God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2339: Where did Shante go!

This cliff is the same as when Jiang Fan dived. Not only is the water pressure terrifying, but at intervals, there will be heat currents, cold currents, and even heavy water with strong corrosion.

It's just that Feng's strength is extremely tyrannical, and he dived all the way, and these restrictions did not damage the shield in the slightest!

Soon, the wind had brought everyone down for several thousand meters, and after passing through a thermal layer, the sea water below suddenly changed, and a lavender water area appeared.

This water is not only strange in color, but also has a little bit of light in it, which is beautiful.

In the shield, a woman was bewitched by the beautiful scenery, and she couldn't help but stretch out her hand and pass through the shield.

And at the moment when her arm came into contact with the water stream!


The woman suddenly let out an incomparably pitiful howl, and then, starting from her arm, her whole body began to melt!

It was as if the ice had encountered the heat, and her skin, muscles, and even her bones had turned into a patch of reddish blood in an instant!

Inside the shield, everyone was horrified!

This seemingly beautiful water is actually extremely poisonous to this point!

The fifteenth-level grandmaster was poisoned into a pool of blood in less than two seconds just by touching the water!

Mr. Xu's mouth twitched:

"Very good, very good, there are so many traps in this waters, and the power is so strong, it seems that the records in the ancient books are good, the treasure of Wang Yangbo's Abbot Mountain should be below this!"

He looked towards the wind:



Feng agreed, and the whole person had turned into an arrow from the string, leading everyone to dive quickly!

I don't know how long it took, everyone just felt their eyes light up, and a beautiful underwater world suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

The terrain here is like land, with mountains and plains full of everything, lush plants spread all over it, and countless strange creatures shuttle through it.

And just to the north, there is a huge coral forest.

"Yes! Wang Yangbo's Abbot Mountain must be there—"

Mr. Xu's eyes were bright like stars, and he spoke excitedly.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the open space below!

The vacant ground was so wide that it was the size of the base of a mountain.

The key is that the deep depression on the ground is as if a mountain once really existed!

Other places are full of life, only there, no grass grows!

The rest followed Mr. Xu's gaze, and for a while, everyone was stunned!

A group of people blinked.

Lin even rubbed his eyes and said subconsciously:

"According to that ancient book, Wang Yangbo's Abbot Mountain should be right here..."

The old man's words stopped abruptly, and he closed his mouth tightly.

Mr. Xu's face changed from excitement to paleness, from paleness to paleness, from paleness to redness, and in the end, it was ashen!

He suddenly closed his eyes, but his trembling hands betrayed his heart.

I don't know how long it took, Mr. Xu could no longer hold back his anger, and suddenly burst out with a roar of gnashing teeth:

"Where is Fangzhang Mountain!! How could it be gone!!"

Everyone was silent, even Feng Linhuo's face was pale, and no one dared to answer.

Mr. Xu's eyes are gloomy like lightning and thunder!

He stared at the open space, his fists clenched, and even his teeth were about to be shattered!

In order to find this Abbot Mountain, they spent a hundred years of energy, analyzed every subtle clue, searched countless ancient books, and finally got some news.

And whether these news are true or false, they screened them one by one until they found the most reliable clues, and spent countless human and material resources to find the exact address.

It wasn't until a few days ago that the current position was locked!

However, it took such a terrifying time and energy to finally find the place, but now, that Abbot Mountain has disappeared? !

Not to mention how to face the anger of the ancestors, even he himself can't explain it to himself!


Mr. Xu used too much force, and actually broke a tooth!

After all, Lin was the oldest, and even Mr. Xu was his junior. The old man frowned and suddenly floated down and landed on the sunken ground.

He observed it carefully, and then said solemnly:

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken, according to the traces, this mountain should have been there three days ago!"

Mr. Xu's eyes moved:

"It was three days ago?"


Mr. Xu's face changed:

"Keep looking! Go and look for it! Let's see if there are any clues!"


A group of people did not dare to delay, and hurried down, looking for clues one after another.

Soon, a subordinate who was good at tracking spoke up:

"Sir, there are two footprints here, I'm afraid this mountain was lifted up by life!"

Mr. Xu was refreshed and rushed over immediately.

I saw that there were two more knee-deep holes on the edge of the depression, and some traces of footprints could be vaguely seen below the holes.

The man continued to speak:

"The other party should be standing in this position and lifted the mountain."

The expressions of the rest of the people turned ugly.

Everyone present, even the weakest one, wants to smash a mountain without any effort!

Can you lift such a mountain?

Even in sea water, how much strength does it take?

You must know that destructive power does not equal strength!

Fire suddenly spoke:

"Since you have to rely on brute force to move mountains, then the other party should not be a cultivator."

Lin nodded:

"Yes, cultivators only need to put away it with a magic weapon, there is no reason to waste energy."

Mr. Xu suddenly said:

"Shan, do you estimate, can you lift such a sinking mountain?"

Shan thought for a while, then nodded:

"It's not difficult."

Mr. Xu also nodded:

"Then what about carrying this mountain and rushing out of this sea?"

"It's impossible!"

Shan said flatly:

"The pressure of the water above is beyond imagination. If you want to lift this mountain up, it is like carrying a sea area. No one has such strength!"

A ray of light flashed in Mr. Xu's eyes:

"Since there is no way to take this mountain out, and it is not a cultivator, there is no way to put this mountain away, then in other words, Abbot Mountain is still here? Is it just hidden?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was immediately refreshed!

"Sir's analysis is good! It's very possible!"

"The other party is the first to get there, but there is no way to take it away. Hiding is the best way!"

"But where can such a big mountain be hidden?"

Someone just raised this question, and Mr. Xu's eyes fell on the huge coral forest in the distance!

The key is that through the rippling water waves, everyone can vaguely see a dark mountain-like thing over there.

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