Lin Buhui's words are straightforward, but they are true!

And his last question is directed at the core!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled:

"What can I know? Just like you said, do you guys want to kill me, do you need any reason? Mr. Lin, it's better to do this, as long as you find out who is going to kill me, I will take the half of the Lin family's home Karma, return it with both hands!"

"Damn! People are dead and birds are in the sky, it's a trick to ask for so much money! Brother Jiang, do you know what life is like?"

Jiang Fan was a little confused. It was the first time he met someone like Lin Buhui, and couldn't help asking:


"Play a little mahjong, eat a spicy soup, find a little one, life is like this! Brother, you are still young!"

As Lin Buhui said, he had hung up the phone!

Jiang Fan was at a loss!

This is the social man?

This Lin Buhui is really different!

But he squinted immediately!

Today's contact is just a test!

So when asked about the sky, he wouldn't say anything!

And even though Lin Buhui seemed to have completely divorced the topic, Jiang Fan still heard something!

Lin Buhui asked if he knew something that he shouldn't know. This question is an answer in itself!

With his airtight speaking style, he asked this to prove that he thought of something!

What's more, his sentence was a big deal, and he really said it was a bit too much. After all, his life and death, to them, what a big deal?

Jiang Fan is almost certain that Lin Buhui, he must know God, and he was killed by himself, and he thought of God!

It's just that how much he knows is unknown!

The next thing I have to do is to see if anyone will continue to kill myself!

If there is nothing wrong with you, you can continue to improve your trust in Lin Bugui!

The plane headed east, crossed the Marshall Islands, and passed the Central Pacific Basin. After seven hours, it flew for a full 7,000 kilometers, and finally came to the location of the coordinate mark!

And at this moment, because of the different time zone, here is the early morning!

"Sir, your destination has arrived."

A stewardess walked over to wake Jiang Fan.


Jiang Fan nodded.

"But sir, there are no islands here, you..."

"It's okay, open the cabin!"


Everyone was stunned!

Open the cabin here?

Isn't this gentleman a rich man, just a hijacker?

Are you ready to throw them down and run the plane?

Seeing a group of people in a daze, Jiang Fan had to do it himself, and he grasped the valve!

"Everyone, catch it! After I get down, you can go back!"

At the next moment, he has opened the valve!


The violent air flow rushed into the cabin in an instant!

And Jiang Fan waved his hand and jumped down!

A group of people were dumbfounded!

This is a suicide!

As the center of the hatch closed, a group of people suddenly panicked!

Look out the window one after another!

But where is the shadow of Jiang Fan!

The wind whistling in Jiang Fan's ear, the gravitational acceleration at this moment, combined with his own initiative to fall, almost turned him into a meteorite!

And when passing through the thick clouds, the scene below finally came into view!

I saw a huge castle standing on the endless sea!

The area of ​​the castle is bigger than a dozen football fields tied together, it is like an island!

What's even more exaggerated is that the entire castle is surrounded by a huge wall!

No matter the surrounding wind and waves, none of them can shake the wall at all!


Accompanied by the howling wind, Jiang Fan finally fell in front of the castle!

Compared with from high above, the castle at this moment is even more shocking!

I saw that the height of the wall had exceeded 20 meters, and the color was pitch black, just like a giant's shield!

On the wall facing Jiang Fan, there is also a lacquered black gate that is more than ten meters tall!

The material of the gate is completely cast from steel, and the weight alone may have to reach more than one hundred tons!

And with Jiang Fan's appearance, at the location of the gate, I don't know when, there was an old man with a rickety body and a pale and stubble face.

Glancing at Jiang Fan with those turbid eyes, the old man suddenly lifted the chain welded to the door!

The chain was half a meter wide and its weight was extremely staggering. However, the old man buckled the chain firmly with only one hand. As he continued to exert force, the chain suddenly became straight and stretched!

And the door is slowly opening!

This old man, relying solely on his own strength, opened the door!

"Mr. Jiang, please come in."

The old man's voice was hoarse and gloomy, and in the dark early morning when the waves were surging, it was almost like a ghost!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled and walked in!

Behind him, the old man pressed one hand on the door and slowly closed it!

Step into the door, and inside is a long and thin corridor.

Jiang Fan walked out several tens of meters, and his eyes suddenly opened up!

The first thing that catches your eyes is a huge fountain!

Around the fountain, there are luxuriant flowers and plants, and towards the inside, there is a huge statue that is more than 30 meters high in the center of the park!

The statue is the image of a man, he is wearing a suit of armor, holding an epee in both hands, and even in his eyes, there is a kind of expectation!

This statue can even shape the eyes of the characters, which is obviously made by a famous artist!

And with the statue as the center, seven or eight roads that are enough for three cars to run in parallel run through this park-like location, leading to various buildings in the distance!

There are huge round towers, low plantations, and tall buildings that are only found in cities!

This is not a castle, this is simply a small city!

"It's spectacular, isn't it?"

A voice suddenly rang beside Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was not surprised at all on his face, he nodded:


The man who suddenly appeared next to him has slowly walked out and smiled at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I am the weight!"

"Hello! Mr. Weight!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

The weight looked behind Jiang Fan and suddenly said:

"Mr. Jiang, your time seems to be late."

"I have some trouble on the road... what do I need to do now?"

"No hurry, come with me first! Someone...wants to see you!"

"Someone wants to see me?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

"Yes it is!"

As the weight said, he had already walked towards a round tower in front of him, but as soon as his footsteps moved, he suddenly turned his head and smiled:

"Mr. Jiang, I forgot to tell you that there is a forbidden air technique in the Throne of Thorns. Once you fly, the energy in your body will get out of control, so you can't fly here!"

As he said, he raised his finger to the sky!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Thanks for your advice."

"Mr. Jiang is polite, in the future, you and us will be one family!"

"of course!"

The two soon came under the round tower!

This round tower is not big from a distance, but you can only find its majesty when you go below!

The height of the round tower is equivalent to ten stories, and the top of the tower is completely wrapped in opaque glass. I don't know what it is for.

As the two entered, Jiang Fan unexpectedly once again gave birth to the feeling of penetrating a certain barrier!

And the last time this feeling appeared, he remembered it clearly, it was in the tower of Isaac!

He didn't understand what this was at the beginning, but now he knows very well that this is the domain unique to the Western power system after reaching level twentieth! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1890 Throne of Thorns) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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