God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2188: This is to send me on the road!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has appeared on a simple and heavy city wall!

The height of this city wall is more than tens of meters, and it is all built of hard rock, and there are many soldiers with helmets and armors around!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, everyone was shocked!

"Huh! Who are you!"

"The wall is heavy, leave quickly!"

"Why is this person decorating so weird?"

"Say carefully! This popularity is extraordinary, I am afraid it is the noble son of a certain family."

"My son, this is wartime, please leave quickly!"

A group of soldiers babbled.

Jiang Fan was curious. He looked back and saw that behind the city wall was a huge city.

The roads here are spacious and there are many shops, and it is a bustling scene, but at this moment, the pedestrians on the road are hurried, with fear on their faces.

And a dozen miles away outside the city, there is a huge military camp stationed, and the military tent stretches like a mountain!

The two parties looked at each other in the air, and the atmosphere was depressed.

Jiang Fan's face was circled.

Strange, why don't you want to deliver food to Lu Buwei?

How did you get to this battlefield that was obviously preparing for a siege?

But shortly afterwards, he suddenly changed his face and looked directly at a soldier:

"This is Handan City?"

The soldier was taken aback:


Jiang Fan finally knew what was going on!

"Historical Records·Volume 85·Lü Buwei Biography 25" records that in the 50th year of King Qin Zhao, Wang Jun encircled Handan in a hurry, and Zhao wanted to kill Zi Chu. Zi Chu and Lu Buwei planned to pay six hundred catties to the guards and get off.

King Qin Zhao is the same, King Zhaoxiang Qin is the grandfather of the foreigner.

The fiftieth year of King Qin Zhao was 257 BC!

The stranger worshipped his father, Mrs. An Guojun's consort Hua Yang, as his mother, because Mrs. Hua Yang is a native of Chu, and later changed his name, Zi Chu!

Translated, it means that in 257 BC, the State of Qin sent Wang Jun (yi three times) to besiege Zhao Handan. The foreigner was taken as a hostage. Obviously, there was no use for him. Zhao State wanted to kill him.

It was Lu Buwei who negotiated with a foreigner and took out a full six hundred catties of gold to give to the officials who defended the city. Only then was he able to escape, escape to the Qin army camp, and return home smoothly.

It seems that I came at this time!

In the Warring States Period, it was 16 taels per catty, but the weights and measures of each country were not unified. In Zhao State 16 taels was about 250 grams now, but according to the Qin State, it was 253 grams.

In other words, in modern times, this is a full 300 kilograms of gold!

According to the current gold price of 370 per gram, that is a full 55 million! !

This Lu Buwei is really so rich!

But since you know when it will come, it's easy!

Jiang Fan directly took out the compass. Since he killed Calypso, the sea god, the compass has become more silky. With Jiang Fan's heart move, he immediately pointed to the east of Handan City.

Jiang Fan put away the compass, smiled at the group of soldiers on the wall, and then jumped down suddenly!


"Little brother! There is no hurdle to pass!"

"Qin people dare not fight in!"

"Yihongyuan has a special bargain today, don't miss it!"

A group of soldiers all exclaimed!

But then!


Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to hit the ground, his whole body completely violated the laws of physics, and suddenly rose into the air, like a peregrine falcon, instantly flying away!

A group of soldiers opened their mouths, and the pedestrians on the street were all stunned!

"Woohoo! Inhuman!"

"Could this be the Kunpeng Zhuangzi said?"

"Don't be nonsense, this is a fairy!"

"The immortal is here, and my Handan city will surely turn into auspiciousness at this moment!"

"Hurry up! Keep up!"

A group of people desperately chased down below.

Jiang Fan was speeding like the wind, and soon came to a house covering a very large area.

It's just that this place is surrounded by heavy soldiers. Just looking at the fierce faces of the soldiers, you know that they must be the best soldiers!

Although these people are just surrounding the house, their faces are full of murderousness. They are obviously waiting for instructions. Once the order arrives, the people in this house are afraid that they will be killed.

It's just that they are just staring around the house, Jiang Fan coming from the sky, these people actually didn't notice it!


Jiang Fan landed steadily in the house!

But he hasn't waited to see his surroundings clearly!



A series of sounds of various weapons unsheathed suddenly sounded, and then, more than a dozen weapons had all been aimed at him!

Jiang Fan looked around with a surprised look, and saw that the yard was full of short-dressed men with amazing momentum!

Needless to say, these people must be the diners of Lu Buwei and the foreigners!

During the Warring States Period, it was popular to raise diners, and Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling, had three thousand diners under him, and even the military power could be seized!

Although Lu Buwei wasn't very good at this time, Jiang Fan could roughly count the number of people in this courtyard!

"who are you?"

"Could it be Wang Zhao's running dog?"

"This person must assassinate the son and take him down!"

A group of diners chattered, several of them suddenly stepped forward and were about to grab Jiang Fan.

However, Jiang Fan didn't even look at them, and walked towards the inner hall with his foot up.

Those few people were about to catch Jiang Fan, but as Jiang Fan fell, all of them caught nothing!

The crowd looked surprised, and when they looked up, they realized that Jiang Fan had already reached the entrance of the main hall!

"what happened?"

"How can one step span so far?"

"This guy has a problem! Get him!"

"Protect Master and Lu!"

The crowd was in a hurry, but Jiang Fan had already pushed open the door!

The interior of the main house is extremely spacious, and the ground is covered with soft, while two men are kneeling and sitting on both sides of a low table, sighing and sighing to relieve their sorrows!

One of them was pale, slightly thin and dressed up as a noble boy.

The other was well-proportioned, with a beard under his jaw, and a wealth of wealth, but one side of his face was swollen.

These two people are Yiren and Lu Buwei!

At this moment, the two of them had obviously drunk too much. Seeing Jiang Fan rushing in, Lu Buwei suddenly spoke drunkly:

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Didn't you say it? As long as you haven't beaten in, don't delay Lao Tzu's drinking! Lao Tzu's tooth hurts to death!"

The stranger nodded again and again:

"That's right! All, all out! Son, I'm so awkward to live, I can't stop drinking for a while before I die, right?"

With Jiang Fan's move, two groups of ice water suddenly formed on the two people's heads, and then they poured it directly down!

"I X!"

The two of them screamed at the same time, and most of them woke up after drinking. They were about to yell at Jiang Fan, but they couldn't help but froze after seeing Jiang Fan's clothes clearly:

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to Lu Buwei!"

"Give me takeaway?"

Lu Buwei was taken aback for a moment, but then he looked bitter:

"I see, what do you mean by sending me on the road? Amazing, my hundreds of diners didn't stop you!"

He looked at the stranger with a sad expression:

"My son! Lu is useless, let's go one step ahead!"

"Gong Lu!"

The stranger also wailed:

"I promise your glory and wealth, and you will honor it in the next life!"


"Gong Lu!"


"Gong Lu!"


Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead:

"Cry ass! I'm delivering food, not on the road!"

Lu Buwei wiped away tears:

"Is there a difference?"

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