God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1893: God Blood Transformation

Under the leadership of the weight, the two soon came to the elevator of the tower!

But after entering the elevator, the elevator is going down!

After descending for a full 100 meters, the elevator stopped!

The elevator door opened, and a pure white corridor full of science fiction colors suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the most important place of the Throne of Thorns, and it is also the base for the transformation of God's blood!"

As Qiqi introduced, he already took Jiang Fan into it.

But as he went deeper, Jiang Fan faintly smelled a weird breath.

At the same time, he gave birth to a feeling of being peeped by something.

Jiang Fan was about to radiate his true energy to perceive the surroundings, but at this moment, the weight stopped at the door of a room.

"Mr. Jiang, we are here."

As the weight said, he had already opened the door.

Inside is a pure white, very wide room.

There is only a huge machine in the room.

This machine is silvery white, with only one seat extended at the front end, and several workers in protective clothing have already been waiting here.

"Mr. Jiang, the divine blood transformation will be a bit painful, but once it is completed, it will be enough to make you reborn!"

The weight smiled.

"Then I will borrow your good words, let's start?"

"Okay, I'll go outside and wait for you."

Weight smiled, turned and left.

"Mr. Jiang, please sit on this chair."

A man with the appearance of a supervisor pointed at the seat extended by the machine, and spoke indifferently.

Jiang Fan had just sat down, and the whole machine seemed to come to life in an instant, and a few buckles popped out, and Jiang Fan's hands and feet were firmly buckled on the chair!

Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest unexpected expression on his face, but his body relaxed.

With Libra's ability, since I didn't bother myself just now, of course I won't!

But the supervisor smiled strangely at this time:

"Mr. Jiang, it will hurt for a while. If you can't bear it, you'd better stop immediately!"

"No need! Go ahead!"

"Hehe, I hope you can still be so hard for a while!"

The supervisor sneered!

He has seen so many people who pretend to be tough!

But everyone went up ferociously, and **** down!

The point is that their arrogant and strong white people can't bear it, not to mention Jiang Fan, a Chinese man!

With a sneer at Jiang Fan again, the supervisor waved his hands at several hands.

With a few staff members turning on the machine, after a buzzing sound, the giant machine over three meters high finally began to move slowly, bit by bit, swallowing Jiang Fan whole body!

The inside of the machine was shining with a weird red light, and a total of six silver needles on both sides began to slowly pierce Jiang Fan's arm.

Jiang Fan took the initiative to relax his muscles, otherwise these needles would not be able to penetrate into his body, and he would have to be crushed by his powerful flesh!

Six needles slowly submerged into Jiang Fan's arm, and immediately afterwards, a needle popped out from under the seat, piercing directly at Jiang Fan's lumbar spine!

This needle is so long that it pierced Jiang Fan's bone marrow directly!


Jiang Fan snorted, but he didn't even move!

The supervisor was taken aback.

Normal people don't even talk about the blood injection, even if the lumbar spine is pierced, they will have to cry!

But this Chinese man actually just snorted, his face didn't change!

Libra, who was looking at the image inside through the monitor, also frowned slightly.

This kid, the endurance is so amazing?

And the voice of the weight has been heard:

"My lord, do you start?"

"Let's get started, he already has the strength of the eighteenth level, and the divine blood transformation is enough to make him reach the nineteenth level, with a higher success rate."


Regardless of the scales or the weights, it seems that there is no surprise that Jiang Fan has reached the eighteenth level, but this is only because the two have not revealed it just now.

In fact, Jiang Fan has not really entered the Throne of Thorns, the two have already explored Jiang Fan's strength!

At that time, even Libra was stunned!

Jiang Fan's increase in strength is simply terrifying!

Three months ago, when Isaac had just brought him into the Sword of Thorns, he was only level ten, but now, he has easily crossed the Grand Master's barrier that has trapped countless geniuses, and is singing all the way. Eighteenth level!

It's just abnormal!

But for Libra at this moment, the stronger Jiang Fan's strength, the better!

He is no longer qualified to betray himself after being poisoned by horrors. No matter what extent Jiang Fan can reach, he is only his own subordinate after all!

Following Libra's order, the pipes behind the needles were suddenly filled with scarlet blood!

Only the needle tube leading to Jiang Fan's lumbar spine was filled with a tube of medicine filled with light blue liquid.

The supervisor's face is gloomy:

"Mr. Jiang, the injection is about to begin, remember, can't help it, don't hold it hard, otherwise it will be unsightly if you pee on your pants!"

"Are you really sick? Be babbling, stop talking nonsense, come quickly!"

Jiang Fan yelled!

From just now, the supervisor has been yin and yang strange, if it weren't for the fear of accidents and delaying his own karma, he would have kicked him early!


The supervisor's face turned dark, and Jiang Fan gave Jiang Fan a vicious look!

He is a well-known racial discriminator. He was blocked by the outside world for promoting racial discrimination before!

But instead, he discriminates against the yellow race even more!

Seeing that the inferior Jiang Fan dared to be rude to him, he suddenly smiled gloomily:


As he spoke, several needles trembled suddenly, and the next moment, all the blood in them rushed into Jiang Fan's body!


Jiang Fan snorted suddenly!

Divine blood enters the body, it feels like injecting magma into the body!

At this moment, Jiang Fan only felt that he was about to burn, but at this moment, the light blue liquid injected into the lumbar spine suddenly emitted a cool, and he began to continuously reconcile the strange power of the blood!

At the same time, the machine seemed to emit some kind of radiant energy, which was actually urging its own cells to fuse with the blood of the gods!

Jiang Fan will not delay!

"System! Detection!"

The blood that the Throne of Thorns transported to the Sword of Thorns is all universal, and I am afraid that it is also the same as the one he has injected now!

As long as you figure out the source of the blood, you don't have to worry about lack of cause and effect in the future!

"Ding! Testing..."

"Ding! The detection is complete! The source of the blood of the **** is a medium-level false god, the demon **** Trakhupan!"


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

The source of the blood of the gods is actually him!

Back in the country of Mexico, Jiang Fan once heard some stories about Trakhupan from the horse tribe.

In the ancient Mayan mythology, in order to seize the power of faith, the three evil gods conspired to overthrow the rule of the feather snake god.

They devised various conspiracies and tricks, and finally caused chaos in the entire Mayan city-state!

But just as the victory was in sight, the demon **** Trakhupan instigated the Toltec tribe and killed the two accomplices of the Dark God DiscoTripoca and the God of War Huizilo Pochetli!

In the end, the Mayan Lord God Quetzal Snake was forced away!

But unexpectedly, he was now turned into a blood bank by the Throne of Thorns! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1893 Divine Blood Transformation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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