
Jiang Fan appeared again, already, in a busy city!

I saw here, people coming and going!

Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, and immediately shocked everyone!

"This man! When did he show up?"

"Swish it out!"

"What a weird costume, is it someone from another country?"

"This fabric is so exquisite, it's more beautiful than the king's!"

The crowd talked a lot, they all looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

"Hello everyone, who knows where Yangyuki is?"

Jiang Fan asked loudly!

"There is a small forest in front, and there is a pavilion next to him, he is there!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and took out the bicycle!

Step on!


Disappeared in an instant!

Everyone was shocked!

"Oh my God!"

"The gods are down!"

"The immortal descended to earth! Auspiciousness descends from the sky! Our country of Chu is about to develop!"

The crowd suddenly boiled!


After a while, Jiang Fan came to the grove!

There are dozens of big poplar trees sparsely growing here, and there is a small pavilion built with thatched grass next to it!

However, at this moment, there is a group of people surrounded!

A young man with a mighty appearance and long arms is looking around triumphantly!

"Everyone! The archery skills of my Yang Yuji are absolutely unparalleled in the world! As long as there is someone who can beat me, these twelve taels of gold, I will offer them with both hands!"

Yang Yuki said, pointing to the two ingots of gold on the table!

"Huh! Don't be ashamed! I'll come!"

A tall man pushed aside the crowd and walked straight up!

"Go ahead, how do you compare!"

"Easy! Have you seen a poplar a hundred steps away? As long as you can shoot the trunk, you will win!"

"It's not easy!"

The big guy laughed!

Bent the bow and shoot the arrow, suddenly, shoot!


A muffled sound, the arrow, barely nailed to the trunk!

"Hahaha! It's too easy!"

The big man smiled triumphantly, but everyone around him looked like an idiot!

"Idiot! Don't you think that it is the tree you just fancyed to shoot, right?"

The crowd, pointed at the back of the big tree that was fully embraced by one person!

"It's the one to shoot!"


The man was stunned!

That little tree is not as thick as a baby's wrist!

"Nonsense! Normal people, how could it be shot there!"

at this time!

Yang Yuki smiled contemptuously, and suddenly bent his bow and set an arrow!


The arrow slashed like a meteor, and suddenly, nailed to the trunk!

"so amazing!"

"As expected of a sharpshooter! Simply, too powerful!"

"This kind of archery skill, absolutely, is the best in the past and the present!"

"Simply, no different from gods and people!"

The praise of the crowd is like a tide!

And that big man, already, has a gray face!

"Who else!"

Yang Yuki laughed haha!

At this moment!

"Yang Yuji?"

Jiang Fan, asked curiously!

This is somewhat inconsistent with the domineering and incomparable arrow **** and character he knows!

"Are you here to compete too?"

Yang Yuki smiled disdainfully!

"Hehe, another one who is not afraid of death!"

"Insult yourself!"

"Young man, don't waste your effort!"

"If he can fight Yang Yuji, I will give you his wife!"

The crowd, with a mocking look!

"No, I'm here..."

Jiang Fan ignored the crowd and was about to explain!

"Stop talking nonsense! Archery!"


Was this guy so crazy when he was young?

"All right! But, I don't know how to use bows and arrows, can I use hidden weapons?"

"Whatever! As long as you can shoot that little tree, these twelve taels of gold are all yours!"

Yang Yuji looked at Jiang Fan with an arrogant expression!

Jiang Fan shook his head, flicked his right hand, and the desert eagle suddenly appeared!

"Boom boom!"

Three shots in a row!

The small tree is broken into four pieces directly!

Everyone was stunned!

With a dumb look!


"Too, too strong!"

"It's so accurate, it's invincible!"

"Damn! Compared with him, Yang Yuji, too good!"

"Yes! This little brother, unexpectedly, broke the tree directly!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Yang Yuji's complexion, however, was ashen!

Who is this person?

It's so accurate!

"Now can you talk about business? I'm here..."

"Huh! What's so great about shooting a tree trunk? There is a kind, you pierce the leaves!"

Yang Yuji gave a low shout!

After that, he suddenly picked up a bow and arrow, and unexpectedly, an arrow shot through the leaf of a poplar tree a hundred steps away!

"Humph! This is the real archery!"

Yang Yuki looked at Jiang Fan with contempt!

Your uncle!

Jiang Fan is directly on fire!

I worked so hard to deliver food to you, but you are starting to install B instead!

Okay, isn't it crazy? I will let you see what a madman is!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's aura suddenly changed!


"Oh my God! This man's momentum is too domineering!"

"Even the king, there is absolutely no such momentum!"

"It's just like, Thunder is born!"

"Terrible! Could he be, Zhou Tianzi?"

"Impossible! Emperor Zhou had been emptied by several great kings long ago, how can there be such a momentum!"

The crowd was shocked!

Yang Yuki's feet were soft, and he almost fell to his knees!

too frightening!

This kind of domineering is simply unheard of!

"Look up! What is it, the real shot!"

Jiang Fan let out a low voice and suddenly raised his gun!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The intensive gunfire, almost resounded!

In the distance, a lush and leafy tree was suddenly swept by the wind, and it trembled violently!

In the next moment, countless fallen leaves float down!

Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into a bald tree!

The next moment, the bald tree shook abruptly, and then, with a "bang", it broke directly!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Open your mouth wide, looking at the fallen tree with a dull face!

What a super shot, this is simply a burst shot!

"A hundred steps to wear Yang! A hundred steps to wear Yang!"

"Fart! This is called Hundred Step Explosion Yang!"

"Mortal shooting, how can it be so powerful?"

"Could it be that this person is a god?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes on Jiang Fan were not only worship, but also deep awe!


Yang Yuji, with a dull expression, fell directly to his knees!

"Shang Xian, I took it! I really took it!"

Yang Yuki cried bitterly! Looking expectantly at Jiang Fan!

"Shang Xian, I shouldn't pretend to be forceful! I know I was wrong! Please, accept me as a disciple!"

"No way! I'm here to deliver you takeaway!"

Jiang Fan said, directly, took out the two bottles of rock candy Sydney!

"Hurry up and finish drinking!"

"This is out of nothing! This is indeed, the means of the fairy family!"

"It's amazing! Shangxian is really amazing!"

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, Li Ergou, I can actually see the fairy face!"

"Shang Xian! My lady, it's yours!"

The crowd was so excited, they were about to encircle Jiang Fan!

At this moment!

"The king has an order, hereby, Yang Yuji goes to the temple!"

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