God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1922: It's hopeless to talk about feelings

After Simon finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed!

Soak up all the body fluids and spit out the bones?

Everyone looked at the cabin, those **** bones with a lot of mucus!

Immediately afterwards, Cui Lian vomited directly!

The faces of the others are also ugly to the extreme!

Nima is too scary!

And at this moment!


The sound of empty magazines suddenly sounded!

And this is like a signal!

next moment!



In almost a second or two, everyone's magazines were all empty!

"Crap! Change the magazine soon!"

The pirate leader Hanover suddenly shouted!

However, it is too late!

Those two ferocious tentacles paused slightly, and the next moment, they had already rushed to the crowd abruptly!

In almost an instant, the two pirates were all swallowed by it!


Hannover is going crazy!

"You are so good at eating someone else, don't just attack my people!"

I don't know if this monster understood it. After swallowing the two, Finnegan and Trillian rushed over at the same time!

"It's over!"

The two of them were chilling!

It seems that I have seen the picture of my own bones gone!

But at this moment!


The two tentacles stopped abruptly, as if they had found some enemy, they aimed firmly at the back of the crowd!

Everyone was taken aback!

Then look back at the same time!

In the next moment, they unexpectedly discovered that behind them, at some point, there was an extraordinarily handsome man!

"Who is he?"

"When did it appear?"

"Don't worry! Since this monster is looking at him, let's run quickly!"


Everyone broke up in a rush!

Including Finnegan and Trillian too!

It's just that the direction in which the two ran away was exactly towards Jiang Fan!

Seeing the crowd fled, the two tentacles still pointed at Jiang Fan!

The crowd is happy!

This monster is really looking at that man!

However, at this moment!

"Boom boom!"

The cabin suddenly exploded in the direction where the others were escaping, and then a dozen tentacles suddenly stretched out, rushing directly to the crowd and rushing over!


"Damn it! This monster has so many tentacles!"



"Shoot! Go ahead and shoot!!"

The crowd called desperately!


It's too late!

With a scream, the pirate leader Hannover was the first to be swallowed by the tentacles!

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the pirates and the first mate on the ship also entered the belly of the tentacle!

Only Simon was lucky and fell suddenly and escaped!

Finnegan and Cui Li'an were trembling when they saw them, they ran faster under their feet, and they rushed to Jiang Fan!

And at this moment, the two tentacles originally trembled slightly, and they suddenly rushed toward them!

However, Jiang Fan just moved his eyes, and the tentacles seemed to be electrocuted, suddenly stood up again, and pointed straight at Jiang Fan!

Although there are only two tentacles, the Otva species has a ganglion on each of the tentacles!

Although this thing is not as good as the brain, it is extremely sensitive to the sense of danger!

From Jiang Fan, it directly felt a crisis of facing those predators when it was still a juvenile body!

At this moment, Finnegan and the two finally ran to Jiang Fan!

Seeing Jiang Fan seemed to be still in a daze, Finnegan gritted his teeth and grabbed Jiang Fan!

"Don't be in a daze! Run!"

It was just a tugging, Jiang Fan didn't move at all, but instead he sat down on the ground with a shock!


Cui Li'an exclaimed and stopped subconsciously!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, stretched out and pulled Finnegan up!

"Don't run, the safest place right now is here!"

"What are you kidding?"

Cui Li'an yelled and kept running!

But at this moment, Finnegan grabbed her!

"He's right! Just stay here!"

Cui Li'an was stunned!

"Finnigan, you, are you crazy?"

"No! I'm not crazy! Haven't you found out? The monster killed the rest of the people, but didn't rush to our side! That monster seems to be afraid of him!"


Cui Li'an was stunned!

Suddenly, she looked towards the tentacle, but was shocked to find that, despite the tentacles raging in several directions next to them, hunting and killing those pirates, the one facing them was motionless!

Do not!

That is clearly on alert!

This monster is afraid of this man!

With this thought, she was directly shocked!

Such a powerful and brutal monster would actually be afraid of a human being?

how can that be!

Who the **** is this man!

And Jiang Fan had already admired Finnegan's glance!

After all, there is the protagonist's aura, and the perception of safety is far more acute than ordinary people!

"Stay by my side!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and walked towards the two tentacles!

"Hey! What do you want!"

Cui Li'an suddenly exclaimed!

"Little brother! Don't be impulsive!"

Finnegan also exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan was not moved at all!

And seeing Jiang Fan coming over, the two tentacles in front suddenly became tense!

Even the rest of the tentacles stopped and all aimed at Jiang Fan!

At the same time, these tentacles all showed their hideous fangs, and let out a low roar like a demonstration!

Finnegan and Trillian's faces pale in fright!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Little guy, don't be nervous, I'm going to deliver food to your body!"



If you go by like this, you are a takeaway!

Finnegan is really scared!

Hold Jiang Fan's sleeve!

"Little brother! Or let's withdraw!"

"Yes, yes! You talk to it about feelings, hopeless!"

Cui Li'an also spoke in tears!

And seeing Jiang Fan getting closer and closer, the tentacles in front finally couldn't help it, and suddenly roared!

next moment!

There were a dozen tentacles around, and they all rushed towards Jiang Fan like wild horses!


"It's over!"

Finnegan and Trillian screamed suddenly!

But at this moment!


There was a bang!

Just one meter away from Jiang Fan's side, those tentacles seemed to knock down an invisible barrier!

Not only did they fail to knock Jiang Fan down, but these tentacles were blown apart by a terrifying counter-shock force, and their mouths full of fangs and teeth were blown to pieces!

For a while, in the cabin, it was like a handful of blood rain!

Finnegan and Cui Li were shocked safely!

Looked at this incredible scene dumbfounded!


A dozen tentacles burst out a scream at the same time!

At the same time, the entire hull trembled violently!

It seems that there is something huge, which is turning this huge ship!

Finnegan and Trillian exclaimed!

"What's the matter? What happened!"

"Nothing, this guy's body is coming out!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

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