For people like Arthur, of course, they can't be like hooligans, and once they have the upper hand, they will ridicule and fight back!

That would be too LOW!

Only like now, making opponents angry and humiliated is the highest enjoyment!

Arthur chuckled again:

"Mr. Jiang, you also saw the battle just now. The strength of that group of Druids is very strong."

"Hehe, yes yes yes, ah! No no no! Compared to the great Arthur family, they are nothing!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly spoke.

Arthur shook his head:

"You have a saying in Huaxia, it is called to be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. There is nothing wrong with being cautious. After all, the three-eyed fox and the others are still a little weaker, and they always need someone in the realm of heaven and human. Let’s patrol with these mercenaries, it can be considered to have a look after!”

Let the dignified Heaven and Human Realm patrol, this is definitely a great insult!

Galahad's eyes were filled with ridicule, and Gaharis couldn't help but laugh out loud!

However, no one noticed the more meaningful smile in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Arthur's decision is exactly what he wants!

However, the play must continue.

Just seeing Arthur's words, Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and his face turned red in an instant!

It was as if he had suffered a great humiliation!

However, he took a deep breath and forced a smile:

"Hehe, what Mr. Arthur said is that I will lead the patrol tonight!"

"Okay, then Mr. Jiang's hard work!"

Arthur's mood is so refreshing!

To be able to patrol the realm of heaven and man for himself, this treatment, I am afraid that even the Pope can't compare!

But right now!


A low drink suddenly sounded!

Arthur turned his head and saw Merlin reluctantly come over.

As Merlin walked towards this side, he winked at Galahad and the others!

The murderous eyes of several people suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's heart was the same as that of Der Spiegel, it was obvious that Merlin had murdered him!


hey hey hey!

Arthur is now enjoying the thrill of revenge, how could he be willing to kill himself!

This guy Merlin is in a hurry and will only be self-defeating!

"Master Merlin, what's wrong?"

Arthur asked.

Merlin looked at Jiang Fan, but suddenly sent a voice to Arthur:

"My king's intention is to continue to let Jiang Fan go?"

Arthur frowned slightly:

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course!"

Merlin said urgently:

"My king, this guy Jiang Fan is cunning and cunning. If you keep him, it will be a scourge sooner or later! Now that Galahad is here, it's easy to kill him! We must not keep him any longer!"

Arthur's face was gloomy:

"Master Merlin, I said before that Jiang Fan can only die in my hands!"

"Of course! As long as Galahad subdues him, you can kill whatever you want..."


Before Merlin finished speaking, Arthur suddenly let out a low voice!

And this time, he didn't even mention his honorary title!

Merlin's eyes twitched.

Arthur said coldly:

"Until I pay back the humiliation I received, I must not kill him!"

Merlin opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly turned fierce, and he suddenly looked at Galahad and the others!

But right now!

Arthur suddenly stopped the sound transmission, and said coldly:

"Master Merlin is tired, Galahad, help Master go back to rest!"

Merlin's hands trembled!

Galahad and the others bowed their heads respectfully and said:


In the Arthur family, Merlin's status is indeed unparalleled, but the master of this family, after all, is only Arthur, and can only be Arthur!

Merlin was supported by Gaharis and slowly walked to the cabin, but the moment he stepped into the cabin, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was also looking at him, his eyes were cautious and respectful.

However, Merlin felt a chill all over his body for no reason. He only felt that Jiang Fan's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist. Beneath that respectful exterior, there was a row of blood dripping fangs inside!

As Merlin and others left, Arthur also smiled proudly, and strode into the cabin with the praise and accompaniment of Eliza and others.

On the entire deck, apart from the group of mercenaries, only Jiang Fan was left, and there was also a three-eyed fox left behind under the pretext of scheduling.


The three-eyed fox was about to speak.

Jiang Fan shook his fingers calmly.

The three-eyed fox raised his eyebrows, and immediately spoke in a villainous tone:

"Jiang Fan, hehe, you have today too!"

"Three-eyed fox, what do you mean!"

Next, the two of them were a burst of talk.

However, in fact, Jiang Fan has used a little bit of the power of the domain, and the two of them are talking about other things through voice transmission!

"Mr. Jiang, you should have the ability to be tough with Arthur and the others? Why are you admitting counsel?"

"You know the shit! If those big idiots know my background, can they still let me follow me into Avalon?"

Jiang Fan smirked:

"People like Arthur have been smooth sailing all his life, let alone humiliation, I'm afraid he has never even suffered grievances, but during this period of time, the humiliation I gave him is something he has never encountered in his life!"

"So this guy Arthur has been angry with me in the past, and now he can't wait to pay it back ten times,"

"I just want Arthur to know that I hate him, but I don't have the strength to take revenge. In this way, it will increase the pleasure of his revenge!"

"And the more like this, the less he will act on me immediately, but will continue to make me suffer humiliation."

"So as long as I'm still alive, he will always take me by his side, so that I can enjoy the thrill of revenge at any time, and because of this, I can enter Avalon unimpeded!"

The three-eyed fox suddenly realized.

"But Mr. Jiang, that guy Merlin has obviously murdered you. In case he..."

"Nothing in case, Merlin's desire to kill me is purely a daydream. Arthur is in a good time, how could I have an accident? Don't worry, after Arthur returns, he will definitely tell Galahad and the others not to move. I have a finger!"

"Isn't Merlin going to die of anger?"

"Whether he dies is none of my business!"

Jiang Fan looked indifferent:

"By the way, I have to go after those druids in a while, and I will leave a mirror clone as before. If there is any accident, let someone bomb my clone, and I will be right back."


Just after the three-eyed fox agreed, his pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

—Leave a mirror clone as before!

The three-eyed fox suddenly thought of Jiang Fan's sluggish expression as if he had lost his soul, and the so-called Sea God who suddenly appeared!

At this moment, he suddenly understood!

But then, he only felt that his scalp was going numb!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, then, that sea god..."

"Well, it's me."

Jiang Fan replied casually.

However, upon hearing Jiang Fan's answer, the three-eyed fox only felt a bang!

That sea **** is really Jiang Fan!

But at that time, Jiang Fan dropped Bedivere in an instant!

Too, too scary!

Jiang Fan's true strength can actually kill a level 23 in an instant!

This, this is simply, is...

After the three-eyed fox was afraid, it was suddenly full of pride!

You are so **** smart!

Holding Jiang Fan's thigh tightly was definitely the smartest decision in his life!

The Arthur family is a bunch of idiots!

Especially thinking of Arthur's triumphant expression before, the three-eyed fox was almost embarrassed for him!

I don't know what the expressions of these idiots will be when Jiang Fan really shows his strength!

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