Alves suddenly flapped his wings!


An extremely harsh sound erupted, and he used an indescribable high speed, and he chased behind Jiang Fan in an instant!

"Huh? Looks like you don't have to wait for you!"

Jiang Fan chuckled, he actually launched teleport again!

And it's continuous teleport!

Alves' pupils who were chasing behind shrank!

Continuous teleport? !

After reaching the Grandmaster level, the higher the level, the faster the recovery speed. Take the Huaxia martial artist, it is the acquired true energy that transforms into the innate true energy, the fetal breath is circulating, and the life is endless!

If it's just a long-distance attack, take the 19th level as an example, as long as the body can bear it, it's okay to circle the earth half a circle!

But the ability to teleport is beyond the control of ordinary people except magicians and individual abilities!

Not to mention such a rapid continuous teleportation!

Could it be that this kid is still a magician? Or have some kind of power?

If this is the case, in the clan, apart from himself and the patriarch, no one can threaten him!

No way!

Today, we must catch him and solve this scourge completely!

At the thought of this, Yalves was faster!

The two chased and fled, and in almost an instant, they had already left the downtown area of ​​San Francisco!

At this moment, Alves suddenly opened his mouth!

At this moment, Jiang Fan in front of him was vigilant, and he suddenly teleported to a kilometer away to the side!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that although there was no sound from Alves's mouth, the air in front of him was unexpectedly large waves of waves!

A flock of birds happened to fly by in front of them, and when they were rushed by the ripples, these flocks of birds were all exploded into a large blood mist!

Beastization abilities, bats, enhanced ultrasound!

Jiang Fan jumped at the corner of his eye and ran faster!

Alves couldn't make a hit, but there was no disappointed expression on his face. On the contrary, from the back of his neck, a long **** needle was gradually born from the back of his neck!

The next moment, he suddenly opened his mouth wide again and sent out an enhanced ultrasound!

Jiang Fan immediately teleported away again!

But at this moment, Alves suddenly bowed his head!

And with this bowing, the long **** needle on the back of his neck had already pierced Jiang Fan's back silently with an indescribable terrifying speed!

Beastization, porcupine, stinging!

However, when this long needle hit Jiang Fan, it suddenly let out a "dang"!

It's almost like stabbing a piece of alloy!

Not only did Jiang Fan have no ass, he was actually pushed out several tens of meters by the force of the long needle!

And that long needle was directly shaken by Jiang Fan's powerful body!


Alves' complexion changed!

In pursuit of speed, I greatly reduced the power of that long needle, but even so, it was enough to seriously injure the 19th-level elementary!

However, this power didn't even penetrate Jiang Fan's skin!

This kid is such a **** monster!

It's too dangerous, this kid, absolutely can't stay!

Alves' killing intent is getting stronger!

He suddenly raised his right hand, and a wart gradually appeared on the tip of his finger!

And the next moment!


Yalves snorted, and a light green arrow of water suddenly shot out from his finger!

Beastization, poison dart frog, venom spray!

Although the speed of the venom was slightly slower than that of the long needle, after it was sprayed, it suddenly turned into a large and undetectable poisonous mist!

Jiang Fan was enveloped in an instant!

But Jiang Fan seemed to be unaware, and he was still trying hard to escape!

Alves hooked his mouth!

The venom power of the poison dart frog is directly related to his own strength. In other words, since Jiang Fan inhaled the poisonous mist, he was equivalent to withstanding a nineteenth-level poison attack!

Even if his body is really beaten with iron, he will be finished after a second at most!

However, a second passed...

Ten seconds passed...

Three minutes passed...

Not only did Jiang Fan have no ass, but on the contrary, he ran faster as if he had knocked on the medicine!

"What's wrong with this?!"

Jarvis was stunned!

How did he know that Jiang Fan has Aoki Nosuke!

Aoki nosuke: From now on, you will be immune to any attacks with gold level and below wood attributes!

Although the poison of the poison dart frog ability is terrifying, from the perspective of the five elements, it is a solid wood attribute attack!

As long as it does not exceed level 20, any wood attribute poison, don't even want to harm Jiang Fan!

And in just three minutes, Jiang Fan has already ran out for a hundred miles!


Alves suddenly yelled!

A trace of hideousness finally appeared on the originally calm face!

"Jiang Fan! I have nineteen beastly abilities, I see how much you can hold them!"

Jiang Fan looked back and smiled during his busy schedule:

"Nineteen kinds? Oh, then I really should call you Mr. Beast! Amazing!"


Yalves furiously, faster!

In addition to the porcupine flying needles and poison dart frog venom that he used before, he has a lot of tricks!

What bee stings, lizard tongues, and even in order to catch up with Jiang Fan, he actually used a quick squid jet!

That time, Jiang Fan almost couldn't hold back a fist!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan remembered that he hadn't arrived in Orizaba yet, so he resisted the desire to attack and continued to run away!

The two of them were so fast that they were so fast that they even overtook a few civil airliners!

The passengers on the plane were dumbfounded at that time!

I can't believe my eyes!

Even later, many people collectively complained to the airline, suspecting that the airline had been drugged in the drinks on the plane!

Soon, the two have been racing for more than two hours!

At this moment, there is an endless sea on the west, and the East Madre Mountains on the east. As long as you pass through this mountain, you can reach the destination of Jiangfan, Orizaba!

With a movement of Jiang Fan's body, he suddenly pulsed towards the East Madre Mountain!

As soon as he entered the mountains, he landed abruptly, and soon disappeared into the endless forest!

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing into the forest, Alves smiled coldly!

"Want to get rid of me by the complicated mountain terrain? Jiang Fan, you are too naive!"

His left eye suddenly turned into a yellow vertical pupil, and the position of his eye socket was slightly sunken!

Beastization, rattlesnake, infrared vision!

With the activation of this ability, a red figure in the mountains and forests suddenly appeared in front of him!


Alves sneered, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Being stared at by him, Jiang Fan went up to the earth, all useless!

This is the terrible abilities of beastization!

The two chased and fled again!

Until the two entered the deepest part of the mountain!


Yalves was surprised to find that Jiang Fan in front had stopped!

He frowned, but he didn't think so much. After all, there is a four-level difference between the eighteenth and nineteenth limits!

Even if Jiang Fan had the ability to reach the sky, he would definitely not be able to cross this absolute gap in strength!

With one step, Alves suddenly opened up!

I saw it was actually under a low waterfall!

Although it is low, the drop of the waterfall has reached more than 50 meters. A small river flows around and the beach is full of gravel!

And Jiang Fan, sitting on a larger rock with his chin in his hands, smiling at him!

Alves frowned, but then smiled:

"Can't run?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Mr. Alves, what do you think of this place?"

"Very well, in your Chinese language, the mountains and rivers are beautiful!"

"That's good!"

Jiang Fan stood up slowly:

"Since you are also satisfied, then treat this as your cemetery!"

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