God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1935: I'm not Xiaocui

Jiang Fan had dealt with William and other families in Everbright City, and it was already midnight.

Jiang Fan, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped at this time!

"Mr. Ansel, do me a little favor!"

Ansair, the patriarch of the William family, nodded immediately:

"Mr. Jiang, please say!"

"Bring me a playground. By the way, all the staff must be here!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Naomi's eyes lit up!

Dad didn't forget!

Ansair was taken aback, but he nodded readily:

"No problem! Elok, prepare the car, and send Mr. Jiang and the others over!"

In the huge playground, Naomi is like a real child, trying everything she can play and eat.

The silver bell-like laughter echoed for a long time.

And Jiang Fan seemed to have forgotten everything, just playing around with her.

I don't know how long it took, Naomi leaned quietly on Jiang Fan's shoulder in the huge Ferris wheel, staring at the rising sun in the distance.

The scenery there should be the most anticipated, but I don't know why. At this moment, Naomi's heart suddenly rises with a trace of fear, and her hands subconsciously clasp Jiang Fan's arms.

"what's happenin?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

Naomi was silent for a long time, and then she lost her mouth:

"It's okay, I just feel that I'm leaving Dad forever."

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and looked at her forehead, where the flame pattern was becoming more and more complete.

"No, don't say silly things, I will always be with you."


Naomi smiled and nodded, leaning on Jiang Fan's shoulder, and slowly closing her eyes.

She fell asleep.

Jiang Fan looked into the distance, gently pulled out his arm, then took off his coat, and carefully covered Naomi's body.

After hesitating, he suddenly kissed Naomi on the forehead.

Then, taking a final look at Naomi, Jiang Fan flew out of the Ferris wheel silently and disappeared.

On the distant horizon, it was suddenly dark for a moment, and then, a ray of fiery red sunlight suddenly appeared!

At the same time, on Naomi's forehead, the flame pattern also burst out with a dazzling golden light!

The rising sun!

Naomi also opened her eyes slowly!

It's just that the look in her eyes at the moment is full of majesty and indifference!

After healed from her injuries and recovered her strength, she has once again become the real priest of the shrine!

However, the majesty and indifference in her eyes only lasted for a moment!

next moment!

"Jiang Fan! You bastard!!"

Naomi roared suddenly!


The overwhelming aura broke out!

If in the George family before, her aura was just a river, then now, it is simply the vast sea!

And with this terrifying aura erupting to the extreme, this one-hundred-meter-high Ferris wheel exploded into flying ash almost instantly!

Naomi floating in the air, the anger in her eyes almost boiled!

Jiang Fan!

You bastard!

You **** it, you deserve a million **** bastards! !

Actually lied to call him father!

The point is, I actually have to scream!

I can't remember those who called too many times!

Forget it, it's so kind!


Damn bastard! !

It's too deceiving!

Naomi was trembling all over, her teeth almost broken!

She is the noble priest of the shrine, and in the entire Eastern Shinto religion, besides Amaterasu, the most noble existence!

But now, Jiang Fan is actually playing tricks to this point!


Great shame!

Even if Jiang Fan is frustrated, this shame can't be washed away at all!

The point is, along with the rage, there is actually a damn, inexplicable touch!

Although she was angry, all the things she thought in her mind were all the excitement of playing last night!

The scene was so profound, it was even deeply engraved into her mind, and she couldn't forget it anyway!

What's more terrible is that whether you follow Jiang Fan to destroy the George family, or fight with the other nine major families, the excitement and worship of Jiang Fan is almost carved into the bone!

Compared to the previous twenty years of life, everything that happened yesterday, when she was with Jiang Fan, really gave her the feeling of being alive as an individual, a girl!

It was Jiang Fan's first time shopping with him, the look of carefully choosing clothes for himself, the kind of tireless attitude, which had never happened before.

It was Jiang Fan who let himself know that by working with others, he can become so interesting. Every word of his is like a real father, full of wisdom.

It was Jiang Fan that made him experience the joy of amusement park for the first time. In his life, as a majestic priest, he only saw these fun things on TV!

In just ten hours, I have never lived so wonderfully!

Hate him?

Of course hate it!

But other things, other emotions...

The anger on Naomi's face gradually disappeared.

A black coat suddenly floated slowly down from the sky. It was the coat that Jiang Fan put on her before leaving.

Just now, his aura broke out, and even the ferris wheel made of steel was destroyed, but this dress is okay?

Is it yourself, deliberately avoiding it?

Naomi reached out her hand subconsciously, and unexpectedly caught her jacket.

But the next moment, her eyes were fierce, and she was about to ruin it!

However, after struggling for a long time, she snorted coldly:

"Jiang Fan, with this coat, with the means of the shrine, I can track you at any time, you can't run!"


I want to catch Jiang Fan, this dress must be kept!

Taking a deep breath, Naomi finally landed slowly and strode out of the playground!

However, every amusement project she passed, whether it was a merry-go-round or a pirate ship, or even a roller coaster, vaguely passed the picture of the two laughing together.

Naomi's face grew gloomy.

Finally, the gate of the playground arrived.

But at this moment!

"Miss Xiao Cui!"

A staff member was carrying a bunch of things and suddenly ran over!



And the name of this dregs!

Damn Jiang Fan!

Can't you be more careful?

At the very least, a nice name that I can afford!

Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! !

"My name is not Jiang Xiaocui, my name is Naomi!"

Naomi yelled angrily!

"Huh? Ah! Yes, yes!"

The staff was taken aback and couldn't help stopping directly.

Naomi took a deep breath:

"what's up?"

"Ah! Yes, it's your father. He put these things at the door last night, saying that he would give it to you when he saw you."

"What's inside?"

"It looks like clothes, you see for yourself."

As the staff spoke, they had already passed the things over.

Naomi frowned and saw that it was all the clothes and shoes Jiang Fan chose for her yesterday, and there were also many accessories.

Jiang Fan!

You dare to tease me even before you leave!

Naomi's heart was full of anger, but it was a ghost who took everything over, and even smiled politely at the staff:

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

The staff was flattered.

Naomi looked at these things, and suddenly her fingers trembled, and a space door appeared and directly sucked all these things in.

After doing all this, Naomi suddenly turned her head, took a deep look at the playground, and then, she finally left.

And her face has completely restored its previous majesty and indifference!

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