
The night was dark, starless and moonless.

On the vast sea, Jiang Fan was taking Yunlou towards a deeper level.

"Mr. Jiang, it should be right in front. When I came last time..."

Yunlou was chattering, but at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the capital!

At this moment, his heart palpitated for no reason!

That feeling, as if there was something related to him, suddenly disappeared.

"Mr. Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Lou was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Fan with a face full of surprise.

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and he suddenly said:

"Stay here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a plume of smoke!

Super long-distance teleportation!


The next moment, Jiang Fan has appeared in the Jinghu Courtyard!

However, Jiang Fan showed a surprised look just by perceiving it a little.

The masters of the Jiang family are all staying here!

Did something happen to someone from the Jiang family?

Here in the capital, there should be no one else except the Jiang family's group of masters who can make me feel it!

Xia Fanxing?


I have a closer connection with her and Qiu Mingyue. If they are really in trouble, I will feel it before the accident.

But besides them, who else?

Just when Jiang Fan was thinking about it!

"Ding! You have a new takeout order!"

Why did the order come at this time?

Jiang Fan's expression changed.

The system's voice continued to sound:

"Tiger's soul shines! Heaven and earth are emperor!"

Unexpectedly, the system prompts only these two sentences!

Jiang Fan was stunned for a moment, but then he was directly excited!

Anyone who has watched Hong Kong manga "Shen Bing Xuan Qi" will never be unfamiliar with these two sentences!

These two sentences are the hints of the birth of the Tiger Soul Divine Sword!

This time, it's actually the mysterious world of magic weapons?

Jiang Fan was thinking!

"Ding! Please give Nangong Wentian a piece of refreshing mustard belly!"

It is indeed a magic weapon!

Wentian, I haven't seen this apprentice for a long time!

At the beginning, I taught him the Nine Sun Scriptures and the Great Movement of Qiankun, and I don't know how he is doing now...



Jiang Fan's expression changed immediately!

With the teleport activated, he has suddenly appeared on the long street of the temple fair!

However, no matter how Jiang Fan perceives it, he has even covered more than half of the capital, but he doesn't feel Li Zhen's breath at all!

Jiang Fan's face became more and more ugly, and he suddenly activated his super-sensitive sense of smell!

In an instant, countless scents entered Jiang Fan's nose, and Li Zhen's scent was like an invisible thread that appeared directly in Jiang Fan's mind.

Jiang Fan followed the scent thread, and soon came to the alley, his eyes fell directly on a taxi parked here.

This is the place where Li Zhen's breath last existed.


As Jiang Fan pulled the car door open, what caught his eye was only the driver's seat, a small handful of dust.

The airflow brought by the car door caused a little bit of dust to rise up and land on Jiang Fan's fingers.

And the moment he touched the dust, Jiang Fan, who had cell control, knew the material of this thing.

It's not dust, it's bone meal!

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, his teeth rattling.

how so!

How could Li Zhen die?

When he left the teahouse, he had already explored several blocks nearby!

It was because he didn't feel any abnormality that he was relieved to let him leave!

But now, only a few minutes have passed!

My second disciple, who was really taught martial arts, died so silently!

who did it!

Who is it! !

Jiang Fan's face became more and more gloomy, and the whole world seemed to feel his anger. The sky where the bright moon hung high is now covered with dark clouds!

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Fan finally forced himself to calm down.

Anger is useless now, the most important thing is to find out the murderer!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and began to silently feel the atmosphere around him.

Since Li Zhen was killed here, there must be a murderer's breath here!

However, after the experience, Jiang Fan was full of surprise!

No breath!

Not only is there no breath, but there is no smell, as if the murderer never existed, Li Zhen was killed out of thin air!

How could this be?

Even Jiang Fan himself would not be able to do this without the Heiyin Cloak!

This feeling is like...

In Jiang Fan's mind, the shadow of dust appeared for no reason.

When I was in Bermuda, I was like this when I tracked the dust myself. There was no smell, no smell, or even the slightest trace!

But the dust is a decomposition technique with the ten disasters ability, which can eliminate all traces of its existence. How did the murderer do it?

Could it be that he is a black hole that can swallow all his breath?

At this moment, Jiang Fan felt a faint unease in his heart.

Intuition tells him that he must find out the other party as soon as possible!

Only now there is no clue at all!

Jiang Fan sighed softly, raised his hand, and Li Zhen's bone powder had gathered into a small ball.

Jiang Fan held it in his hands and said softly:

"Good disciple, don't worry, no matter who killed you, Master will definitely avenge you, you—"

Jiang Fan didn't finish his words, but his expression changed.

He suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Xiaochuan directly.

The call was picked up quickly.

Jiang Fan spoke directly:

"During the strange object auction, did you say that many masters disappeared?"

Zhao Xiaochuan was stunned for a while, and then he reacted after a while:

"Yes, there is such a thing. At that time, I clearly felt the atmosphere of war, but after we arrived, we found nothing but a thin layer of ashes on the ground."

Jiang Fan's voice was gloomy:

"Apart from these, are there any other clues?"

Zhao Xiaochuan recalled carefully:

"Those missing masters, the last places to appear are some alleys with no surveillance or few pedestrians. In addition, although we only felt the breath of fighting, we only found out when we arrived at the scene. The only thing left is the missing. The breath of the person... Oh, those ashes have also been tested, the nutrients have been drained, and after a reluctance comparison, I found that it was those of the missing person."

Jiang Fan frowned:

"That means, there is no clue of the murderer?"


Zhao Xiaochuan's tone was rather regretful:

"At that time, we suspected that it was the dust. After all, apart from his decomposition technique, there are almost no other means to make people like this, but at that time, with your guarantee, the dust was naturally eliminated. Later, we made traps, Just waiting for the murderer to appear, but the guy seems to have disappeared after that and never appeared again... By the way, why are you asking this?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"My people were killed in the same way as those people!"


Zhao Xiaochuan suddenly exclaimed:

"who is it?"

"It doesn't matter who it is, the important thing is that the murderer must be found out!"

Jiang Fan's tone was gloomy:

"You are the first to investigate this matter, and you should have the most clues. Start from all aspects and check it for me!"


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