However, Libra's last words made Jiang Fan's heart move.

Listening to the meaning of Libra, I am afraid that it will not take long for the second divine blood transformation.

Is it possible that Trakhupan's blood can be produced continuously?

This does not mean that he is really alive?

It seems that I have to take the time to go back and try to grab the infinite blood bank of Trakhupan!

Jiang Fan glanced at the backpack and couldn't help but giggle again!

This time the Divine Blood Transformation, he swept a full 5.3 million causal points!

It's almost no worse than getting rid of Guojinshen!

The point is, there is no risk yet!


He smashed out 160,000 and raised the Holy Light and Magic to Level 18. Jiang Fan simply gritted his teeth and threw out more than one million directly, raising David Jones and the Norwegian Sea Monster!

Although these two guys don't have any bird use on land, the navy can't fall either!

The most important thing is that if you have money, you are squandering!

Looking at the four million yuan left in the backpack, Jiang Fan sighed comfortably!

The feeling of spending money, especially the feeling of spending money from a prostitute, cool!

Five hours later, the plane has landed in San Francisco.

At this moment, it is already bright!

In the next journey, the Throne of Thorns was susceptible to the Sword of Thorns, so he would not be in contact with Jiang Fan. He had to find a way to go to Evernight City by himself.

This is not difficult, money pave the way, charter flights will do!

But just after chartering a private jet, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang, this is Aonangana!"

A rough voice suddenly rang out from the other side!

"Huh? I haven't contacted for a long time, how is your life?"

"Yeah! Thanks to Mr. Jiang's foundation, our horse tribe is doing very well now!"

Onongana's voice was full of gratitude.

"That's good, what's the matter?"

"Yes! Mr. Jiang, do you remember the last time we were separated, you asked us to check the tomb of the God of War?"

"The Tomb of the God of War..."

Jiang Fan quickly recalled.

At that time, in order to find the news of the tomb of the dark god, Jiang Fan and the horse tribe had an intersection, and later learned the real address of the tomb of the dark **** from the mouth of Ounkanah!

In order to express his gratitude, Jiang Fan helped the Horse Tribe solve Popovich in Merida City, and promised to set up a foundation specifically for them to solve their life problems.

Before leaving, Aonangana promised Jiang Fan that he would definitely help him find the tomb of the God of War Huizilo Pochetli!

"Do you have news?"

"Yes! I found the Silver Palm tribe, they know the location of the tomb of the God of War!"

"Good job!"

Jiang Fan was overjoyed!

It is said that when there is no money, there is really no money, and when you make money, they all rushed together!

Although Huiqiluo Pochetli is also a false god, his grade is definitely above the dark god, with a million causal points properly!

"Are you still in Merida? I'll pass now!"

"No, we are in Orizaba now!"

"Okay, I will contact you when I get there!"

Orizaba is located in the south of Mexico, not too far from the former Yucantan Peninsula.

But there are mountainous areas over there, and the city of Orizaba is even more named because of the huge local volcano Orizaba!

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan's heart moved. Like last time, he was going to eat alone.

Although the Sword of Thorns does not object to this, the news is from the Horse Tribe. Once you contact them again, it is impossible to guarantee that the Sword of Thorns will not be noticed.

If they were to associate themselves with the Tomb of the God of Darkness from this, it would be worth the loss!

You know, they slaughtered the entire Iron Palm tribe in order to ask for news about the tomb of the God of War!

The most important thing is that now the people on the Throne of Thorns are also staring at themselves!

The opponent has the demon **** Trakhupan in his hands, and it is hard to guarantee that he will also be interested in the **** of war Huizilo Pochetli!

The country of Mo must go, but you have to think of a way not to arouse suspicion!

As Jiang Fan pondered, he walked to the VIP box at the airport.

But at this moment, a security guard suddenly stopped Jiang Fan!

"Sir, please show your credentials!"

Jiang Fan frowned and took a deep look at the security guard.

Seeing Jiang Fan's view, the security guard's eyes dodged suddenly, revealing a trace of nervousness.

"Sir, please cooperate with my work."

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled:

"of course!"

He took out his ID and handed it over.

As soon as he saw the name on the passport, the man's eyes lit up, he glanced absently, and immediately handed the passport to Jiang Fan again:

"Sorry sir!"

"It's ok."

Jiang Fan passed him with a smile.

The security watched Jiang Fan into the box, and then quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number!

"Mr. Andy, I found Jiang Fan!"

In the distant capital of Citi, in the ancient castle of the George family, Andy's eyes suddenly lit up!

"you sure?"

"Yes, I deliberately approached him just now and checked his credentials. It is indeed Jiang Fan!"

"Great! This bastard, unexpectedly ran over by himself!"

Andy was overjoyed!

"But Mr. Andy, he just chartered a plane, and it looks like he's about to leave San Francisco in a while."

"Hold him! Use the power on the family side, no matter what you think of, you must hold him! I will report this to Elder Hayes!"


Hanging up the phone, the security guard immediately walked towards the inside of the airport.

In the box, Jiang Fan moved his ears, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Hehe, George family, what is really lacking! Just use you as an excuse!"

Among the castles of the George family.

Andy hurried to Hayes' room!

"Grand Elder! Jiang Fan has come to Citigroup!"


Hayes' eyes suddenly lit up!

Last time they were miserable by Jiang Fan!

Not only did the money suffer heavy losses, but Jiang Fan also played the key role with Arthur!

In the end, even the blood of Jiang Fan, which was finally obtained, was lost!

The entire George family hated Jiang Fan!

Originally, Hayes was no longer ready to move Jiang Fan, and there was no way. Not only did he not get the slightest benefit every time he did it, half of the presbytery was specially given by Jiang Fan!

Keep doing it, and when the patriarch returns, I am afraid that he will have a polished commander left!

However, that is not on the basis of Citi's homeland!

Since Jiang Fan has come to Citigroup, this is the home of the George family. The Chinese people pay attention to the right time and place, and Jiang Fan is here, and it is not occupied!

This time, Jiang Fan must be left behind!

"Elder, Jiang Fan should not stay for too long. According to the report from the person below, he has chartered a plane and may leave at any time! Although I try to delay there, I don't know how long it can be!"

Hayes smiled gloomily:

"Good job! Go and notify Yalves right away, let him rush over immediately, you must leave Jiang Fan!"

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