God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1925: Doomsday Island Exploration Opportunity

Jiang Fan had just retired, he had already stopped, and rushed back to the monitor lizard!

And on the way to the impact, six arms stretched out under his ribs!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan had hugged the long horns of the monitor lizard and suddenly roared!


In the roar, among everyone's unbelievable eyes, Jiang Fan actually swept the entire monitor lizard!

"My God, master, is this point now?"

"too exaggerated!"

"I want to write an essay, I have decided on the name, it's called'The Importance of Following People'!"

Finnegan's faces were dull!

I can't even speak!

As for the monitor lizard's heart, it seems that there are 10,000 Godzillas passing by!



Shouldn't it be the lowest creature?

How can it be so strong!

It wants to beg for mercy, but the language doesn't work!

And just in such an instant, Jiang Fan had already rounded it three times, and then fell to the ground fiercely!


The earth is trembling!

The sand is jetting!

The waves are boiling!

This fall was just a shock wave that ignited a nuclear bomb!

The entire beach has become a basin directly!

In the center of the basin, the hapless monitor lizard has been shaken to death!

The atmosphere is quiet!

Except for the Norwegian sea monster who is still excited about doing bad things!

Now that it’s the end, there is no way to stop the two big octopuses!

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers!


A crisp sound!

In the next moment, the Norwegian sea monster that had been working hard, suddenly disappeared without a trace!

It was directly taken back by Jiang Fan!

Otwa was stunned, the huge tentacles kept flapping around, and he looked around!

And Jiang Fan has already arrived above it at this time!

"Otva, I know you can understand what I mean. The Norwegian sea monster just now is a special service I provide to customers!"

"It's time now, unfortunately, you can't enjoy it anymore!"

Otva seemed to understand Jiang Fan's meaning, and suddenly became furious!

I'm so cool, you actually told me that the time is up!

I want to add the clock, bastard!

However, no matter how it threw, it couldn't touch Jiang Fan at all!

Otwa was angry and anxious, and finally made a begging sound of "Woo"!

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Well, who made me kind!"

With that said, he released the Norwegian Sea Monster again!

However, in less than five minutes, he took it back!

Otva is about to collapse!

Big eyes are full of anger!

Jiang Fan was smiling:

"Otva, there is really no way this time. I will leave soon. Once I leave, I will probably never appear in this world. Of course, your lovely Norwegian sea monster will certainly not appear. Up!"


Otwa's eyes are full of anxiety!

"Of course! If you want to continue to enjoy the services of our sea monster technician, there is another way!"

"That is, join us!"

Jiang Fan finally cast out the ultimate goal!


Otwa was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan is following the temptation:

"Just join us and recognize me as the master. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can enjoy the meticulous and considerate service of the sea monster technician! How about?"

Otwa's heart is moved!

And Jiang Fan released the last bargaining chip:

"The old duck soup tube is enough!"


Otwa directly nodded heavily!

"Ding! Otva's gratitude to you has exceeded the extreme value! Willing to recognize you as the master and follow you!"

"But the host must ensure that the treaty is stable, otherwise Otva may betray at any time!"

That's it!

It's still easy to use beautiful men!

Even the causal point is saved!

As for knowing that Jiang Fan is regarded as a cowherd, what kind of mentality the Norwegian Sea Monster will be, leave it to David Jones to worry about!

Without saying a word, Jiang Fan put away Otva directly!

"System! Back!"


Along with the white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 2645 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the long-horned monitor lizard and successfully earning 20,000 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being shocked by Finnegan, Trillian, and Joey. The rewards are being merged!"

"Ding! The merger is complete! Congratulations to the host for obtaining-Zizi~~ Zizi~~"

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly burst into a noise!

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

But before he could ask what was going on, the system had returned to normal!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the opportunity to explore the Doomsday Island (one time)!"

"System! Did you have a bad signal just now?"

Jiang Fan frowned and asked.

"Ding! Do you think there is a signal in this place? Don't be nonsense!"

"Then you got mad just now, did you climb the electric pole and get an electric egg?"

"Ding! What am I..."

Seeing that the system was still the same as before, Jiang Fan was finally relieved!

This time I didn't get any customer rewards. The reason is simple, the customer was brought back!

Jiang Fan opened the character column, and Otva's attributes suddenly appeared on the paper!

[Deep Sea Giant]: Otwa Clan

Level: Level 18

Ability: None

Note: This is a terrifying deep-sea behemoth that has existed since ancient times. It is the only one remaining in the Otwa tribe. The sea is its home ground!

The introduction of this behemoth is as simple as the Norwegian Sea Monster, but for these two behemoths, their combat power in the sea is absolutely top-notch!

Another powerful thug, although the method is a bit awkward, but it is useful!

After Meizizi closed the page, Jiang Fan finally saw the opportunity to explore the Doomsday Island!

[Opportunity to explore the doomsday island]: This is the doomsday island located in the extremely cold world!

Commentary: In the ten thousand worlds, some worlds will be handed over to the hidden worlds of different dimensions. This is also one of the reasons why there will be alien creatures in the normal world, and the island of doom is one of them!

Strategy: Explore the island, you will get massive rewards, and you will surely get a dimensional core!

Tip 1: The host can invite real world powerhouses to help explore, but the other party will not receive any rewards!

Tip 2: You will not get any chance of resurrection in Doom, and there is a certain chance of unpredictable accidents!

Tip 3: Most of the dimensional world is full of dangers, please make sure the host is fully prepared to explore again!

Note: This is a very special item, but it doesn't seem to appear at this moment.

Jiang Fan was startled slightly.

This item is a bit similar to the trial ground, but there is no chance of resurrection, and three prompts appear in a row. This is the first time Jiang Fan has encountered it.

The key point is that this item does not have a grade, that is to say, the level of the monsters on the Doomsday Island cannot be determined at all!

"The long-horned monitor lizard should be just a marginal creature, at level 18..."

"Based on this calculation, the creatures near the volcano are likely to reach level 19 or even twentieth..."

"As for the deeper..."

"No wonder you shouldn't show up at this moment, it's useless to hold it!"

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