God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1580: Chief Guest Professor Curtis

There was no blood on the arm, and even a few corpses grew!

The nails on the fingers are even more black and miserable!

At this moment, that hand was slowly grabbing towards the back of Qin Lebang's neck!

At the same time, a large amount of hair suddenly spilled out of Hojo Koji's hat!

"Old Qin!! Hojo!!"

Professor Zhong screamed suddenly!

Qin Lebang and the two were about to look back, but at this moment!

The speed of that hand suddenly increased, and it grabbed Qin Lebang's neck!

And Hojo Koji's neck was also firmly entangled by the sudden appearance of long hair!

At the same time, Professor Zhong only felt cold all over, a voice full of spite, suddenly rang in his ears!

"Hee hee hee……"

"Go to hell..."

"Die with me!"

Professor Zhong's hands and feet were cold for a moment!

The whole body seems to be frozen!

Seeing that the three are about to die!

But at this moment!


A male voice full of masculine power resembling thunder suddenly sounded!

next moment!


Several terrible screams suddenly sounded from the vicinity of Professor Zhong!

Immediately afterwards, three twisted black shadows sprang up from the three of them, and fled to the depths of the sea of ​​trees!

It's a pity that they just rushed out halfway, and the whole body suddenly exploded into a cloud of black smoke!

Professor Zhong's three people were stunned!

At the same time look in the direction of the sound!

I saw a handsome man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, standing under a cedar tree, looking at himself with a smile!

Damn it!

Why is this kid so handsome?

The three of them were taken aback at the same time!

Immediately afterwards, Professor Zhong suddenly widened his eyes!

"You! It's you! The one from Gaoli who photographed "The Fragmented Scroll of Mu Tianzi"!"

"Huh? Professor Zhong still remembers me?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"Well, you, you are so handsome, it's hard to forget..."

Professor Zhong smiled awkwardly!

And hearing Professor Zhong's words, Qin Lebang and Hojo Temple were overjoyed!

"Old Zhong! Do you know this guy?"

"Great! Boy, did you drive away those ghosts just now?"

"Thank you so much! Are you a Taoist priest?"

"It's amazing! It's a dead end!"

Several people are grateful!

"It's not enough to raise your finger!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

It was Curtis who wanted to show off just now, but Jiang Fan just threw it aside!

As for Curtis's small body, which is indistinguishable from the skeleton, don't make Professor Zhong and the others okay, but he was frightened by him!

"Young man, can you help and take us out?"

Professor Zhong was terrified, let alone find any ruins now, they just want to get out of here quickly!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan nodded.

But he immediately hesitated:

"But when we came this time, we were also entrusted by others. If we want to find a relic, how about you should stay with us, wait until we find a place, and then leave together?"

As Jiang Fan spoke, Curtis and others also came out one after another!

But when he heard Jiang Fan's words, everyone was taken aback!

Looking for relics? Didn't they just come to Professor Zhong?

Which one is Jiang Fan playing here?

And Professor Zhong has already spoken:

"You are also looking for relics?"

"Yes it is!"

Before anyone else could speak, Jiang Fan nodded, then pointed at Curtis:

"This is our employer, Professor Curtis!"


Curtis looked blank!

And Jiang Fan has already introduced it seriously!

"This Professor Curtis is the chief visiting professor of the British Museum. He is famous in Europe! This time I was looking for some Suruga country relics, so I hired me as a bodyguard!"

Curtis looked dumbfounded!

But he reacted immediately!

Just now, I heard these old men talking about the Suruga country ruins from a long time ago. The owner wants to see if I can find it, so I can make a profit!

After all, it is not Jiang Fan's character to come out and not make any extra money!

Professor Zhong was fooled by Jiang Fan!

Although Curtis looks a bit wretched, but as the saying goes, people are not to be seen!

In line with the unique polite spirit of Huaxia, the two nodded to Curtis:

"Professor Curtis, look up for a long time!"

And Hojo Temple also bowed slightly:

"Professor Curtis, private Marseille!"

Now that Curtis knew what Jiang Fan meant, he immediately entered the role!

He has been on the waist, and his temperament has changed suddenly!

It is full of the elegant taste of a learned man!

"Hehe, how many are you guys, it seems that some of them are also academic?"

"Oh, my name is Zhong Zhicheng, these two are my friends, Qin Lebang, Hojo High Temple! We are both..."

Before Professor Zhong had finished speaking, Curtiston took a step forward, grasping Professor Zhong's hand, and said excitedly:

"Oh! Professor Zhong, it turned out to be you! I have been looking forward to it for a long time! Your "Introduction to Bronzeware", I have the honor to read, and I have benefited a lot!"

"Hehe, polite!"

Professor Zhong didn't expect that the other party had actually read his own book, and suddenly he felt like he had met a confidant!

I wanted to boast about Curtis, but when the words came to my lips, I got stuck!

After all, this is the first time I have heard the name of the "British Museum Chief Visiting Professor Curtis"!

Quart has no place to boast!

At this time, Curtis had already looked at Jiang Fan proudly!

"Xiao Jiang, please introduce these people to Professor Zhong!"

Xiao Jiang!



That's so cool!

It turns out that the feeling of disrespect to the owner is so cool!

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes:

"Yes, Curtis...Professor!"

After clearing his throat, Jiang Fan has pointed to Christine:

"This is Professor Curtis's friend, Ivy University's botany tutor, Christine!"

"The two Hasegawa and Kameda are the guides we were looking for in Tokyo."

"This Sadako is my junior and I will be responsible for protecting the safety of Professor Curtis!"

Everyone was immediately arranged by Jiang Fan clearly!

Since you want Professor Zhong to take the initiative to find the ruins of Suruga country, you must do a full set of dramas!

But Professor Zhong nodded again and again!

In this team, there are guides, bodyguards, and botanists. This is the standard equipment for exploring the mountains and forests!

A few of my own heads rushed in as soon as their heads were hot, it was an idiot move!

The two sides greeted each other, Curtis continued to speak:

"Professor Zhong, why are you here?"

Professor Zhong's faces blushed!

Qin Lebang said cursingly:

"I was invited by Hojo this time to come to teach, but I didn't expect to meet Lao Zhong!"

"Yesterday we drank together, Hojo mentioned the Suruga country ruins!"


Curtis was "surprised":

"You guys, are you also looking for this Suruga country ruins?"

"Yes! It's a coincidence. Since Professor Curtis came to Suruga country, he must know that Suruga Mamoru at the end of Suruga country is Hojo family!"

"The Hojo Temple is the descendant of the Hojo family!"

"This old boy turned out an ancestral book some time ago, which records the ancient Suruga country ruins!"

"Say there are other relics of Kaguya Ji..."

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