God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2318: It is not good to meet people, and it is not good to know people!

The reason why Jiang Fan admitted that the Sea God was him was not because he said it unintentionally, but through this incident, the Three-Eyed Fox and the others could understand the situation.

If you want someone not to betray you, the easiest way is to show your strength!

Under the terrifying strength of Jiang Fan, who can easily drop the 23rd level in seconds, even a pig should know how to choose!

Jiang Fan no longer transmits his voice, but instead shows a look of anger:

"Damn three-eyed fox! Isn't it the Arthur family who is covering you now? When this is over, you will look good!"

While cursing, Jiang Fan seemed to be sulking. He walked directly to the railing of the deck and did it.

Immediately afterwards, he actually meditated cross-legged, as if he had started practicing to calm his mind.

The three-eyed fox sneered, took a sip, instructed his subordinates, and immediately turned around and entered the cabin.

On the top floor of the cabin, Merlin watched this scene coldly through the window, his eyes gloomy as water.

Galahad stood behind him and said gently:

"Master, you should take a rest. If you cultivate well in the next time, it is still possible to return to the realm."

"Return to the realm?"

There was a hint of bitterness at the corner of Merlin's mouth:

"After my teacher sent you to the Leaf of Kabbalah, I didn't break through again until I died. My aptitude is not comparable to that of my teacher, and it is even more impossible..."

Galahad's eyes were heavy:

"The family will never forget Merlin's contribution. We are in the middle of the two councils of light and darkness. Over the years, if not every generation of Merlin has used this method, leaving a legacy like me for the Arthur family. Hand, I'm afraid the Arthur family is long gone, Master, you..."

The Arthur family is located in Britain, but there is not only the trial court of the Light Council, but also the headquarters of the Dark Council!

Although the Arthur family is an ally with the Light Council on the surface, in fact, it is just a **** used by the Light Council to contain the Dark Council!

Once there is a dispute with the dark council, the Arthur family will play the role of the vanguard camp. Over the years, they have already formed a deadly feud with the dark council!

And even the Bright Council of allies is coveting the huge wealth of the Arthur family all the time!

On the surface, the Arthur family leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade, but in fact, what they really face is the dilemma of being attacked by the enemy!

And the reason why the Arthur family has been able to support for so many years, the biggest reliance is the leaf of Kabbalah on Merlin's staff!

Although the origin of this treasure is not glorious, it is not important.

The special attribute of the Leaf of Kabbalah is that it can put anyone or anything into it, and everything that is put in will remain in the state before it was entered!

Therefore, once a strong man like Galahad has a premonition that the end is coming, or in a special situation, Merlin will send them into it as the trump card of the life and death of the Arthur family!

Jiang Fan had previously guessed that Galahad was a Knight of the Round Table of the previous generation, but he was both right and wrong.

Galahad is not the Knights of the Round Table of the previous generation, but the previous two generations!

And this is not the first time Galahad has been summoned!

It is because of the existence of people like Galahad that the Arthur family has existed for so long!

It's just that this trump card is a double-edged sword. It is precisely because of its existence that in the Arthur family, Merlin's lineage, which should have been the most powerful, withered.

And even Galahad and others, in fact, there is not much life left, and the ability to bear this kind of summons has reached the limit, so the entire Arthur family is so eager to enter Avalon.

As long as the sword in the stone is one, Arthur can carry the entire family by himself!

And with the powerful Arthur's blessing, the Arthur family will be brilliant again!

But before Galahad finished speaking, Merlin waved his hand:

"I don't have any dissatisfaction. Sacrifice for the family is what I should do. It's just... My king will suffer a big loss this time!"

Galahad frowned and glanced at Jiang Fan on the deck:

"Master, do you think there is something wrong with this person?"


Merlin nodded, looking out the window with a very solemn expression:

"Jiang Fan's past deeds are terrifying. I have seen almost all of his previous achievements. No matter how incredible the comparison between the enemy and the enemy, in the end, it was all he who won!"

Merlin suddenly looked at Galahad, and every word he uttered was like smashing down a mountain:

"with no exceptions!!"

Galahad's eyelids jumped, and he said subconsciously:

"Master, you are too nervous, maybe it's just an accident..."

"Ha ha……"

Merlin smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes:

"Such a thing, once can be said to be an accident, twice can be said to be luck, but three times, four times, even seven or eight times, this is the purest strength!"

"This person is far more terrifying than everyone imagined!"

"My king doesn't kill him now, for fear of backlash, we won't even have a chance to fight back!"

Facing Merlin's indifferent gaze, Galahad's throat tightened for no reason.

He stared deeply at Jiang Fan on the deck:

"Then Master means..."

Merlin took a deep breath, but before he could speak—


The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and then Gabriel pushed the door directly and walked in.

He first bowed slightly to Merlin, and then looked at Galahad:

"Galahad, my king asked you to come over to discuss the matter. In addition, my king said that Master Merlin has worked hard and made a lot of money. This time the loss is too great, so we must have a good rest. "

Gaharis hesitated for a while before continuing:

"... overworked."

The corner of Merlin's mouth twitched, but then he suddenly closed his eyes and sighed silently.

After this sigh, he seemed to have aged ten years, and his whole person was even more exhausted.

Galahad's heart trembled slightly, but before he could say anything, Merlin slowly raised his hand and waved:

"I see, you... let's go."

Galahad and Gaharis looked at each other, bowed slightly to Merlin, and quickly left the room.

It wasn't until the two of them left that Merlin slowly opened his eyes. He stared at Jiang Fan on the deck indifferently. His eyes flashed with murderous intent, fear, resentment, resentment, and so on. However, in the end, these eyes were all full of emotions. It turned into an irresistible admiration and admiration.

"Jiang Fan... You pretend to be afraid of my king and are willing to be humiliated. I am afraid that you have calculated the mind of my king, but you are so scheming and yet so forbear... Alas!"

Merlin sighed and slowly closed his eyes again.

On the deck, Jiang Fan slightly turned his head and glanced in the direction of Merlin, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, revealing a meaningful smile:

"It's really a talent, but it's a pity, it's not good to meet people, and it's not good to know people!"

As the voice fell, his body had once again turned into a mist of water, and he left the cruise ship silently.

In place, only the mirror image avatar was left, sitting cross-legged alone in the sea breeze.

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