God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1888: Who takes it seriously?

With this thought, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

This is not a delusion, but a real operability!

As for how to do it, it depends on whether you can catch the pain of this mysterious man!

With a sneer on Jiang Fan's face, he quickly drew the finger on the manuscript!

Not even a little detail is spared!

After painting, Jiang Fan took out his phone and took a picture directly, and wanted to pass it to Yin Binghua!

However, before pressing the send button, he stopped abruptly!

Yin Binghua's master, Nangong Jinghai, is one of the five people suspected of being Tianzun!

If Nangong Jinghai is Tianzun, then once the news is sent out, I am afraid that I will be intercepted halfway without waiting for me to reach the temple!

But besides Yin Binghua, who else can I ask?

Who else can know the news of Tianding Shiji?


Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

I ask someone to ask what Tianding Shiji is doing?

I can ask directly!

There is one in the capital now!

Lin Buhui!

Jiang Fan has already analyzed it before, if among the Ten Ding's Ten Extremes, who is currently the most trustworthy, it is Lin Buhui!

Because of this guy's behavior, almost no matter where he goes, there are traces to follow!

Jiang Fan directly dialed Uncle Xuan's number:

"Uncle Xuan, go find Lin Buhui!"

"If he is not in Lin's house, leave immediately!"

"If he is at the Lin family, tell him that I have something to discuss with him!"


Lin Buhui tilted Erlang's legs, with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at a group of descendants cursingly!

Lin Chongyun took a large family and knelt in front of Lin Buhui honestly. There are as many grandchildren as there are!

"I'm just wondering, I just went out and wandered for a few months, and you guys actually started doing things for me!"

"Being rich does not mean you have the right way, and being famous does not mean you have a number!"

"The **** of the Zhou family are obviously short-lived, you still dare to follow them!"

"I haven't seen how those companies do it?"

"You can't do the kind of gambling like the Yu family, you can just learn from the Lu Yan family's knives behind their backs!"

"Simply stupid!"

Lin Buhui screamed while holding his cigarette and holding his small bag in his mouth!

The key is that no matter how he speaks, the cigarette seems to be welded to his mouth, and it doesn't move!

A group of Lin family were trembling, Lin Chongyun reluctantly spoke:

"Ancestor, but, but we have signed a contract with the Zhou family before..."

"What about signing? The routine is deep, who takes whom seriously?"

Lin Buhui smiled disdainfully:

"I really can't afford the red bills, feelings are just sexual needs!"

"I don't understand the truth after living so old?"

"Yes, yes! What the ancestors taught!"

Including Lin Chongyun, all the descendants of the Lin family responded honestly.

Lin Buhui was so angry:

"Don't you think that Lao Tzu's name is easy to use, if it weren't for me to come back early today, do you think you can kneel here well now? Quante is waiting to enter the crematorium!"


Everyone was shocked!

"Ancestor, Jiang Fan, he, does he really dare to attack us?"

"Fuck, who do you think you are? Why don't you dare to attack you? Jiang Fan's **** is cruel, why can't he do anything?"

"When he really kills you, does it make sense for me to kill him again?"

He hates the opening of iron and steel:

"Remember it all! If you stand tall and flat, you can only rely on yourself for brilliance!"

"You're using your mind so much, don't count on Lao Tzu for anything!"

"Wait someday I die, who will cover you!"

"Ancestor, don't talk nonsense!"

A group of Lin family descendants were shocked!

"Old ancestor Hongfu is in harmony with the sky, longevity is with the sky!"

"Yes, yes, ancestors are immortal and immortal, forever!"

"Old ancestor, you can definitely see my Lin family for ten generations in the same house!"

A group of people are flattering!

But Lin Buhui took a puff of cigarette, but he took a sip!

"Slot! Lao Tzu is not a bachelor of a thousand years! A mountain is a mountain, and a river is a river. No matter how big a gangster is, you have to break! Don't talk about those useless, I will one day!"

"Remember, looking good is an advantage, and living a good life is the ability! In the future, you will have more..."

Before he could finish his words, a Lin family kid suddenly ran over:

"Ancestor, Jiang Xuan from the Jiang family is here!"

"Xia Houxuan? What is he doing?"

Lin Buhui was startled, then waved:

"Let him go to the living room!"

He looked at a group of Lin family descendants:

"Look, see, all the creditors have come here! You all kneel for Lao Tzu and reflect on it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of people desperately responded!

Not to mention anything else, this little chatter of the ancestor is really hard!

Lin Buhui got out of the yard, turned two turns, and finally reached the front living room!

At this moment, Jiang Xuan was sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Lin Buhui coming over, he stood up immediately:


Before he finished speaking, Lin Buhui handed the packet forward, and a cigarette popped out of the cigarette case in the packet!

"Isn't this social, my brother Xuan! Come to root Huazi!"

Jiang Xuan's hand trembled!

This Lin doesn't regret it, it really is the same as before!

Unlike the other Tianding Shiji, Lin Buhui acted uniquely!

He was just an illegitimate child of the Lin family, and he was driven out of the Lin family since he was a child and walked on the streets.

However, relying on the half-book Lin family martial arts cheats given to him by his mother, and his own martial arts talent, he soon emerged!

What's even more exaggerated is that he seems to have some kind of secret method, no matter what injury he receives, he will be alive and kicking again within a few days!

He was getting better and better, but because the Lin family had offended a big man in the heaven and human realm, several giants in the capital teamed up. In the end, it was getting worse and worse, and even the Patriarch at the time was mad at death.

The Lin family had no choice but to beg him to take action.

Lin Buhui only made one request and asked everyone in the Lin family to kneel on the ground and respectfully call him the ancestor!

The Lin family was desperate at the time, and actually did it!

Lin Buhui laughed three times and went out of the house. Instead of looking for those rich men, he went directly to the great figure in the heaven and human realm!

He walked for three days, and when he left he was only level nineteen, and when he came back he was already in the heaven and human state!

And what he brought back was the head of that great figure in the Heaven and Human Realm!

For a time, Lin Buhui's name resounded through China!

From then on, the Lin family formally stabilized its position, and under Lin Bugui's care, the power grew even faster!

And the battle that made him most famous was against the generation before the battle!

For a hundred years, only three people succeeded in defeating the predecessor before they set foot on the top ten positions of Tianding!

One of them is Lin Buhui!

At that time, the disciple of Tianding Shiji drank too much alcohol to kill the innocent, and was directly cut off by Lin Buhui!

That one was furious and hunted and killed Lin Buhui all over the world!

Lin Buhui fled all the way and ran directly into Kunlun Mountain!

Everyone thought that Lin Bugui would definitely die!

But I didn't expect that after three months, Lin Buhui, who was already skinny and wounded, would walk out.

And that Heavenly Tripod and Ten Extremes, but stayed in the snow-capped mountains forever!

Some people, the more desperate they are, the more they collapse!

And some people, the more desperate they are, the stronger they are!

From then on, the whole world knew that China had one more Lin Buhui who could not kill! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1888 who plays the tricks deeply), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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