
An indescribable light suddenly erupted from where the two were fighting!

The powerful airflow filled the entire field space in an instant!

Even Jiang Fan's seventh-level domain has finally reached its limit. In this airflow, it is like foam under the sun, and it begins to burst!

What is even more terrifying is that at the moment when the field is about to disappear!


A crisp sound!

The sword in Jiang Fan's hand flew up at the same time!

Tiger Soul and Hualong were actually blown away by the fists of the ghostly white dragon!

And at the moment when the sword flew, Jiang Fan also spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and the wounds that had not been completely healed before collapsed one after another, and the blood poured out like rain!

He himself was bombarded by Qi Jin and suddenly leaned back, and was about to fly upside down!

Although Guiman Bailong was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and even the armor on his hands was shattered, and his fists were covered with bloodstains, but he still stood in place, like an undefeated devil!

The strength of this guy is actually tyrannical far beyond imagination!

A thought suddenly popped up in Jiang Fan's mind. The reason why he fled in embarrassment last time was not himself, but Musa Ling'e!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! This time, Musa Ling'e can't save you! You are dead!"

In the frantic laughter, the ghostly white dragon suddenly stabbed a knife in his hand, and stabbed at Jiang Fan's heart, who was leaning back!

Two seconds!

In the last two seconds, Jiang Fan not only failed to kill the ghostly white dragon, but even himself was already in a desperate situation on the verge of death!

But right now!

"Puff puff!"

Jiang Fan's already retracted six-arm state was actually turned on again!

Suddenly grabbed the arms of the ghostly white dragon!

At the same time, on one of his arms, countless blood spurted out, and it actually transpired into a blood flame that rose to the sky!

Charge up to detonate!

However, instead of being surprised at all, the ghostly white dragon laughed wildly:

"Jiang Fan! You are so stupid! How dare you use the same trick a second time!"


Accompanied by his explosion!

"Puff puff!"

Under the rib of the ghostly white dragon, four arms stretched out at the same time, and then they buckled Jiang Fan in the opposite direction!

And his right hand, which was holding a knife, slashed towards Jiang Fan's arm that was charging and detonating!

He could feel the horror of Jiang Fan's punch, and he was ready to abolish one hand or even half of his body!

However, no matter how much he lost, it can be repaired in the future, and Jiang Fan, after this punch, is destined to be dead!

"Jiang Fan! Farewell!"

The ghostly white dragon's face was full of cruel smiles, and he even saw the scene of Jiang Fan being blown into pieces!

Last second!

Jiang Fan's failure seems to be a foregone conclusion!

And he not only lost, but also lost his life!

But right now!


The storm that the two of them shot suddenly lifted a corner of Jiang Fan's cloak.

Under the cape, there was a faint brilliance like starlight.

In the mind of the ghostly white dragon, a very absurd thought suddenly appeared—

Has he changed clothes?

Just as this thought flashed by, he actually noticed Jiang Fan's mouth, and at some point, a sneering smile appeared.

What is he laughing at?

This question had just appeared, and the ghostly white dragon suddenly felt a tingling in his scalp, and every cell in his body seemed to be screaming desperately!

Next up!


A silver, star-like flying shuttle suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and then with a wave of terror to the extreme, it suddenly slammed into the heart of the ghostly white dragon!

Weaver Girl Flying Shuttle!

The ghostly white dragon looked at the shuttle in disbelief!

The power contained in this flying shuttle is exactly the same as Jiang Fan's explosive detonation before he can shoot!

He never imagined that Jiang Fan would actually have a backer!

Ghost Man Bailong was about to withdraw his hands to defend, but at this moment, he was shocked to find that Jiang Fan had already clasped his fingers!

The method he used to hold Jiang Fan turned into a chain that bound him!

It's just that Guiman Bailong, as an ancient evil god, is really tyrannical to the extreme!

In this unforgettable moment!


The ghostly white dragon suddenly screamed!

Time seems to slow down infinitely at this moment!

Under the launch of the tyrannical magic spell, the flying shuttle that was madly rushing forward started from scratch, gradually weathered and shattered, and at the moment when it was about to touch the heart of the ghostly white dragon, it finally turned into a piece of flying ash. !

However, there are a total of twelve Weaver Girl flying shuttles!

At the moment when the first one turned into fly ash, the remaining eleven shuttles were almost connected in a line, and in a dazzling light, they had been bombarding his chest one after another!

Last second!



An extremely bright light suddenly burst out from between the two of them and rose into the sky!

In the dazzling light, the ghostly white dragon looked at his chest in disbelief!

It has been completely blasted through, and the heart has been shattered into powder under the violent impact!

Until now, he couldn't believe that he would lose to Jiang Fan!


Ghostly White Dragon's lips moved slightly, but what greeted him was a bright and cold light!


The head of the ghostly white dragon is flying high!

With Jiang Fan's big hand waving again, he was quickly taken into the system backpack together with his body!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan threw a fictitious flash, and the whole person has suddenly rushed to the north!

Kill the ghostly white dragon and the rainbow king in eleven seconds, and clean up the battlefield in the last second!

Everything is exactly as planned by Jiang Fan!


The power of the virtual flash quickly destroyed all traces of the fight in the vicinity, including the blood of Jiang Fan and Guiman Bailong and others, and was completely wiped away!

After a second.

The power of the virtual flash explosion has not yet subsided, and the Holy Blood God Burial has come to this land again!

However, the sight of the sight made him gradually feel a chill in his bones!

Jiang Fan!

What a Jiang Fan!

This lunatic didn't even choose to run away, nor did he choose to kill Hong Wang's subordinates, but was so bold that he attacked the two ghostly white dragons!

King Hong may not be able to match him, but the strength of the Ghost Man White Dragon is definitely above him!

What's more, from when he shot to when he rushed back, even if he could block his breath, it would only take ten seconds at most!

Once he is entangled by two people, he will die!

He... how dare he! !


This lunatic!

But the most terrifying thing is that this lunatic, he actually did it!

Do not!

It is very likely that it was Musa Ling'e who made the move with him!


It sure is!

Just to comfort himself like this, the Holy Blood God's Burial is very clear in his heart that if Musar Ling'e is really involved, the Ghost Man White Dragon and the Rainbow King will not die!

These two are not fools. In the face of Musa Ling'e and Jiang Fan, they will definitely ask for help from themselves, but only when facing Jiang Fan alone and feel that they are in a safe position, will they choose to fight!

The corners of Holy Blood God Burial's eyes twitched.

He never thought that he would meet such an opponent!

"Swipe, swipe, swipe!"

At this moment, several figures have already galloped by!

It is a clone of the Holy Blood God Burial and a group of the Rainbow King's subordinates.

However, seeing the scene in front of them clearly, everyone was stunned!

One of King Hong's subordinates named Locust Shou, even looked at the burial of the Holy Blood God:

"Father, this, here..."


Before Locust Shou finished speaking, he lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest!

In his heart, an amber blade stretched out unexpectedly!

Jiang Fan!

It was at such a moment that he shot again!

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