God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2305: Abandoned, completely finished!

Hendershot, who watched this scene on TV, fell into complete silence.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly turned in his pocket and took out a crumpled cigarette.

Still silently lighting the cigarette, Hendershot finally took a deep breath.

Abandoned, Citigroup completely abolished.

Absolutely finished.



Isn't this waiting for the destruction of the country?

Where should I run now?

It seems that wherever you go, you can easily be regarded as a spy.


Hendershot exhaled a breath of smoke, and at this moment, he suddenly missed his mother in the distance.

Only mother is the eternal harbor...


A large hand suddenly fell on Hendershot's shoulder.

Hendershot was startled, turned his head to look, and was startled again.

It was Jiang Fan who came back!

"Come on, Mr. Hendershot, go on!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Jiang Fan was in a good mood after killing such a large fleet just now.

Hendershot turned green.

By now, even if he was a big fool, he knew why Jiang Fan kept asking him for help.

This guy clearly wants to wipe out the entire Citizen army!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

Hendershot said tremblingly:

"It's estimated that it will be a while and a half, it should, it should be that no one dares to come here..."

Jiang Fan frowned.

Hendershot was so frightened that the **** flowed:

"Jiang, Jiang, Mr. Jiang, listen to my explanation..."

"Ding ding ding ~~~"

Before Hendershot could finish speaking, the phone suddenly rang.


Jiang Fan nodded, and Hendershot immediately picked up the phone.

However, just after hearing two sentences, his eyes widened.

"Mr. Jiang, yes, it's the president's call, he, he wants to talk to you."

"Talk about JB! I don't have time!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly:

"You tell him that he has only one way out now, and that is to transfer all the team over, and the rest are not discussed!"

Hendershot recited Jiang Fan's words with a grief-stricken face, and the other side suddenly roared in exasperation:

"This lunatic! Does he want to go against our entire Citi Nation?"

"Doesn't he know that we are the most powerful nation on the entire planet?"

"As long as I give an order, all the thousands of nuclear warheads will fall on his head!"

"This **** bastard! You made him wait for me!"

"When I discuss with the council for half a year, it will definitely make him look good!"

half a year?

Why don't you say ten years?

Hendershot cautions:

"Your Excellency, in half a year, your term will expire..."

"Cough, don't worry, before my term ends, this matter will definitely be resolved! Let that **** wait for me!"


The other side quickly hung up the phone.

Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan with a bewildered expression.

Jiang Fan sighed in disappointment.

This president is too cowardly!

Scared of hair!

Where is the courage to bully those small countries?


It's really not useful!

It seems that the chance to score points is over.

Then next...

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly jumped!

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly raised his hand and smashed the dome of the waiting hall with one punch, and the whole person flew above the building!

Floating in the air, Jiang Fan's eyes were fixed on the end of the sky!

In his perception, a terrifying shadow is slowly descending!

And this time, Jiang Fan finally truly felt the threat!

What will be the fifth attack of the **** of death?

Jiang Fan's wait didn't last long, and seeing this attack clearly, even he was truly stunned!

At the end of the sky, a fiery red light and shadow is rushing towards him frantically at an indescribable high speed!

That thing was more than forty meters in diameter, oval in shape, with pits on it, and a long tail flame dragging behind it...

Then it turned out to be-

One, one, meteorite, stone! !

The **** of death was really forced, seeing that the nuclear bomb was useless, he actually summoned the meteorites!

The key is that this is actually a meteorite with a diameter of 40 meters after breaking through the atmosphere!

Normal people may have no concept of this number, but the Tunguska explosion, many people should have heard of it.

On June 30, 1908, in central Siberia, a fireball fell from the sky and then exploded in mid-air. The power of the explosion caused almost all of the forests of 2,000 square kilometers to be razed to the ground!

Although the location of the explosion was in Siberia, even London, thousands of miles away, was illuminated by this explosion as bright as day!

And what caused such a scene, according to scientists' analysis, is likely to be just a meteorite with a diameter of about 60 meters!

But it is such a meteorite, its power has exceeded 10 million tons of TNT!

And the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima back then had a power of only 14,000 tons!

The power of that meteorite is a thousand times that of the latter!

And now the meteorite bombarding Jiang Fan, although it is not as big as the one in Tunguska, and its mass is obviously much lighter, but once it explodes, its power will probably reach more than one million tons!

To put it simply, the power of this meteorite is enough to wipe this entire city from the earth!

It will even spread to the surrounding area!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth.

The power of this thing is indeed not small, once it is blasted down, even if I am afraid it will not be able to hold it back.

But why would you take it?

The task of the system, you don't have to fight hard yourself, but avoid the pursuit of death!

Bye bye!

Jiang Fan sneered, and suddenly teleported!

Unless the **** of death intends to throw meteorites all over the world, don't even think about hitting yourself for the rest of your life!

However, at the moment when the teleport was launched, the thick fog of doom around Jiang Fan suddenly trembled, the next moment!


A lump of bird feces suddenly fell on him!

Immediately afterwards, the teleport that Jiang Fan had already launched was forced to be interrupted!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and felt absurd for a while.

His teleportation was actually interrupted by bird shit? !

The principle of teleportation is to establish a spatial channel connecting two target positions through spatial oscillation.

And if you want to prevent the other party from teleporting, in addition to blocking the space like Yasha at that time, you can also interrupt the connection between the two coordinate points at the moment before the space channel is formed.

So only in theory, it is possible for teleportation to be interrupted by bird shit, but this is only a theory!

Its probability is even lower than the probability that dinosaurs suddenly have wisdom and develop atomic bombs!

The only explanation was that Jiang Fan was covered in a thick fog of doom.

And such a strong bad luck, there is only one result, that is, as long as it is possible, something unfavorable to Jiang Fan occurs, then no matter how small the chance of this happening, it will definitely happen!

The bird feces interrupted Jiang Fan's teleportation, and the meteorite in the sky, which was full of the aura of destruction, had already smashed down with an unstoppable pressure!

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