God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1915: Can this flattering be the same

Her face was full of joy, her voice was no longer a bit arrogant!

"Mr. Jiang, you really can talk, I'm old already!"

"Where, your beauty can be said to be immortal, if you don't already have a lover, I will definitely pursue you!"

"Oh ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ Mr. Jiang, you are so pleasing! If you go back thirty years, I will definitely not make the vow that I will never marry!"

Ilok looked stunned!

It's not that there are people who flatter Helena, and it can even be said that there is an endless stream!

But Helena has always been true to those people!

It can even be said to be contemptuous!

What she hates most is those who disagree!

And her arrogance and indifference, even in the entire Citigroup, is also famous!

But today, Aunt Helena not only took Jiang Fan’s flattery, she took the initiative... Isn’t that flirting?

Damn it!

Is Jiang Fan so charming?

Poor Ilok didn't know that the same flattery, spoken from different people, would have different effects!

Jiang Fan's handsomeness and strength can be said to be the first among all the young people on this planet!

Can the flattery produced by such a peerless figure have the same effect?

Seeing that the two people talked more and more happily, even Helena began to wink at Jiang Fan, Elok suddenly became anxious!

Good guys!

This is the most powerful master of our William family!

The key is my aunt!

You go on chatting, so my aunt has to elope with you!

"Ahem! Jiang Fan, don't you just want to tell me the news?"

Irok didn't care to offend Helena, and directly interrupted the conversation between the two!

Jiang Fan smiled and nodded:

"Of course, I hope to be able to cooperate with the George family."



Jiang Fan leaned forward and looked at Ilok seriously:

"You and I joined forces to destroy... the George family!"


Ilok took a steep step back!

However, Helena suddenly spoke at this time:

"Interesting, can you talk about the specific plan?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan nodded politely:

"I rush into the ancestral land of the George family and kill everyone, and you are responsible for receiving all the George family's properties. After everything is done, the accounts are divided half and half!"

Don't talk about Ilok this time, even Helena was stunned!

This is also called a plan?

What a robbery!

Seeing that the two were dumbfounded, Jiang Fan opened his mouth with a smile:

"How about it, isn't it perfect?"

Perfect your uncle!

Ilok smiled awkwardly:

"Mr. Jiang, things are not that simple. Once we take action in the top ten families in Citi, we will definitely be noticed by the rest of the families. If we have done so excessively, it is very likely that we will become the target of public criticism and cause the siege of those families!"

That's why I asked you to block the knife!

Jiang Fan yelled in his heart!

This is Citi, and he has no foundation here!

Once the George family is killed, it is likely to cause a backlash from the rest of the family and hunt him down!

It is even more likely to induce the Supernatural Research Institute to intervene!

Although Jiang Fan now has a lot less enemies, his strength has become more powerful!

Nothing else, just because God asked, before Lin Buhui figured it out over there, he basically couldn't go back!

And once the boss of the Supernatural Research Institute is brought out again, if he fails, he will have to cool down again!

So how to calm down the anger of those families after killing the George family is the most important thing!

The easiest way is to pull the rest of the family into the water!

This is the main purpose of Jiang Fan's coming to the William family!

However, his calculations were clear, but his face was full of smiles:

"No, you all know the hatred between me and the George family!"

"The George family treats me, it's never dying at all!"

"Leave aside, just a few hours ago, Alves was still chasing me!"

"It's only right for me to kill them for revenge!"

"This is just the hatred between me and the George family, and you guys are just taking advantage of this opportunity!"

Ilok blinked, Jiang Fan meant to take all the hatred on him?

Helena frowned slightly:

"That's what I said, but Jiang Fan, you are not from Citigroup after all, and the western direction is against you Chinese people...do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course! Miss Helena, I understand what you mean, but the George family is immortal, and the pursuit of me will probably last forever. I must solve this scourge! So, pot, I'll recite! The good, you come and get it. !"

Helena and Elok were both stunned!

Jiang Fan is simply sacrificing himself!

It's so special!

Ilok looked serious:

"Mr. Jiang, why do you choose us?"

"It's very simple, because you are the enemies of the George family!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"We in China have an old saying, the enemy of the enemy is a friend!"

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend..."

Helena and Ilok murmured, then looked at each other.

Helena smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, I don't think there is any problem, but I have to ask the patriarch for instructions."

"Of course, please!"

Helena came back after only a few minutes away, and there was a thin man with white sideburns who came with her.

This man is full of gentle aura, but his face is not angry and majestic, freedom is the majesty of a superior!

He is the current patriarch of the William family, Ansel William!

"Mr. Jiang, I came here late at night, but I couldn't welcome it far. Please forgive me!"

Ansair stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

"You are polite, it came suddenly, with no gifts."

"Where, the news you brought, Mr. Jiang, is the best gift!"

"So, Mr. Ansair is interested?"

"Haha, but Mr. Jiang, can we discuss some details?"

"of course!"

The two of them spent a long time talking, and the final agreement was to divide the account between four and six. Because it takes a lot of experience to take over the George family's business, the William family must take the bulk!

For the George family property, the two sides will divide the accounts for four or six!

In addition, the William family will never recognize the cooperative relationship with Jiang Fan!

Finally, the William family must not harm Jiang Fan in any form!

Contrary to Ansair's expectation, Jiang Fan actually agreed to everything!

"Mr. Ansair, happy cooperation!"

After signing the contract, Jiang Fan reached out to Ansair.

Ansair shook hands with Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, happy cooperation!"

Both sides laughed meaningfully!

Next, Jiang Fan refused the invitation of the William family to stay overnight, and took advantage of the night to leave William Manor quietly.

Seeing Jiang Fan left, Ilok walked to Ansair's side:

"Patriarch, are Jiang Fan's words credible?"

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