On the other side, Immortal Turtle was also taken aback when he saw Jiang Fan!

However, he immediately noticed Wukong in Jiang Fan's hand!

"Goku! You are not dead!"

The turtle fairy is overjoyed!

"Yeah! It was Jiang Fan who saved me! He also ate me terribly delicious braised pork! I can definitely beat Piccolo now!"

Wukong is all smiles!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has fallen to the ground!

Let go of the two directly!

Goku jumped near Piccolo in one step!

"Bick! Come on! Fight with me! I will defeat you this time!"

But Piccolo doesn't look at him at all!

Just staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"You, who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan! I'm a takeaway!"


Piccolo was shocked directly, and made a curse of Namek!

Takeaway? !

What a joke about Nima!

I have only been sealed for a hundred years!

Only a hundred years!

Are the people on earth making so much progress now?

However, how could his opponent be so weak?

Is it possible that the strong, are all special to deliver food?

On the contrary, it is these people who have been brushed down by the food delivery company who can only helplessly become martial artists?

What happened in the past hundred years!

Piccolo was at a loss!

He felt that the world had really changed!

Become strange! Become cruel! Has become unsuitable for a cute little like him!

Lonely, lonely, cold!

Bick has a feeling of being blown away by the wind!


He, after all, is the Demon King Piccolo!

Once the number one strong!

Will never give up easily!

"Huh! No matter what you do! Today, I am Big Demon Bik——"


A loud noise!

Everyone didn't understand what was happening, they saw Piccolo holding his neck with his head and his body around his neck, as if he had been hit by a vibrating rhino from Wakanda!

With a speed exceeding the speed of sound, the whole person directly hit a huge rock that was more than ten meters high!


There was another explosion!

The rock directly exploded into pieces!

But Piccolo's neck was raised three inches, and he was covered with blood, lying among a pile of rubble!

And until this time, everyone could see clearly that Jiang Fan didn't know when he had already appeared in the position before Piccolo. At this moment, he was shaking his right hand!

It turns out that he actually slapped Piccolo just now!

"I don't object to bragging! But at the wrong time, in the wrong place, blowing a wrong bragging, then I can't bear it!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Everyone is dumbfounded!


"This, what the **** does this guy do?"

"Too, it's terrible!"

"Pick was actually taken away by a mouthful!"

"This slap is more powerful than a missile, no, more powerful than a nuclear bomb!"

"My lord, the devil! You, you can't die! You promised me to give me half of the world!"

Chowder and others are all panicked!

But Guixianren and others all opened their mouths, and they couldn't even speak!

Too tough!

Jiang Fan's toughness has surpassed their current cognition!

"Asshole, asshole..."

Bick trembled all over, and finally managed to get up!

"Boy, yes, if you have the ability, let me regain my youth, and then fight me again!"


"Can't promise him!"

"You want to be beautiful!"

"Yes! I've seen Piccolo in the strongest state, so I can't fight it!"

"Jiang Fan! Hurry up! Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

Guixianren and others all spoke up one after another!

Even Wukong hesitated!

He is also not sure that Piccolo is the strongest recovery, he is still not an opponent!

But Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"Shut up! The strong, just have the courage to challenge!"

"I, Jiang Fan, put it here today!"

"I just want to fight the strongest Piccolo!"

"It's not easy for anyone to come!"

Everyone was shocked!


It's so sturdy!

This is the real powerhouse!

Have the courage to climb the peak!

Accept the strongest challenge!

"I, I actually have a feeling of enthusiasm!"

"So handsome!"

"This **** charm!"

"The mentality of the strong is really different from ours!"

"I finally know why I am so weak!"

Wukong clenched his fists and looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

I really listened to Jun's words, win against Frieza!

As expected of Jiang Fan, he actually listened to it, and there was a passion of burning blood!

Starting today, I will do the same too!

Only in this way can we surpass Jiang Fan and achieve the strongest!

Even Piccolo was stunned!

"You, are you serious?"

"Of course! I Jiang Fan, if I fight, I will fight the hardest!"

Jiang Fan looked proud!


Have you killed you now? Of course, you have to fight the strongest!

As soon as the voice fell, he already hooked his right hand!

Directly took out the five dragon **** hidden in the soil under the feet of Immortal Turtle!

Dumped directly to Piccolo!

Bick was shocked!

Even a shameless villain like him has an inexplicable admiration for Jiang Fan!

"Okay! I'll let you know how terrifying the strongest me is!"

As Piccolo said, he directly spit out the two dragon **** in his stomach!

"Come out Shenlong! Realize my wish!"

Accompanied by Piccolo's roar!


The entire sky was extremely dark for a moment!

Immediately afterwards, the seven dragon **** burst out suddenly, with an extremely dazzling light!

Then, this light condensed in one place, and went straight to the sky, forming a huge dragon!

"Oh my God! Shenlong is out!"

"Is this the Shenlong? It's amazing!"

Chowder and others were shocked!

And Shenlong looked at Piccolo and spoke coldly!

"Speak your wish!"

"Any wish, I can help you achieve it!"

"But there is only one!"

Piccolo took a deep breath, suddenly glanced at Jiang Fan with a weird look, and then suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!

Suddenly roar!

"Kill him!!"

Damn it? !

Jiang Fan was taken aback!


Worthy of being a devil!


This trick is really special 6!

The faces of Immortal Turtle, Wukong and others changed drastically!

"Fuck Nima! You are actually playing yin!"

"It's shameless!"

"Dead skin shameless!"

"This is over!"

"This operation is too shameful! Shenlong! This can't be counted!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and looked at Pic!

But Piccolo is triumphant!

"Hehehe! Jiang Fan! You didn't expect it, did you?"

"You so-called righteous human beings are really naive!"

"Dragon Ball can be used once a year!"

"Kill you first this year!"

"I will regain my youth next year, and it will be the same!"

"In the end, this world is still mine!"

"Hahahaha! This is where I am smarter than you!"

"Me, Bick! The final winner! Hahaha!"

Piccolo triumphant!

Laughing wildly!

However, Shenlong's next sentence directly made the whole world cold!

"Sorry! I can't do it!"

Piccolo’s laughter sounded as if he was standing downstairs and watching the fire upstairs, only to find that it was his own home!

He looked at Shenlong with a dull face!

"You, what did you say?"

"Your wish, I can't realize it! His power is stronger than mine, I can't kill him!"


Piccolo was dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was already grinning and shook his fist at him!

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