God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1583: Little Rocket Walks in a Wave

"Wow! So handsome!"

"So tall!"

"Ouni sauce! I invite you to drink!"

"It's okay after drinking...hehehe!"

"Come on!"

A few Dongying girls are all excited!

One of them couldn't help even rushing over!

Different from the shorter Dongying people, the Huaxia people should be a bit taller, and Jiang Fan belongs to the taller one!

Moreover, the face value is simply the kind of powerful infinite gloves!

It's totally irresistible!

But in the midst of the invitation to Jiang Fan, a shocked exclamation suddenly sounded!

"Impossible! You are not dead!"

Jiang Fan and others looked in the direction of the sound at the same time!

The one who exclaimed was a man in his thirties who was as thin as a monkey!

At this moment, this man is still holding a compensated dating girl with heavy makeup!

By his side, there are a few companions who are not good at first sight!

When he saw this man, Qin Lebang was directly angry!

"Hirota Shiro!! You turtle grandson!"

The old man rolled up his sleeves and rushed up with cursing!

Because of being so angry, even the hometown dialect has come out!

It turned out that this person was the guide that Professor Zhong and others were looking for, Shiro Hirota!

Seeing Qin Lebang rushing over, Shiro Hirota panicked!

But he sneered immediately!

Winked directly at a few companions!

Immediately, several of his companions stood up and stood in front of Qin Lebang!

"Hey! Old fellow! What are you doing?"

"You dare to ask Shiro for trouble, are you tired of living?"

"Get out of here!"

Although a few people are not as tall as Qin Lebang, they win in their youth!

After all, Qin Lebang was a seventy-year-old man. He was pushed by several people and almost didn't sit on the ground!

at this time!

A big hand stretched out, and it was firmly against his back!

Qin Lebang looked back and found that it was Jiang Fan!

Holding Qin Lebang aside, Jiang Fan has directly looked at Shiro Hirota:

"How can you have the breath of resentment?"

That's right!

This Shiro Hirota, he carried the resentment unique to the wraith spirit!

If a normal person is possessed by such a strong grievance, I am afraid that he will not survive a day at all!

And this Hirota Shiro has nothing to do with it!

This is obviously a big problem!

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, Hirota Shiro was shocked!

"You, how do you know!"

"You are not qualified to ask me, now, answer immediately!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

"Baga! You dare to be so arrogant, look at Laozi--"

A companion of Shiro Hirota directly reached out and grabbed Jiang Fan!

It's just that his hand has just stretched out, Jiang Fan has already grasped his arm, and the expressionless behind him suddenly breaks!


A crisp sound!

The man's entire forearm was folded directly into ninety degrees!

Even Bai Sensen's bone stubble was exposed!

The man looked at his arm in disbelief, was silent for a full second, and then suddenly let out a scream of incomparable sorrow!



It's a pity that he just got up screaming, Jiang Fan has already slapped it out!

The man rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

This guy is too cruel!

Dongying's eldest brother is not so domineering!

Professor Zhong was also stunned!

Who is this Jiang Fan?

When I was with them just now, I still looked modest and gentle, but in the blink of an eye, he became so decisive!

The key is that with such a momentum, with their experience, they have only seen a mere three or five people!

And the aura of those people is definitely not as good as Jiang Fan!

Several of Hirota Shiro's companions shivered even more!

"First, sir, no, regardless of our business!"

"Yes, yeah! We just met by chance, drinking together!"

"Right, right, right! If you have anything, go to Guangtian, don't find us!"

Several people were flattering and backed away desperately!

And the compensated dating girl who was originally hugged by Shiro Hirota had already broken free of Hirota's claws and went aside!

Jiang Fan ignored them at all, just stared at Shiro Hirota!



Hirota Shiro trembled all over!

Being stared at by Jiang Fan's eyes was even more terrifying than facing Yama of the Ten Temples!

"I, I can't say, I say, I will die!"

Hirota Shiro suddenly fell to his knees, howling!

"Sir! Me, I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't lie to your companions!"

"Please! Please let me go!"

"I am willing to hand over all my belongings..."

"This is not what I want to hear!"

Jiang Fan's expression did not change at all, and one hand stretched out to Shiro Hirota's neck!

Seeing Jiang Fan's hand getting closer and closer!

Hirota's fear has almost reached its limit!

With the wetness of his crotch, he has completely lost his mind!

"I said! I said! It's a--"

He just said this sentence, but his whole body suddenly stiffened!

The mouth was even more open in an instant, to an incredible degree!

And in front of everyone, there was a small head in his throat!

That head was deformed and weird, except for two turned white eyes, only a mouth full of sharp teeth!

Everyone was stunned!

Qin Lebang beside Jiang Fan was even more shocked and sat on the ground!

"Fuck! What, what is this?"

"very scary!"

"How can a head grow out of a person's mouth!"

"Eunichan! Save me!"

"Hurry up! Let's start the live broadcast right away!"

"Hello, old iron, everyone! I am Li Erniu! Today I will show you all the monsters in Little Japan! A little rocket! Let me show you a closer look at what this thing looks like!"

"Fuck! This looks sharp! With a head in his mouth! Does anyone know what kind of species it is?"


A mess in the entire izakaya!

But at this moment, that head got deeper and longer, and directly brought a piece of **** internal organs to Jiang Fan's eyes!

As soon as they saw such a picture, many people suddenly screamed, and several girls fainted directly!

That anchor Zhao Erniu was also stunned!

The hand holding the phone keeps shaking!

"Fuck! Don't shake the anchor!"

"This special effect is okay!"

"Ask, how did you pass the trial, Brother Erniu?"

"The anchor works hard! Give you a rocket! Beware of titles!"

On Zhao Erniu's phone screen, 666 flew directly!

But how can he give a reward now!

Before, he thought Jiang Fan and Hirota Shiro were in the same group!

The two are here to attract attention!

But who can think of it, there are really monsters!

At this moment, that head had already stared at Jiang Fan with its turned white eyes!

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy voice sounded directly from the sharp mouth full of fangs!

"Dare to spy on my secret! Human! You are looking for death!"

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