"Hehe, polite!"

"You're welcome! Jiang Fan, you not only gave me my favorite dish, but also inspired me!"

"Did you know? Before this, the drama lines were flat and straightforward!"

"But you inspired me! There must be a pitch change!"

"The English of Dog Day is too inflexible!"

"It would be great if the whole world could speak Chinese! You know, even if there are no dialects, you all have four tones!"

"Great Chinese is simply born to make a name for drama!"

"Yes! To reposition the drama like Chinese! Let the rhythm of the lines be full of emotion!"

Shakespeare gets more excited as he speaks!

"Ahem, you'll be excited again later, eat something first!"

Jiang Fan coughed dryly, interrupted Shakespeare, and directly opened a few boxes of takeaways!


An unspeakable scent suddenly spread to the entire village!

Shakespeare was completely shocked!

Just the taste is so exaggerated, once you eat it...

Can't control it!

Can't control it!

"Ah! Ha! Ha!~~~"


Shakespeare didn't care about anything else, he reached out and grabbed the takeaway and ate it!

"Oh my God! The fish is firm, the key is this sour taste, it's too fragrant!"

"Is this the smell of vinegar?"

"It's really amazing that Huaxia people can invent this kind of condiment!"

"What is this? It's bitter! But after suffering, there is still some sweetness!"

"My God! What is this? Candied sweet potatoes?"

"It's incredible! The outside of the brown sweet potato can be wrapped in transparent icing!"

"One bite, the crispy sugar coating and the soft sweet potatoes, my heart will melt!"

"Kong Pao Chicken? Is this Kung Pao Chicken?"

"Spicy! Spicy!"

"The ups and downs! It turns out that this is life!"

"Life is diverse, with mixed flavors!"

"I understand! I finally understand!"

Shakespeare seemed mad, and suddenly took out a piece of manuscript paper and wrote a few large characters directly on it!

"Romeo and Juliet!"

Then, Shakespeare looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Jiang Fan! I have inspiration! I want to write a love story!"

"This story is mixed with my understanding of these flavors! It will definitely become a classic!"

As he said, he was ready to write!

Jiang Fan was about to leave, but he seemed to think of something and suddenly asked:

"What type do you want to write?"

"Comedy! I'm so happy now!"

Damn it!

"No! Write a tragedy!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because what can be remembered is tragedy!"

Shakespeare was stunned!

He pondered it carefully, it was true!

"But, but I'm excited now, I can't write a tragedy at all!"

"Damn! Come, let me tell you a story about Liang Zhu!"

Ten minutes later!

"Damn! This **** Ma Wencai, isn't it a thing!"

Shakespeare was full of anger!

But then, he was full of emotion!

"Jiang Fan, thank you so much! I only know now that Huaxia actually has such a touching story!"

"You Chinese people are amazing! Compared to you, our literary gap is really too big!"

Shakespeare sighed with emotion, people are more deadly than others, just shop around!

Unexpectedly, China had such a story of ups and downs so long ago. In contrast, European literature is too backward!

"It's all trivial! Come, I will tell you another Meng Jiangnu crying on the Great Wall!"

Listening to the Chinese stories that Jiang Fan kept telling, Shakespeare gradually fell into contemplation!

After a long time, he suddenly bowed heavily to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang! Thank you so much! These stories of yours gave me new ideas. This Romeo and Juliet, I must make it a wish for Europe!"

"Well! Work hard, I am optimistic about you! Remember! It must be a tragedy!"

If this is because of my journey, Romeo and Juliet are turned into a comedy, what a comedy?

Pat pat, Jiang Fan is about to leave!

But at this moment!

"Sheriff! It's him!"

Several men who had been scared away by Jiang Fan before suddenly ran over with a potbellied sheriff!

When the sheriff saw Jiang Fan, he immediately lifted his baton!

"Outsider! Where did you come from! Where is your hometown! Take off your clothes immediately and let me see if you have the plague!"

Jiang Fan glanced at him:


The sheriff was startled by Jiang Fan's eyes, and then took a few steps back!

But the villagers quit!

"Don't be afraid of the sheriff, we are crowded!"

"Yes! In order to prevent the plague in the village, it must be checked clearly!"

"This guy is so clean, there must be a plague!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Good guys!

There will be a plague when it is clean, and this theory is no one!

What these people are talking about!

at this time!


Among them, a man suddenly coughed!

And the more you cough, the louder!

The crowd was taken aback, but after seeing the person clearly, everyone screamed!

I saw that the man's face was pale, the corners of his mouth were still bloodshot, and there was a thick blood stain under his armpits!

There is only one explanation for all these signs!


And it still scares the whole of Europe, the plague! Black Death!

How terrible is the Black Death?

From 1347 to 1353, the Black Death was prevalent throughout Europe, and the number of people who died because of this plague reached an astonishing 25-50 million! !

It accounted for 30℅—60℅ of the total population of Europe at that time! !

And because of this plague, a total of 75 million people died in the world! !

Boccaccio’s Decameron truly recorded the scene in Florence, Italy at that time:

People are afraid of the infection and stay behind closed doors. They are still on the outer walls of houses with black death patients. They are marked with a "P" to show their stay away.

However, this was of no use. Many people died at home, and they were not found by neighbors until the corpses stinked. There were corpses all over the street.

Many areas have almost become dead cities, the countryside is deserted, the gates are open, and the ownerless cows roam the streets, but the local residents are gone...

The three plagues in history have claimed the lives of about 135 million people!

In Europe at this moment, cursing people with the black death is definitely the most vicious curse!

Seeing that the man’s symptoms were exactly the same as the Black Death, everyone was panicked!

Scream desperately!

The sheriff even sat down on the ground, his pants were all wet!

"Jiang Fan, what, what to do!"

Shakespeare also panicked!

But he reacted immediately!

Because although the Black Death is prevalent all over the world, it seems that I have never heard of such a disaster in the ancient country of the East!

A word suddenly popped out of his mind--

Chinese medicine!

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