After sending away a few swindlers in a row, Jiang Fan finally cleansed down.

But at this moment, I don't know when, there are many more strange tourists.

These people have almost no atmosphere of warriors, they are either taking pictures or chatting in twos and threes, but no matter what everyone is doing, the corner of their eyes is always facing Jiang Fan's direction!

"A group of idiots, it is better to find a drone to monitor than to send these half-hearted people over!"

Jiang Fan complained, and suddenly looked north.

There, a few tyrannical auras are coming quickly!

"finally reached!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly cold!

Suddenly he got up, the whole person was like a ghost, and instantly came to a few spies who were staring at him!


The faces of several spies changed!

next moment!


Jiang Fan blasted out with a punch, and directly smashed the three people in front of him to pieces!

Countless tourists around were stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with a dull face!

I don't know how long it has been!


The surrounding crowd suddenly burst into screams!

"Kill it!"


"Help!! Help!!"

Unlike the people who flee for their lives, in the panic, several men and women holding cameras and cameras light up, and they hide in the corner and point their devices at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan ignored the crowd at all, just mentioned the remaining spy!

"Say, who sent you here!"


The spy's face was full of fear, and the whole person was trembling almost fainting!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and he choked off his neck!

And the next moment, he has appeared in front of another pair of spies dressed as lovers!

"He can't tell, you guys!"

"No, don't, spare my life!!"

The two screamed in fright!

They are all spies under the Supernatural Research Institute. The upper level just asked them to stare at Jiang Fan, but no one has ever said that this Jiang Fan would be so cruel and terrifying!

"I hate to listen to nonsense!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and he suddenly raised his hand!

at this time!


A deafening roar suddenly sounded from a distance!

The sound of "S" had just been uttered, and the other party was still a thousand meters away, but when the word was finished, the other party had already arrived behind Jiang Fan!

It suddenly hit Jiang Fan's back with a punch!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan turned his head back suddenly and clasped the opponent's fist!


The other party exclaimed!

Jiang Fan had already smiled grimly, and with a hand knife in his backhand, he slashed directly across the opponent's neck!


The heads of the big fights are soaring into the sky!


There was another roar!

Aldrich has already appeared above this square with four men and women with extremely violent auras!

"Jiang Fan!! You dare to kill the people of our Supernatural Institute!!"

"Supernatural Institute?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"What about killing!"

"you wanna die!!"

Aldrich was furious!

And the brawny man beside him, whose breath had reached the nineteenth intermediate level, roared, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

This man is the commander of Aldrich's most powerful "Supreme Action Team", Boris!

It's just that he just rushed to Jiang Fan's side, before he could make a move, Jiang Fan suddenly kicked out!



Boris let out a scream, the whole person flew upside down, and directly hit a small building behind!


The small building seemed to be bombarded by a missile, and it collapsed in half!

However, Boris remained strong, smashing two more houses along the way, and was directly buried in the ruins of the houses!

Several sneaky paparazzi were stunned!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they would have been able to make a sequel to the Superman movie!

All Aldrich were shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

Boris, the 19th-level intermediate, didn't even hold Jiang Fan!

This guy is actually more tyrannical than imagined!

The point is, the strongest Boris has been abandoned, then they...


Aldrich screamed suddenly!

At this moment, he was full of endless regrets!


Jiang Fan, this monster!

How could he be so strong!

Several people divided into four directions, fleeing desperately!

However, Jiang Fan smiled grimly and stepped on the ground!


The entire ground collapsed into a piece of hundreds of square meters in an instant, and Jiang Fan had already rushed behind a woman who fled east with this counter-shock force!

"Do not!!!"

Seeing Jiang Fan chasing, the woman suddenly screamed!

Unfortunately, as soon as the screams broke out, Jiang Fan slammed out!


There seemed to be a thunder in the air!

The woman was instantly bombarded and turned into pieces of meat!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan has suddenly disappeared!

When he appeared again, he had already come behind the man Xiangxi!

With the same punch, the man did not even have time to scream, and he had already followed in the footsteps of the woman!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan took out the Qiankun bow with his backhand, without looking at it, he shot an arrow directly toward the north!

When he clasped Aldrich's neck, the arrow had already hit the back of the northern man!


The enchanted bursting arrow is matched with the Qiankun bow, and this arrow shoots out like a missile!

In the dazzling fire, not only did the man’s bones disappear, but even the six-story viewing windmill over there was directly exploded into a mass of fragments!

After all this was done, the crowd who were still screaming for their lives just ran away tens of meters away!

Everyone stopped involuntarily, looked at the sky with fear and buckled Aldrich's Jiang Fan!

so horrible!

This guy is simply a killing machine!

The method is even more terrifying than the devil in the movie!

A few paparazzi trembled in excitement!

Just shoot the video, once it is released, you will definitely be successful!

Even one of them had a quick mind, and he had directly opened the notebook beside him and started to choose to upload to the network!

Aldrich trembled all over, he looked at Jiang Fan with trembling teeth:

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, you, don't be impulsive, I, I..."

He hasn't finished speaking!

"Ah!!! Bastard!!!"

A roar suddenly sounded from under the ruins of a house in the distance!



The bricks on the ruins rose to the sky, directly revealing a rugged man below!


He is not dead yet!

Aldrich was overjoyed!

"help me!!"

Boris stared at Jiang Fan fiercely:

"Boy! I want to kill you! I must kill you!!!"

With his roar, countless bricks and stones on the ground seemed to have life, covering his body like flowing water!

In just a moment, Boris has become a monster three meters tall and covered with rocks!

Ability, rock manipulation!

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