Jiang Fan looked puzzled, while Yu Xuzi said:

"Mr. Jiang, in the world of self-cultivation today, the Lingyun Sect has the longest inheritance. In addition, in terms of knowledge, it is the Baili Changfeng who has inherited one of the ten poles of the Tianding Cauldron of the previous generation, the mantle of Huai Xuan Dao. The coffin is really important, you are afraid that you can only find the answer from them."

"Ling Yunzong... A hundred miles of wind..."

Jiang Fan muttered something and nodded:

"I see."

Baili Changfeng's whereabouts are unknown now, and it seems that he has to go to Lingyunzong.

Yuxuzi continued:

"However, Mr. Jiang, if you go to see Baili Changfeng, it's fine. If you go to Lingyun Sect, you have to be more careful."

Jiang Fan was startled:

"How to say?"

Yuxuzi explained:

"Although Lingyun Sect is number one and Danqing Pavilion is second in the cultivation world, they seem to be similar, but in fact, the gap between the two sects is as big as the sky!"

"It can be said that the top ten sects, and the other nine together, are not as good as Ling Yunzong!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"I know this. In the Lingyun Sect, even the first Situ Xue of the Demon Refinement Peak who came last time, I am afraid that it is not something that Danqing Pavilion can deal with."

Twenty-third level, and it is still a twenty-third level who has mastered the subtle, and its strength is probably still above the twenty-fourth level!

"What Mr. Jiang said is very true, but this is only one of them. In addition to the first of the seven peaks headed by Situ Xue, Ling Yunzong also has a sect master who hates the present."

"Hate today?"

The name came to my ears, and Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed.

Yu Qingzi on one side smiled:

"Giving this name to my son, it seems that the previous Sect Master of Lingyun Sect hated Baili Changfeng to the sky!"

Jiang Fan's eyes changed:

"Zeng Lai hates Renyi, but it's like today! This name for my son... Strange, strange."

Yu Qingzi was taken aback.

"What does Mr. Jiang mean?"

Jiang Fan did not explain, but looked at Yu Xuzi:

"Hate is not the strongest at the moment, right?"


Yu Xuzi nodded:

"In the Lingyun Sect, there is a legend that there is an old monster. No one knows who the old guy is, but it must exist, and his strength is strong, even if it is not as good as the Tianding Shiji, I am afraid it is not too much!"

As soon as Yu Xuzi's voice fell, Jiang Fan thought of Tianwen Sixth Master for no reason!

The strength is amazing, hidden from the world, and the identity is a mystery, this is indeed in line with the mysterious style of Tianwen!

Could that person be one of the six masters?

Yu Xuzi continued:

"Besides, the Lingyun Sect has been inherited for thousands of years, and there are restrictions everywhere in the sect. Even if there is no strong person, it is just a big formation. Except for the Tianding Shiji, I am afraid that no one will be able to come out!"

Jiang Fan was silent.

After dealing with cultivators for so long, Jiang Fan knew all too well what kind of people they were.

Literacy is at the top of the list, and I went alone again, it is difficult to guarantee that the people of Lingyun Sect will not have any other thoughts.

Not to mention the formation and the like, if that old monster really has something to do with Tianwen, then he is a sheep in the tiger's mouth!

But I have to wait for a hundred miles, but I don't know when.

Jiang Fan looked at the two golden coffins.

Is it important to investigate the weight of this golden coffin?

Is it worth the risk?

As soon as these two questions came up, Jiang Fan immediately chose—

Stop checking!

To find out the origin of the runes on the golden coffin, the purpose is for the demon **** Trakhupan.

And what is the purpose of needing a demon god?

Sell ​​for money!

As long as he can sell for money, I don't care where he comes from!

Moreover, since the Throne of Thorns can catch the Demon God, it proves that this guy is not so powerful. As long as he is upgraded to another level, it will be absolutely easy and pleasant to get him!

If that's the case, then take the risk of checking the wool!

After making up his mind, Jiang Fan directly collected the two golden coffins!

It's done here. Next, it's time to go home and improve the strength of a group of subordinates!

This time, I brought back a large number of **** corpses from another world, and among them, there are two true **** corpses buried by the ghostly white dragon and the holy blood god!

To unseal the bracelet of Morse, the blood of the true **** should not be used much. As for the god-level lottery, according to the progress, the experience value that the two true **** blood can contribute is also limited.

Therefore, Jiang Fan decided that these corpses were all used to improve the foundation of a group of subordinates!

If it were someone else, I would probably only think of myself, but Jiang Fan is not a selfish person!

The reality is not a novel. As the boss, all the benefits are held by oneself, and all the subordinates are grateful to Dade. Does such a thing exist?

Frankly speaking, in reality, such an organization is not destined to be long-term, and will fall apart sooner or later.

The reason why Jiang Fan was able to do this was because he saw it thoroughly, and more, perhaps, was his mind and pattern.

Jiang Fan was about to say goodbye to Yu Xuzi, at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was Wang Yi who was calling.

He had just connected the phone, and there was a mess of human voices on the opposite side.

In addition to this, there is a continuous barking of dogs.

Jiang Fan was stunned:

"Wang Yi? What's going on?"

"Master, are you done over there?"

Wang Yi's voice was full of panic.

"I'm done, what's going on?"

"The dogs in the whole city are here! Forget it, you'll know when you come back..."

"Are all the dogs in the city here?"

Jiang Fan was even more confused.

He looked at Yu Xuzi:

"I'll go back first, and feel free to contact me if you have any trouble."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang walk slowly."


Jiang Fan teleported back to Jiang's house, and then, the whole person was blinded!


The whole yard is full of dogs!

What kind of native dog, corgi, Samoyed, golden retriever, chow chow, shepherd dog, black-backed, Erha, Alaska, the most exaggerated, there is actually a Tibetan Mastiff!

All the dogs lay lazily on the ground, yawning from time to time!

And with the appearance of these dogs, there are also people who have surrounded the entire Jiang family!

There are young girls in the crowd, middle-aged uncles, programmers with plaid shirts, and grandmas with the same plaid shirts, ranging from fourteen to five to eighty, all kinds of things.

However, the only thing that is the same is that everyone is angry, almost like a group of people!

And just in front of the crowd, the Jiang family headed by Wang Yi were all devastated, sweating and trying to explain something.

"Everyone! Listen to my explanation! Our Jiang family..."

It's a pity that before Wang Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted by countless angry crowds!

"Explain? What can you explain! Don't think that the Jiang family is so powerful that you can just use power to bully others!"

"That's right! My Xuanxuan is only one year old!"

"You Jiang family are simply beasts!"

"If you don't say anything else, I'm just wondering, is your Teddy a special magician? My Tibetan Mastiff can actually get it!"

"My golden retriever is miserable! He was obedient and obedient before, look at what he has become with that Teddy now?"

"I don't care! Your teddy made my dog's belly bigger, what should I do!"

"Yes! My family's too! Today, your Jiang family must give us an explanation!"

"It's a bastard! It's not as good as a beast!"


Jiang Fan looked confused, turned his head, and finally saw his wealth and honor surrounded by all the dogs, like an uncrowned king!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's heart was racing!


you beast!

Are you making all the dogs in the city bigger?

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