Seeing Burke convulsed all over and remained motionless for the last time, everyone thought it would be forgotten!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan was facing him and kicked out!


Burke's two calves twisted abruptly!

Jiang Fan actually broke Burke's leg!

The crowd is dumbfounded again!

It's too cruel!

This is breaking Burke's back road!

Can only be here, waiting for death in despair!

at the same time!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side task-stop it!"

"Reward settlement..."

"Ding! This takeaway mission has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return automatically or return automatically after the time ends!"

Only thirty minutes left!

But enough time!

Because Fugui had fixed his eyes on a corridor in the distance, and barked a few small teeth!

The eyes are full of greed!

And Jiang Fan also felt a powerful aura that was far beyond normal and alien!

The Alien Empress is definitely there!

Jiang Fan strode forward!

A group of people hurried to keep up!

And just as Jiang Fan stepped into the corridor!



Countless roars sounded one after another!

Immediately afterwards, crowds of aliens suddenly rushed out from the depths of the corridor!

It looks like it has smashed an ant's nest!

"Oumai Karma!"

"so much!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was stunned!

But Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

The Shuiyu Zimu Sword has appeared again!

next moment!


When Jiang Fan moved, he didn't activate the swordsmanship. Instead, he faced the group of aliens that looked like gravel and directly started a countercharge!

Everyone just felt that there was a flower in front of them, Jiang Fan had already rushed to the end of the corridor like a flash of light!

next moment!

"Plop! Plop! Plop!..."

Countless aliens all fell to the ground!

And on the forehead of each of them, there was a sword mark that was no more than an inch long, but straight through the brain!

Jiang Fan actually beheaded all these countless aliens in an instant!

Everyone was horrified!

Is this kind of speed really the level that manpower can achieve?

Inexplicably, an ancient vocabulary appeared in everyone's minds instantly!



Jiang Fan's sword flicked, and he had already seen the scene at the end of this corridor!

I saw it was extremely empty here, and a huge, pitch-black body, a piece of bone armor extending from its head, like an alien with a crown, was lying here quietly!

This is the Alien Empress!

And behind the mother emperor, there is a long transparent pipe filled with inexplicable liquid!

And with the squirming of the pipe, soon, an alien pupa was ejected!

This mother emperor is still in production now!

But as soon as she saw Jiang Fan, the mother emperor trembled!

Then he climbed up abruptly, aiming at Jiang Fan's direction stubbornly!

Feeling the breath of Jiang Fan just now, she has dispatched all the aliens!

But I didn't expect that, let alone killing this human being, he would not even be able to stop him a little bit!

Instead, they were all slaughtered!

This damned human actually slaughtered all his children!

Must kill him!

Thinking of this, the mother emperor had already roared abruptly, she tore the pipe behind her directly, and was about to pounce on Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan sneered!

Suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the mother emperor:


For a moment!

The terrifying infuriating energy instantly covered the entire space!

Just like the pressure of deep sea water that is invisible to the naked eye, the mother emperor is firmly set in place!

And the next moment, the riches and honours have already rushed out to the mother emperor!

While still in the air, the dog's entire body began to grow bigger and longer!

By the time it fell on the mother emperor, the wealth had already turned into a weird, silver-white body with hideous claws!


Fugui's body leaned back slightly, and immediately afterwards, he slammed into the mother emperor's chest!


The mother emperor’s extremely hard armor, like a piece of paper, was suddenly pierced by wealth!

Immediately afterwards, he went straight down this terrifying wound and drilled directly into the mother emperor's body!


The mother emperor suddenly let out a loud roar!

Immediately afterwards, its body trembled unstoppably!

From its mouth, it began to spew out horrible and corrosive blood!

This mother emperor never dreamed that one day she would be abnormally broken and die!

Soon, the vitality of the mother emperor has completely disappeared!

At the same time!


The mother emperor's carapace suddenly exploded!

Immediately afterwards, riches and honours have suddenly rushed out!

But as soon as he appeared, he suddenly curled up!

In the next moment, countless silver threads sprang from his body, and soon wrapped him into a ball!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your pet's wealth has begun to evolve because it has completed its genetic defect!"


Jiang Fan directly received the wealth and honor into the system space!

At this moment, Ripley and the others had courageously walked over!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the sight in front of them!

It was the first time they saw the appearance of the Alien Empress!

But before these people exclaimed, Jiang Fan spoke directly:

"This planet can't be kept, I still have some time, you guys hurry up to arrange, we blow up this planet!"


"But these monsters have been cleaned up!"

"Yes! Even if there are some eggs, just burn them!"

"This is a planet after all!"

The crowd was taken aback!

But Ripley nodded!

In her heart, the fear of aliens has penetrated into her bones!

The key is that Jiang Fan must be right!

"Jiang Fan! I'll help you!"

Seeing Ripley's words, she was very motivated, and wanted to roll the sheets with her for a lifetime to give birth to a group of little monkeys. Hicks immediately voted for her!

Two people spoke, and the others didn't hesitate and started to arrange them one after another!

Soon, a remote control was handed over to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, we have planted a nuclear fusion bomb here!"

"The explosion of the bomb will trigger the planet's underground energy field and have a chain reaction!"

"At that time, the entire planet will turn into fly ash!"

"But now the bishop is still controlling the spacecraft to land, at least thirty minutes later before it can detonate!"

Hicks said, pointing directly at the distance, a biochemical man sitting on the console pointed.

In the original plot, if there is no biochemical person called the bishop, then Ripley and others will not survive at all!

But Jiang Fan only has less than five minutes left at this moment, how can there be this time!

He made a sudden move with his right hand!


The iron-blooded spaceship has suddenly appeared!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan had directly evoked a storm and threw everyone in!

Before the crowd could react, Jiang Fan directly launched the spacecraft!


In an instant, the iron-blooded spacecraft suddenly soared into the sky!

And Jiang Fan, already full of excitement, pressed the remote control!

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