Immediately afterwards, just looking at the corridor, a large group of black scarabs sprayed out like a tide!


Just spray it out!

These worms are pressing one by one, and they are actually stacked almost as high as the side of the corridor, like opening a gate to release the flood, rushing out wildly!

Such a scene, if it is a normal person, I am afraid that I would have been scared and stupid!

Not to mention running, your legs are so soft that you may not be able to walk!

Eve and Jonathan are still able to run out with Immorton, it can be said that they have used up all their courage in this life!

Imorton saw the scarab beetle behind him, but he was chasing closer. He suddenly tried hard, pushed the two away, and rushed towards the scarab!

"Imerton! You are crazy!"

"Idiot! Come back!"

Eve and Jonathan are shocked!

Immorton was calm:

"Take me, no one can run away! My heart is dead, so let my soul stay here forever! Jiang Fan! This time I'm sorry for you! You all run away!"

The bald head roared, used all his strength, and suddenly rushed towards the scarab!

The few kilograms of my own meat can probably stop these insects a little bit. As for whether Jiang Fan and the others can survive, it depends on good luck!

However, before he could jump into the worm pile, he only felt his neck tighten, and then the whole person was actually lifted up!

Imorton looked back and was stunned!

I saw Jiang Fan ran over at some point, with one hand holding a chicken by the back of his neck!

Imorton was stunned, his gratitude and guilt flashed away, and then he roared anxiously and angrily:

"Why don't you run!"

"Run away!"

Jiang Fan smiled, his other hand suddenly raised, pressing down heavily!

next moment!


A blast!

The countless scarab beetles exploded into a black ash that covered the sky in an instant!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the scarab and successfully obtaining 1 karma point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the scarab and successfully obtaining 1 karma point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the scarab..."

A scarab is only worth 1 karma point, which is extremely cheap!

But I can't stand it!

Jiang Fan's slap pressed down, killing more than the scarab beetles!

In other words, this time, it is tens of thousands of karma points!

Jiang Fan did not expect such unexpected joy, and was simply overjoyed.

Immorton and others were stunned!

what happened?

Why is Jiang Fan still tyrannical as always?

Why does the test of Anubis, the **** of death, seem to have no effect on Jiang Fan at all?

This is so unreasonable!

Jiang Fan put down Immorton and looked at Eve and Jonathan again:

"Hi, long time no see."

Several people finally reacted, and Eve hugged Jiang Fan and kissed him fiercely on the face!

"Haha! Jiang Fan! You are finally here!"

Jonathan also wanted to say something, but Jiang Fan immediately raised his hand:

"do not come!"

This guy's level of stealing is too powerful, higher than his other apprentice, Andrew, the king of thieves. The key is that his brain can't control his hands at all, so don't let him go.

Jonathan had no choice but to smile.

After all, last time he had given Jiang Fan's blood talisman peach wood sword along.

Only Immorton suddenly sat down on the ground, and the whole person was even more weak and gasping for breath.

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at Imorton.

This bald head doesn't know how to do it. He is covered in injuries, especially on his stomach. There is a wound of more than ten centimeters.

"What's the matter? How did you get hurt so badly?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, Imorton showed a trace of sadness for no reason, and then simply lowered his head.

Eve sighed:

"He was betrayed."


Jiang Fan was startled:

"Who betrayed him? I think there are several of his followers outside!"

"You misunderstood. Those people are his followers on the surface, but they are actually trying to take advantage of him."

Eve began to explain.

After Jiang Fan left last time, Eve and the others went back to England after some repairs in Egypt.

Eve and O'Connor later started a family and had a child.

The whole family went out for archaeological expeditions when they had nothing to do, and the days were very nourishing.

Some time ago, they took their children out to play and happened to meet Immorton.

After the last big drink, Immorton basically regarded them as friends.

Moreover, in the past few years, in order to find the reincarnation of Ansuna, he traveled the world, and his mentality gradually changed, and he looked down on everything.

When a few people were chatting, Eve mentioned that this year was the Year of the Scorpion, and Immorton happened to remember the story of the Great Scorpion, so he started to tell it.

Jonathan didn't pay attention to anything else, but when he heard Immorton say that there was a diamond the size of a football on the tomb where the Scorpion King was buried, he was instantly moved!

On the condition that he begged and promised to help Immorton find Ansuna, Immorton finally agreed to help him find the tomb of the Scorpion King.

And Eve and O'Connor are also eager to try and want to see the tomb of the Scorpion King.

Later, in an ancient Egyptian temple, a few people actually found the key to the tomb of the Scorpion King—

Scorpion Emperor's Bracelet!

It's just that here, a few people actually encountered a few robbers.

This kind of small role, Immorton gave up in minutes.

Afterwards, several people returned to Cairo, and several people actually met the descendant of the Pharaoh's guard, the bearded Adis.

After a long absence, it is natural for a few people to reminisce about the old days, but at this moment, a group of people who claimed to be Immorton believers came to the door.

And the leader of these believers is actually the curator of the British Empire Museum, Hafez.

Hafez told Immorton that those robbers were actually their people, and they wanted to get the magic scorpion bracelet, activate Anubis' undead army, and help Immorton rule the world.

If it was in the past, the ambitious Imorton would of course agree, but now it is not what it used to be. This guy not only has a bald head like a monk, but also has the same temperament as a monk. Except for finding Ansuna, the rest have no interest in anything. .

At this time, Hafez suddenly called a woman.

As soon as he saw this woman, Immortal suddenly became uneasy, because this woman named Mila was the reincarnation of Ansuna!

Immorton was ecstatic when the love he was looking for suddenly appeared!

Under Mila's persuasion, he almost didn't think about it, and agreed to take Hafez and others to find the tomb of the Scorpion King.

O'Connor and Addis felt that something was wrong, and Hafez appeared too strange.

If they were really loyal to Immorton, why didn't they show up for so long? Instead, it appeared when the magic scorpion bracelet appeared?

But at this time Immorton had lost his mind, and no one could listen to him.

A group of people soon hit the road, following the bracelet's directions, heading straight for the Amse Oasis.

And on the way, Immorton finally felt that something was wrong.

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