Arthur stood quietly at the top of a tower, coldly looking at the inside of the airport, and constantly facing the busy staff of the George family's private jet!

Dark night hides his figure, even with his killing intent, also hides it together.

"Avalon map..."

Arthur muttered, his finger unconsciously touched a broken sword in the space ring!

It was an ancient European broad sword, with a simple shape and no patterns. However, just looking at it would naturally give a sense of naturalness in life.

This sword is an artifact passed down from generation to generation in the Arthur family-the sword in the stone!

Because of the breach of the contract, King Arthur insisted on competing with King Berlinor. As a result, the sword in the stone was backlashed by the contract and was split into two parts by King Berlinor, turning it into a broken sword.

However, even though the sword was broken, some of its might remained.

At the age of twenty-eight, Arthur reached the nineteenth level of strength, precisely because of this broken sword!

Unlike others, because of King Arthur’s blood, among the direct young children of each generation of the Arthur family, there will be an existence that is highly compatible with the sword in the stone.

Once the sword in the stone is recognized as the master, he will inherit all the power of the previous generation Arthur in this sword!

However, because of the incomplete sword body, even if each generation of Arthur can reach the realm, the initial strength inherited by the inheritors can only reach the nineteenth level!

And the remaining power is all hidden in the sword body!

But once the long sword is restored, it can be completely inherited!

Hundreds of years have passed since the sword in the stone broke.

And hundreds of years of inheritance, the power contained in this sword in the stone, has reached the point of shocking people!

If Arthur can inherit all of it, even if it is above that domain level, it is possible to achieve it only in the realm of legendary reality!

And once it reaches that state, the entire Arthur family will return to glory!

The Arthur family has been working hard for this goal for generations, constantly looking for the other half of the sword in the stone, but all of them returned without success!

But because of this, everyone in the Arthur family can already be sure that the half of the sword in the stone is indeed in the resting place of King Arthur——


But King Arthur died so suddenly that he was betrayed and killed by Mordred. The body was quickly taken to Avalon by Morgan, and none of the people who followed Morgan had returned!

Avalon’s address has always been a mystery!

Until now, Arthur heard that there might be clues to Avalon in the strange auction, and he hurried over!

However, unexpectedly, the reality is better than expected!

What appeared at the auction turned out to be a complete map of Avalon!

However, the more this time, the more impatient you can't express!

Even if it is taken by the George family, the Arthur family has a way to get them out!

But I didn't expect that the George family was just a puppet, and the map eventually fell into Jiang Fan's hands!

Arthur thought that with the prestige of the family and his own strength, Jiang Fan would inevitably come up with a map honestly!

But I didn't expect this **** Chinese monkey to be so uninterested!

The key is that he was shocked and Fengnian's strength, he did not dare to do anything to Jiang Fan!

Looking at the George family plane in the distance, Arthur's eyes were full of entanglement!

It is constantly calculating the gains and losses!

After a long time, his eyes finally became firm!


Among Avalon, there is not only the sword in the stone, but also the sword of the king—the sword in the lake!

With these two long swords in hand, what can happen even if the George family dies a big elder?

The most important thing is that at that time, even if it is Tianding Shiji, it may not be his opponent!

China’s Kyushu precepts are nothing but empty talk!

No one would ever want to keep Jiang Fan!

The idea was decided, Arthur immediately took out a crystal ball from the space ring, and took a photo in the direction of Hayes and others!

In an instant, the phantom of Hayes appeared in the crystal ball!

This is a tracking magic tool in the Arthur family. As long as it is below the producer and is illuminated by the crystal ball, the opponent's whereabouts will be monitored by him at any time!

And the one who made this prop is a direct descendant of Master Merlin!

But this magic item has only three tracking opportunities left!

After doing all this, Arthur didn't stay anymore, turned around and left!

If you want to kill Hayes, you can't do it now!


Qian Yunzi only felt dizzy when Jiang Fan threw out the bodies of the three people in Shuixiu.


Is this dead?

Especially when he saw Tianqingzi's body, he was completely messed up!

The Shanhai Fenzong has always been low-key, and even many small sects don’t even know their existence. Even the Haizong and Dangshanzong are more famous than the Shanhai Fenzong!

However, as long as one knows the division of the mountain and the sea, they absolutely dare not presumptuous!

Just because of the strength of this sect, it is definitely not under those super sects!

It's even worse!

Even at the auction today, the moment he saw Tian Qingzi's back, Qian Yunzi thought of Jiang Fan's tragic death!

But now, there is no such thing as being killed, but the murderer is dead!

How did Jiang Fan kill the Tianqingzi?


"Elder Qianyun, what are you doing in a daze? The bet is completed, don't forget to fulfill your promise!"

Jiang Fan smiled and put away a few corpses!

And when he heard Jiang Fan's bet, Qian Yunzi's expression turned pale!

problem occurs!

Something happened!

No matter how Jiang Fan did it, don't worry about science. The most important thing now is, what about this bet?

Jiang Fan killed Tianqingzi, and Biyunzong would help him maintain the order of future auctions. That would be a fight against Shanhai Branch!

He can even imagine his own fate after returning to the sect!

But breach of contract?

He just started thinking, and in the midst of it, a will has already been pressed down!

For the existence of contracts, cultivators and magicians who borrow the power of heaven and earth, they are even more afraid!

If you breach the contract, you will immediately lose your soul!

Qian Yunzi's tears are about to come down!

The spirit on his body disappeared completely, just looking at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"Don't look at me like that, I am the most honest person! If I lose, Tianhe weaving must be yours, but now, Elder Qianyunzi, after you return to the sect, please discuss it carefully!"

Jiang Fan said, waving his hand, raising his foot to leave!

"Don't go!"

Qian Yunzi pounced and stopped Jiang Fan!

He smirked:

"Jiang Fan, no, Mr. Jiang, this matter is very important, should we have a good chat?"

"Chat? Is there anything to talk about? Haven't all the contracts been written?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

Your uncle!

Qian Yunzi sneered, but the smile was even brighter, even a little flattering!

"Mr. Jiang, I mean, should we change the way to complete the contract? Don't you want the beauty lotion? I will give you the refining now! The formula is fine for you!"


Jiang Fan sneered, his face full of contempt.

"what do you mean!"

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