God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1937: Soup to honor the donkey brother

The introduction of the system this time is extremely simple!

However, Jiang Fan is full of circles!

This introduction, who is this?

Before he could react, the system prompt had sounded again!

"Ding! Please give a hot donkey broth to Zhang Guolao who is full of pain!"

Zhang Guolao?

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly reacted!

Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals!

This time the customer of the order is actually a real fairy!

The opportunity to reap the benefits is here!

"Master Joshua, hurry up, give me the whole donkey broth!"

Joshua's face was circled:

"Donkey broth? Can donkeys still eat?"

"Damn! Your knowledge of eating is too low! Forget it, I will do it myself!"

As Jiang Fan said, he ran out of the Castle of Thorns in a hurry!

Jiang Fan was racing along the way, and finally found a donkey soup restaurant in Chinatown!

Quickly pack a copy, and Jiang Fan immediately drilled into the bathroom!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! It is about to enter-Journey to the East!"

Journey to the East tells the myths and legends of the Eight Immortals, describing the process of the eight immortals, Tieguai Li, Han Zhongli, Lu Dongbin, Zhang Guolao, Lan Caihe, He Xiangu, Han Xiangzi, and Cao Guojiu.

Zhang Guolao had this person in reality. During the period of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, he even invited him into the palace to preach and perform magic tricks. Later, the old man was too annoyed and simply played dead!

When Wu Zetian was in power, he heard that he appeared, and he sent someone to invite him again. The old man pretended to be dead again!

Of course, Journey to the East has nothing to do with reality, it is just a novel of gods and demons.

During the Ming Dynasty, the bookseller Yu Xiangdou saw the great sales of the novels of gods and demons, so he invited Wu Yuantai to write this "Journey to the East". )

But for Jiang Fan, this is not important!

The important thing is that the Eight Immortals are a group!

As long as you have a good relationship with one of them, the other seven are all friends!

Jiang Fan is most interested in making friends!


Along with a white light, Jiang Fan has appeared in a market!

People come and go here, it's so lively!

The cry of trading can be heard everywhere!

"Buy tofu~~"

"Fragrant and sweet soybean curd~~~"

"Biscuits! One penny for one penny!"

"Fragrant pears! Crispy and sweet fragrant pears~~"

"Officials~~~ Come and play~~"

Hearing the last shout, Jiang Fan was immediately excited!


not at all!

The market was lively, but there was a faint cry in the distance!

And many people are rushing there!

Jiang Fan looked curious, and immediately followed the crowd!

The water there was already surrounded by the crowd, but as Jiang Fan walked in, the crowd couldn't help but split a road!

And Jiang Fan finally saw the scene inside!

I saw an old man kneeling pitifully on the ground, in front of him, there was a donkey upside down!

Seeing that the donkey was covered in blood and convulsed all over, it was obvious that he could not survive!

Opposite the old man, there was a drunken, brawny man with a blue beard!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and when he saw the Dao Qing tube next to the old man clearly, his eyes lit up!

The love tube is about two feet long. It is made of a bamboo tube with a lard skin underneath. It will make a "pop" when it is tapped. It is a musical instrument that matches the love words of the Tao!

But this thing is extremely rare. So far, Jiang Fan has only seen it in a portrait of a person!

And that person is Zhang Guolao!

Good guy, I met the old man so soon!

But what is the situation, he is dead?

And just for a while, the crowd on the side had already talked about the matter in a rush!

The old man was riding a donkey while singing love words over and over again, just because he was riding a donkey backwards and he didn't see a drunk man with a blue beard in front of him, so he accidentally wiped the strong man.

The strong man was furious and beat the donkey to death!

After listening to Jiang Fan, his face was immediately covered in circles!

Zhang Guo is always a god!

His donkey is naturally not a common product, so he will be beaten to death?

At this moment, the strong man had already said coldly:

"Hey! That old immortal! Don't be a **** cry! Anxious Lao Tzu, let you be company with your donkey!"

Zhang Guolao wiped a tear and glared at the brawny:

"You don't need to apologize for killing my donkey. It's so rude. Isn't it deceiving too much!"

"Hey, what about Lao Tzu deceiving too much? This huge city of Hengzhou is covered by Lao Tzu!"

As soon as the strong man said what he said, the crowd was startled!

"What nonsense is this drunk saying!"

"He actually said that Hengzhou City was covered by him!"

"Could it be that you drank too much and regarded yourself as the prefect master?"

"Don't talk, I've never seen anyone with a blue beard!"

"No! Hey, that brawny man, that donkey just walked past you. You should apologize if you killed someone's mount!"

"Yes! Our prefect master is the most jealous, and this old man led you to see officials!"

The crowd is babbling!

But the strong man actually laughed wildly!

"Take me to the official? Hahaha! Which official dare to try Laozi? Get out of me!"

The brawny man said, stretched out his hand and pushed!


A dozen people around him were all overthrown by him!

The crowd was dumbfounded!

Such strength is unheard of!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, faintly feeling that something was wrong!

But I just came to deliver the food, and I'm not in the mood to take care of those nosy matters!

He walked directly to the center and patted Zhang Guolao on the shoulder:

"Zhang Guolao?"


Zhang Guolao was taken aback, then turned to look at Jiang Fan:

"who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to you!"

"What's the gift?"

"It's not important! Here you are!"

As Jiang Fan said, the bowl of hot donkey broth was directly revealed!

As soon as this thing came out, the rich fragrance immediately filled the market!

The crowd swallowed their saliva!

Even the brawny blue-bearded man who was about to leave stopped, his eyes shining at the bowl of donkey broth!

Zhang Guo was stunned!

"This, this is donkey broth?"

He loved the donkey to die just now, and he was heartbroken!

Thinking back to the time the donkey was with me, it is even more difficult for me!

Back then, this little donkey was going to be killed to make donkey broth, but he saved it by himself!

I knew that one day, I might as well turn it into donkey broth, or better than seeing my partner, one day I would die like this!

Brother Lic, Brother Lic, if you became a bowl of soup and entered my stomach, you would still be one with me!

But now, death is death!


He was thinking of donkey broth, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to appear!

The crowd was shocked!



"This little brother is crazy? As soon as the donkey dies, you give them the donkey broth!"

"Isn't this salt on the wound and holes in the condom!"

"Too heartbreaking!"

However, beyond the crowd's expectations!

Zhang Guo looked at the bowl of soup blankly, but couldn't help taking a sip!

Immediately afterwards, he cried directly!

"This, this smell! It's so fragrant!"

"No, it tastes so charming!"

"It makes me seem to have read it again, the bit by bit with Brother Li!"

"This is a bowl of soup to pay homage to Brother Donkey!"

Zhang Guolao's reaction directly stunned the crowd!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

What about this operation?

But at this moment!

"Huh! That kid, leave this bowl of soup for Lao Tzu!"

With this sound, the brawny blue-bearded man had already strode over!

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