am afraid you may not remember it!"

"So why waste time?"

"As you usually do, after you go back, the same will be fine!"

The crowd looked dull!

This is simply the simplest parent conference they have ever held!

Unfortunately, it is such a simple parent meeting, but it makes them feel unforgettable forever!

A group of parents hesitated, and finally all stood up!

But at this moment!

"Ms. Jiang!"

He Duoduo's father, He Yaozu suddenly took a few steps and came to Jiang Fan!

Then, he handed out a bank card directly!

"Teacher Jiang, there is 80 million in it. Thank you for the previous thing!"

When He Yaozu's company went bankrupt, He Duoduo had no choice but to quit school.

What's more, the creditor Wang An came to the door and asked him to use He Duoduo to pay off the debt!

At that time, if Jiang Fan happened to come over for a home visit, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The point is that Jiang Fan not only saved their family, but also gave him 50 million, which helped him get through his urgent need!

Later, without knowing what luck he had, he actually received a huge business!

Not only completely turned over, but also the value skyrocketed!

Although He Yaozu didn't know what was going on, he could faintly feel it. This must be inseparable from Jiang Fan!

Therefore, he would be so grateful to Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan was just startled, and then waved his hand!

"Just give me the fifty million, I don't want to get any more points!"

"But Teacher Jiang, if it weren't for you..."

"Mr. He, Duo Duo is my student, remember, I helped her!"

"I see! The fifty million, I will send it to you tomorrow!"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And the other parents are dumbfounded!

Lu Wei looked at Lu He with a blind face!

"Son, give, give gifts to your teacher, have you all started with this number?"

"Why! Jiang Fan, this **** never accepts anything!"

Lu He snorted coldly!

"It was He Duoduo's father that the company went bankrupt at the time. Jiang Fan, this bastard, did not know where he stole 50 million yuan, and he helped He Duoduo his dad!"

"Huh! Jiang Fan is a good guy on the surface, but in fact, he is full of bad water and beastly heart! He must have another intention!"

Lu Hexu talks about it!

But before he finished speaking, Lu Wei's backhand made a big backhand and a big mouth was drawn to his face!

Lu He was beaten with a dumbfounded look!

"Dad, you, why are you hitting me?"

"Hit you? What am I going to kill you!"

Lu Wei yelled, took off his shoes directly, and smashed his head and face at Lu He was a violent beating!

"Little bastard! How dare you be so disrespectful to your teacher!"

"Teacher Jiang took action out of justice, what a noble character this is!"

"And just by seeing how he can improve your grades so much, you know how brilliant his teaching methods are!"

"This kind of character, this kind of method, is simply a saint!"

"You **** who deceives the master and destroys the ancestor, I have to teach you how to be a man today!"

"Papa Papa!"

"Damn! Help!!"

Lu He's miserable howling resounded through the sky in an instant!

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