Merlin looked at Arthur again and nodded solemnly:

"Don't worry, my king, I understand."

Arthur smiled, put away the broken sword, and then turned around and said coldly:

"Hurry up!"

A group of people got back on the road and continued to move towards the southeast.

It's just that the appearance of this broken sword is like a dark cloud, and the crowd can't breathe.

The atmosphere in the crowd also became heavier, almost no one spoke, and everyone was speeding up their way.

I don't know if it's because the fit with this world is getting higher and higher, and everyone has not encountered any more attacks along the way.

And Arthur's sword in the stone, the light is getting more and more bright.

This indicates that the distance between the two broken swords is getting closer.

Finally, after traveling for dozens of kilometers, everyone's eyes suddenly brightened, and they had already rushed out of the jungle.

What catches the eye is a rolling mountain range.

The height of the mountain is about one thousand meters, and it is getting shorter and shorter from left to right. It looks like it should be the remnant of a huge mountain range.

But in one section, this complete mountain range was missing a section, as if a section of the city wall had been blasted away, and there was a gap that was as long as a kilometer.

There was no grass in the gap, the chaotic times were rough, and it was as barren as the Gobi Desert, and there was actually a faint energy reaction in the vicinity.

And here, the light of the sword in the stone is already bright and dazzling.

Holding the sword in the stone, Arthur strode towards the gap in the mountain with an excited look on his face.

However, the moment he stood in the jagged rock, Arthur seemed to sense something, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the gaping rock wall.

Immediately after, he froze with disbelief on his face.

The crowd did not know why, so they all rushed over, and following Arthur's eyes to see the scene on the rock wall, almost all of them widened their eyes!

There was a person on the rock wall about two hundred meters from the ground.

To be precise, it was a man who was nailed to the rock wall by a spear pierced through his heart!

This person may not be known to others, but every member of the Arthur family is no stranger to it. Almost everyone has seen him and the portraits of his companions in the old castle hall of the Arthur family.

This person was the head of the original twelve knights of the round table, the strongest knight of the round table in that year, his strength reached the twenty-fourth level, and his status was second only to King Arthur, Lancelot!

The Arthur family, the first Lancelot!

Lancelot's armor has decayed, and it has obviously been nailed here for countless years, but his body is intact, and like this gap, it emits a faint strange energy reaction, precisely because of this energy, his corpse can be preserved until now,

His face still maintained the lifelikeness of the moment before his death, and his expression was ferocious, but there was an unspeakable fear.

The spear that pierced through him was dark all over, but at the tail of the spear there was also the symbol of the Knights of the Round Table, which belonged to another knight, Geraint's spear.

Everyone stared blankly at the corpse of the original Lancelot.

Only Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the sky calmly.

Just when Arthur stepped into this gap, something seemed to be touched. In his perception, the whole world suddenly changed a little bit.

It was as if something had woken up from hibernation.

And just now, vaguely, there seemed to be some kind of fluctuation that was so faint that it was almost imperceptible, and it slowly brushed from here.

Jiang Fan didn't know what it was, but he could sense that it was that thing that killed the first-generation Lancelot!

"You are all ready, in case of an accident, all move closer to me."

Jiang Fan slowly passed his voice to the three-eyed fox and the others.

The rest of the people finally reacted slowly.

Lancelot spoke first with a trembling voice:

"This, this is the first generation, Lancelot?"

Calling this name out of his mouth was ridiculous.

Merlin said slowly in a dry voice:

"It's him, can't be wrong."

"But he..."

Percival also asked in a trembling voice:

"How could he die here? Who can kill him?"

As soon as she asked this question, Merlin was shocked!

Even the tyrannical first-generation Lancelot died here, enough to imagine the horror of this world!

He suddenly looked at Arthur:

"My king! Find the sword in the stone!"

Arthur shuddered and reacted suddenly.

He looked at the light on the sword in the stone, and suddenly pointed at the rocks below:

"Under here!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, and his fingers flicked quickly.

Time to grab the fruit!

Merlin was refreshed and suddenly waved his staff!


The rubble all over the place flew upside down, and then under the rubble, a corpse appeared!

And when they saw the corpse, the expressions of the Arthur family changed again!

This is none other than another Knight of the Round Table, Geraint!

Under the action of the strange energy nearby, Geraint's body did not decay.

However, compared to the first-generation Lancelot, whose corpse was relatively intact, half of Geraint's body collapsed, his eyes were wide open, and in the center of his forehead, there was a small piece of metal that exuded a rich silver luster. Fragments!

As soon as he saw this shard, Arthur's pupils shrank!

"Sword in the Stone!"

The metal fragments stuck into Geraint's forehead were the fragments of the sword in the stone!

However, it is the fragments of the sword in the remaining half of the stone!

That half of the sword in the stone was actually interrupted again?

Jiang Fan was also startled.

Depend on!

How can this thing be so weak!

Arthur's shock was still hanging on his face, but the fragments of the sword in the small quick stone seemed to feel the call of the body!


This small piece of debris suddenly jumped up from Geraint's forehead, and then suddenly attached to the Sword in the Stone body!


With a humming sound, this small fragment turned into a mass of liquid and fused into the blade of the sword in the stone. Then, the sword in the stone, which was only half of it, slowly grew out of it!

Immediately afterwards, the Sword in the Stone suddenly fed back an astonishing incomparable energy, which was suddenly poured into Arthur's body!


Arthur's breath suddenly skyrocketed!

Although it still hasn't broken through to level 20, the energy reserves in the body have completely surpassed the scope of level 19!

Arthur is refreshed!

Just finding a small fragment, the sword in the stone has increased his power to this level, then once it is complete, the power accumulated in it for thousands of years is poured into his body, and the improvement obtained, how terrifying will it be?

Find the remaining sword in the stone, be sure to find it as soon as possible!

At this moment, the light of the sword in the stone has changed again, and it vaguely pointed to the position of the main peak of the mountain range.

It is quite far from here, and the location of the main peak is even more foggy, but the good news is that the vegetation on the mountain is not too dense, and the next journey should be much easier than in the dense forest.

However, the faces of Galahad and the others were a little difficult to look at.

Their fit with this world is almost complete by now.

So when facing that side, they instinctively felt a crisis.

But Jiang Fan sniffed, vaguely, he seemed to smell a special smell from the breeze blowing over there.

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed.

Oh, finally found it!

Godly taste!

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