With the opening of the gene riot, the rest of the gain abilities are all blessed in an instant!


The terrifying aura that erupted from Jiang Fan's body was soaring into the sky like a hurricane!

The clouds in the sky were all blown away at this moment!

Even the sea water underneath, under the pressure of Jiang Fan's terrifying aura, suddenly appeared an anhydrous zone that even the seabed was exposed!

Tang Zhen, who was beside him, was blown away hundreds of meters away by this breath!

Tang Zhen looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Is this kid a monster?

Obviously it is only level 20, but the breath that has exploded now has almost reached the limit of level 23!


It may be more than that!

Jiang Fan, this guy is so strong!

Shura's eyes also showed shock!

This is the first time he has encountered a character like Jiang Fan!

It can be said that the strength that Jiang Fan has exploded at this moment has completely exceeded his cognition of the twentieth level!

Simply unheard of!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a faint **** smoke, and turned his head slightly to look at Tang Zhen:


Tang Zhen didn't hesitate anymore, and went away instantly!

Shura frowned and was about to make a move, but at this moment, Jiang Fan had already looked at him coldly:

"Three minutes! If you don't die within three minutes, you win!"

Shura was startled slightly, and suddenly smiled.

He no longer looked at Tang Zhen who was away, but looked at Jiang Fan with interest:

"Interesting, let's do it."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, then leaned forward and stepped on his right foot!


At this moment, the void under his feet trembled suddenly!

Jiang Fan had almost broken through the limitation of space, and he was in front of Shura in an instant, and pointed to his heart!

This speed is almost inevitable!

However, as early as the moment Jiang Fan took that step, Shura carried his hands on his back, and took a slight step to the right as if walking in a leisurely courtyard!


Jiang Fan hit the empty spot directly!

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Fan’s blow seemed to have deliberately missed Shura!

Jiang Fan's face changed completely!

It's just that the incomparably rich combat experience immediately made him make the next move!

When Jiang Fan pointed, his elbow bends suddenly, and he slams into Shura's temple!

Shura still carried his hands on his back, and gently backed away.

Another trick failed!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan's left hand suddenly pointed towards Shura!


A beam of jet black like ink suddenly blasted out!

False flash!

The speed of the virtual flash is astonishing, and the two are so close again, even if this move fails to hit Shura, it will inevitably make him make other moves!

However, in the face of this imaginary flash, Shura just said "Huh"!

And at the moment when the virtual flash was about to hit him, it seemed to be divided into two by some invisible weapon, and it suddenly hit both sides!

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and he had already exploded with all his strength, but he couldn't even get Shura to make a move!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan suddenly let out a low growl, and then a large swath of **** smoke floated all over his body!

Immediately afterwards, his entire right arm suddenly swelled three times strangely, and even the skin on the surface began to crack!

And the surrounding void, under the terrifying energy bursting out from that arm, began to twist!

Eight times!

Accumulate detonation!

Shura finally showed a trace of surprise in his eyes:

"There is such a technique, Jiang Fan, you surprised me more and more."

"What surprised you, it's still behind!"

Jiang Fan roared, his right fist suddenly squeezed, and he blasted towards Shura!


This punch blasted out, and a series of thunder suddenly exploded around, and even the nearby void appeared countless cracks!

Even a mountain, in the face of this punch, will completely turn into fly ash!

However, in the face of a frightening punch, Shura only sighed slightly:

"Never mind, if you don't make a move, you don't understand after all, the gap between you and me."

As soon as the voice fell, he finally raised...a finger!

Facing Jiang Fan's destructive fist, Shura just stretched out a finger and tapped it lightly!

next moment!


A soft sound.

Shura still moved and didn't move!

But Jiang Fan was like a small rock, suddenly flying upside down, rubbing the sea directly and withdrawing for a full 100 meters before he stabilized his figure.

Eight times the charge detonates!

Not only did Shura easily catch it with one finger, but he also wiped out ninety-nine percent of the punch's strength in an instant!

The gap between the two sides is like Tianyuan!

Jiang Fan looked at Shura in horror, this is himself, and there is a real gap between Tianding Tenji's series?

It's too bad!

At this moment, Jiang Fan almost lost all his confidence, and his entire face was ashamed.

Shura stepped on the emptiness and came to Jiang Fan in a few steps.

Looking at Jiang Fan condescendingly, Shura had a trace of regret in his eyes:

"A talent like you may not have one in a century. Unfortunately...Jiang Fan, do you have any last words?"

Jiang Fan's face was bitter, he opened his mouth and suddenly asked:

"Can you tell me who Tianzun is?"

Shura sighed:

"If I know, I will tell you, but unfortunately, I don't know either."

Jiang Fan was startled:

"Don't you know? How could you not know?"

Shura shook his head:

"I don't have to lie to you, let alone me, the six masters, except for Yasha, I'm afraid no one knows."

Jiang Fan looked at Shura earnestly for a while, then suddenly nodded:

"I believe you."

This was a very normal sentence, but Shura's heart moved for no reason, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

And almost in an instant, he discovered the wrong reason!

Jiang Fan is too calm!

His eyes didn't look like a dying person at all!

How could this be?

As soon as this question came up, Jiang Fan sighed slightly:

"You really don't know, this is really... a pity..."

As soon as Jiang Fan's words fell, Shura suddenly felt his scalp numb, and that feeling was as if death had driven a sickle to his neck!

He almost subconsciously wants to stay away from Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


The two tentacles suddenly popped out of the sea, and instantly entangled Shura's feet!

Limb alienation!



In Jiang Fan's hand, there was a pure white thing suddenly appearing, like a small toolbox.

This thing was actually the proton bullet he got in the world of Resident Evil!

[Proton bomb (lightweight type)]: No radiation and no pollution, except for a small range, it is perfect!

Equivalent level: 2 million tons of TNT!

Explanation: The explosive range of this weapon is ten kilometers in diameter, and the explosive power is 24 levels, and the power is constant within ten kilometers!

Note: Never show up at any point within ten kilometers!

Jiang Fan smiled at Shura, the next moment!


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