In this world, although the hierarchical system is the same, the names are different from the East and the West!

For example, the grandmaster, depending on the profession, is also known as the Golden Elixir, the Paladin, and the Magister.

Once you reach level twentieth, this title is different!

Eastern martial artists are called the realm of heaven and human beings, while those of cultivation are in the Yuan Shen stage, and in the West, they are collectively called the domain level!

According to Uncle Xuan, the realm is somewhat similar to the high-strength air pressure of the Celestial and Human Realm, but it is different.

It is as if around the user, a world where one party can freely control is regenerated!

According to different strengths, the scope of an individual's domain is not the same, but there is no doubt that once the domain is opened, everyone who enters it is an ant!

But just like the Chinese martial artist, the probability of entering the celestial-human realm is very high, but not everyone can do the "microscopic" techniques that can only be possessed by the celestial realm!

It must be the Celestial and Human Realm that masters the subtle, but the Celestial Realm may not be able to possess the subtle techniques!

In the same way, those who own the domain must be at the domain level! But at the domain level, not everyone has a domain!

Whether it's mastering the details or owning the field, such a person, in addition to talent and hard work, has what the ordinary strong lack, luck!

In the words of a certain strong man, success is a bitch. You keep playing with your talent and hard work, but finally choose luck with a smile on your face!

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, who would be the person in this open field?

Could it be the one that I have been thinking about... Libra?

Led by Qianqi, the two soon came to a spacious reception room!

And here, there is already a man sitting.

That is a man with extremely elegant temperament.

He is tall and well-proportioned, with a tough face and deep eyebrows. Although there is a scar on the top of his left eyebrow, it does not affect his appearance. It can be said that this is a rare beautiful man.

But he is not young, he is in his forties, and his temples have slightly white hair, but he is full of the charm of a mature man.

There is always a charming smile on his face, especially when he sees Jiang Fan, the smile is even stronger.

However, when he was stared at by his seemingly innocent eyes, Jiang Fan only felt cold on the back of his neck. It seemed that the opposite person was not a person at all, but a venomous snake!

The man always sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Fan carefully before he reached out his hand and pointed at the seat next to him:

"Mr. Jiang, please sit down."

When he stretched out his hand, Jiang Fan discovered that his hand was very different from the other in skin color, and the skin was as delicate as a baby, as if it had only grown recently.

Jiang Fan sat down, and the man looked at him for a long time before he smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, meet for the first time, introduce myself, I am... Libra!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!


The enemy of Isaac!

The behind-the-scenes man who instigated Liander to find his troubles over and over again!

Finally met!

"Mr. Libra, hello."

Seeing that Jiang Fan's expression didn't change much, Libra's eyes suddenly moved!

"Mr. Jiang didn't seem surprised to see me?"

"Of course, I know the value of God's blood. This time, in order to deal with Isaac, Mr. Libra paid such a high price. Of course, he must see me first, or in other words, need to inspect the goods!"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is really humorous, but you are not a cargo. Once you win the Deep Sea Bottle this time, in the future, you will be a great figure in our Throne of Thorns!"

"Then Lord Libra, we will cultivate more in the future!"

This "sir" directly made the smile on Libra's face a three-pointer!

He nodded to the weight.

The weight immediately poured a glass of red wine for Jiang Fan.

Libra picked up the wine glass beside him and gestured to Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, this is a red wine made from the Throne of Thorns, which we grow our own grapes, and it tastes very good, please."

Jiang Fan took the red wine, shook the glass slightly, and then nodded to the scale, drank it in one fell swoop!

The red wine has a rich and mellow taste, but there is a faintly weird floral fragrance in it.

Jiang Fan knows that there must be something added here!

But no matter how he searched with True Qi, he didn't find the slightest abnormality!

There is no discomfort on the body!

"System! What's in the wine?"

"Ding! Testing..."

"Ding! The test is complete! The substance is ‘manlupilu β3642bc base’. In the words that the host can understand, this is a lightweight ‘spiritual poison’!”

"Very poisonous? I am not a god!"

"Ding! The substance is useless to humans, but if the blood is injected into the body, the poisoned person can control the life and death of the opponent!"

Jiang Fan understands in seconds!

The other party is really obedient. I told the weight at the beginning that if I was worried that I would not be obedient after receiving the transformation of God's blood, I could completely poison myself. I didn't expect the other party to do it really!

"Can it be cleared?"

"Ding! Please don't insult the system! As long as the causal point is in place, the glass will be broken for you!"

"Damn! Can you not learn Lin Buhui? How much?"

"Ding! One hundred thousand!"

"Your sister! Why don't you grab it!"

"Ding! Monopoly is much faster than grabbing money! Isn't it cleaned up?"

"Go on! No money now! Let's talk about it..."

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Every time I deliver the takeout, I have a chance to recover from the whole body! Didn't you forget it?"

The system seemed stunned.

It took a long time to say:

"Ding! You kid, are you smart?"


The communication between Jiang Fan and the system was extremely fast, and when Jiang Fan drank the glass of red wine, all the triumphant smiles appeared on Qiang's face!

Even Libra's eyes are full of playfulness!

Divine blood transformation, they have to pay a great price!

If it wasn't for Isaac, Jiang Fan would never be so cheap!

And at such a huge price, once Jiang Fan's transformation is completed, it is bound to be impossible to treat Jiang Fan as an abandoned child!

Therefore, Jiang Fan must be controlled!

The magical poison is a means to control Jiang Fan!

In fact, in the Throne of Thorns, every person who has undergone the transformation of God's blood has a poison in his body!

There is no cure for this kind of magical poison, and it can only be neutralized by a certain medicine of Throne of Thorns, but the magical poison can replicate itself, so you need to take that medicine regularly!

Otherwise, once time has passed, the final fate is to turn into a pool of pus and blood!

It's just that the two of them are afraid of dreaming, and even the gods are helpless and highly poisonous. For Jiang Fan, wanting to get rid of it is extremely simple!

This is how powerful the system is!

"Mr. Jiang, how does it taste?"

Libra opened his mouth with a smile.

"Very good, Mr. Weight, please fill me two more bottles before I leave, and bring them back to my subordinates to taste!"

Jiang Fan smashed his mouth, his face was full of joy!

Libra's expression froze!

The weight is even more open, and the whole person is obviously a bit stunned!

Good guys!

It was the first time I met someone rushing to drink poison!

But he reacted immediately:

"Haha, no problem!"

Libra put down the glass, his eyes solemn:

"Mr. Jiang, next, let's talk about business! The contradiction between us and the sword of thorns, you should have already understood."The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1891 Libra finally met), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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