God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 222: What's crazy about you

"Professor Tsai! I have been talking about the theory for so long, so let's show it to everyone on the spot!"

Ge Chuanzhi said, looking at a group of students!

"Classmates, let Teacher Cai write you a picture, OK?"

The students were very simple, but they didn't know what was going on, and they immediately applauded!

Only Xue Ningyu's expression moved slightly!

Cai Xiaojing hesitated and looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Since the last time he taught Cai Xiaojing a good lesson, Cai Xiaojing's attainments have long been different from what it used to be!

What is missing now is just confidence!

Seeing Jiang Fan's encouraging eyes, Cai Xiaojing finally nodded!

"Okay! Then I will show my ugliness!"

Cai Xiaojing promised so happily, and suddenly Ge Chuanzhi was taken aback! Can't help but look at Jiang Fan!

Just looking at it, he immediately laughed at himself!

It turned out to be a young man! It seems that Cai Xiaojing just dodged his eyes deliberately because of nervousness!

Soon, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone are ready!

The scene is quiet!

However, this atmosphere caused Cai Xiaojing to feel nervous for no reason!

Even the hand holding the pen was a little trembling!

"Follow yourself! Just write one word! The heart of victory or defeat is too important, how can you become a master?"

At this moment, there was a scolding, and suddenly, it resounded through the audience!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, looking towards the direction where the voice came from!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan!

"Who is this person?"

"Crazy enough! Actually, dare to teach Professor Cai!"

"Which class? Why have you never seen him?"

"Hey! Boy, don't disturb the professor writing!"

Xue Ningyu looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

Is this man crazy? Actually dare to teach Cai Xiaojing!

Even Ge Chuanzhi frowned and took a deep look at Jiang Fan!

However, after hearing Jiang Fan's words, Cai Xiaojing suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

The teacher is right!

I, the pattern, is so small!

He bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!

"is teacher!"

At this moment, the whole classroom is boiling!

"My ears are all right? Professor Cai, what do you call that kid?"

"Teacher? My God! What a joke!"

"Fake? How can this kid look like a master?"

"what's going on?"

A young man next to Ge Chuanzhi suddenly looked at him!

"Teacher, this kid, doesn't he look like a master?"

Ge Chuanzhi smiled disdainfully!

"Cai Xiaojing is just playing mystery! Don't worry about it!"


Soon, Cai Xiaojing had finished writing a piece of writing!

Then, turn on the projector!

"Professor Ge, please comment!"

Ge Chuanzhi's expression changed immediately when he saw Cai Xiaojing's words!

This character is charming, austere and calm, but still with a hint of excitement. Obviously, it not only captures the essence of Cai Jing's calligraphy, but also out of his own style!

Already, there is a faint master style!

damn it!

Cai Xiaojing's progress, how can it be so fast?

Ge Chuanzhi walked to the podium step by step, but his mind turned quickly!

"Haha! Professor Cai's words are really beautiful! It's a pity that I went astray!"

Cai Xiaojing frowned!

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, as everyone knows, Cai Jing is a well-known traitor in history! He deceives the monarch in vain, arrogantly dominates his pets, stalks the people, corrupts the law and ruins the country, and is extravagant! Breath!"

"Professor Cai, don't you, you have badly taught the students!"

"You! Nonsense! You, you are jealous!"

"Jealous? Teacher Cai, don't talk nonsense. We are not a style at all. Why do I be jealous of you?"


At this time, a group of students gradually showed a skeptical look!

Cai Xiao is sweating profusely!

That's it! It was actually a **** Ge Chuanzhi who caught this and talked about it!

How to do?

At this moment!

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded!

"Cai Jing studied from Cai Xiang, and then from Shen Chuanshi, Ouyang Xun, and later Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi. He wears calligraphy and is the director of the Bo Bai Family. According to you, aren't his teachers also traitors?"

Ge Chuanzhi's complexion changed! Suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

This kid again!

"This little brother, he seems to know calligraphy too!"

"Understand a little!"

"In that case, why don't you come over and comment?"

"I'm a person, I don't like to make irresponsible talk, my mouth is not that long!"


Ge Chuanzhi's face sank!

Xue Ningyu's heart jumped!

Jiang Fan's character, so domineering?

"Okay, why don't you write a picture, little brother?"

"Write a copy of each! Let me see what level you are!"

Jiang Fan lazily stepped onto the podium!

Ge Chuanzhi was taken aback, and then suddenly laughed!

As long as the master of calligraphy, there will always be a trace of elegance, or aloof temperament, this young man, except for the handsome, the rest, there is no bright spot!

And, what about calligraphy? This thing not only talks about talent, but also depends on practice!

Even if the grandmaster Wang Xizhi of the year had practiced for a lifetime!

This kid is young, even if he started to practice calligraphy from his mother's womb, compared with himself, he is definitely an amateur!

"Okay! Since the little brother is interested, then I will show my ugliness!"

Ge Chuanzhi immediately picked up his pen and wrote the word "calligraphy" directly!

What he wrote was crazy grass!

After writing these two words, he himself is also extremely satisfied!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Crazy grass? You know that the essence of mad grass is "Crazy Ease"! Crazy is there, but how easy is it? No elegant and chic, just pure madness. I really don't know what you are crazy about!"

"You! What did you say?"

Ge Chuanzhi slapped the table suddenly!

"Remove your dirty hands! Let you open your eyes! In the future, learn to shut up!"

Jiang Fan said, his whole body suddenly changed!

In an instant, it was filled with a sense of arrogance and unrestrainedness!

Master of Calligraphy: Learn this skill and you will become a master of calligraphy! All kinds of calligraphy come at your fingertips!


Jiang Fan picked up his pen and left the ink, and the pen went to the dragon and snake!

After writing the two characters, turn around and leave!

And through the projector, all the students clearly saw that Jiang Fan wrote the word "garbage"!

It's just that, even if you don't know how to read this handwriting, you will only feel a rush of madness!

The momentum is like a galloping horse and a strong wind!

Comparing with Ge Chuanzhi's "Calligraphy" next to it, it's like one in the sky and the other underground!

"Oh my god! This word is too...I'm so poor!"

"Unspeakable! I have never seen such a beautiful word!"

"He, he is really Professor Cai's master!"

"So handsome! Little brother don't leave! I want to warm your bed!"

"Let me come! I can let you practice calligraphy on me!"

A group of students, crazy!

Cai Xiaojing looks incredible!

The teacher used to write the book sage style before, but now he actually writes crazy cursive!

Both! At the same time reaching the extreme, this is simply unheard of!

Xue Ningyu is even more beautiful!

I just feel that my heart is beating!

This word is so beautiful!

Everyone speaks like the person, then what kind of person should Jiang Fan be?

At this moment, she was deeply curious about Jiang Fan!

Ge Chuanzhi looked at Jiang Fan's words dumbfounded, and after a long time, suddenly fell to his knees!

"The word'garbage' is the real calligraphy! And what I wrote in'calligraphy' is simply rubbish!"

Ge Chuanzhi tore his own words to pieces!

"I was wrong! Grand Master, this is definitely Grand Master! Grand Master! Wait for me!"

He said, getting up and chasing Jiang Fan!

And a group of students couldn't help but follow out!

However, as soon as these people left the door, they saw that Jiang Fan was stopped by a group of gangsters!

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