God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 277: Master has a bright future again

the next day!

Jiang Fan finally completely cleared the sword energy in his body, and Yue Jianhan opened his eyes suddenly!

The two looked at each other!

"Teach me swordsmanship!"

"You've been stunned all night!"

Jiang Fan got out of bed impatiently and opened the closet!

Unexpectedly, there are more than a dozen sets of men's clothing!

And there are a lot of underwear and socks in the clothes basket under the cabinet!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Xia Fanxing, unexpectedly, so careful?

With a sigh, Jiang Fan took out a set of clothes and went straight to the bathroom!

Unexpectedly, he was taking a bath, and Yue Jianhan unexpectedly broke in!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

I saw Yue Jianhan pointing at himself with excitement!

"You, you really—"

"Fuck you--"

Jiang Fan was so angry that he had never thought that he was spied on by a man!

In the furious, he kicked directly onto Yue Jianhan's face!

"Mom's death pervert! Get away from me!"


Yue Jianhan fell down and flew out!

However, he was happy!

"Sure enough! Sure enough, there is a way to not use the palace!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly finished washing, put on clothes and left!

"Why are you going?"

Yue Jianhan hurried to keep up!


"Take me one!"

"Think beautiful!"

"I beg you!"

"Get out! Dare to come over and I'll kill you!"

"I'm level ten, you can't beat me!"


Jiang Fan looked melancholy!

The tenth level is a huge watershed. Yesterday Yue Jianhan had just been promoted, so he could still fight a little bit!

But now the opponent is completely stable, if you try again, you are very likely to be killed directly!

"Why do you have to follow me?"

"I want to learn swordsmanship!"


Jiang Fan is really annoying!

Directly took out the pen and paper, and wrote down the evil swordsmanship verbatim!

Even the sword style is clearly drawn!

"Did you see it clearly? This is the evil swordsmanship! Don't follow me in the future! Remember?"

Jiang Fan snarled frantically at Yue Jianhan!

These two idiots, just practice if you want to!

Yue Jianhan looked at Jianpu motionlessly, and after a long time, suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

"This is actually, really?"


Yue Jianhan frowned for a long time, and finally looked at Jiang Fan seriously!

"This swordsmanship, although weird and unparalleled, is actually a top-notch peculiar skill!"

"Even if there are some flaws, it is definitely a treasure that everyone wants to snatch!"

"I Yue sees cold, and I have never been favored by others! Since you teach me swordsmanship, then it is regarded as a grace to teach me!"

Yue Jianhan said, carefully put away the sword, and suddenly turned to Jiang Fan, bowing down!

"Master again! Be worshipped by a disciple!"

Jiang Fan was completely confused!

This Nima is too ridiculous!

"Master, rest assured, the disciple will surely take the lead today! What Master's sword refers to is the disciple, the enemy of his life!"

Yue Jianhan made a loud noise and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

This set of swordsmanship has almost reached the pinnacle of deception! Master did not hesitate to teach himself, this kind of tolerance is absolutely far beyond ordinary people!

Even if you can't practice yourself, the benefits you get by studying day and night are definitely not small!

Moreover, that Lin An has already regarded himself and Master as mortal enemies! In the future, there will inevitably be a few battles!

When the time comes, following Master, will there be opportunities to kill and practice swords?

It's simply that the future is boundless!


Jiang Fan was completely stunned!

This means that now, I already have one, level ten, thugs?

Yue Jianhan's strength, he has already seen, the lethality of this kind of kendo master is simply terrifying!

Moreover, people like Yue Jianhan have a common problem. To put it better, it is called paranoia. In fact, it is just a tendon! Look for one thing, and you will definitely stick to it!

The loyalty of this kind of person far exceeds that of ordinary people!

"Cough! Get up!"

Jiang Fan coughed and tried to look at Yue Jianhan with a kinder look!

"I'm going to work now, and you, don't follow me. If necessary, I will contact you!"

"Yes! The disciple understands!"

Yue Jianhan nodded hard!

Jiang Fan opened the door of the room, and it happened that someone on the other side went out!

The man was in his twenties, with a slender figure, long hair and a shawl, especially a pair of eyes. He was charming and charming. He was a beautiful woman!

And, unexpectedly, they are acquaintances!

Los Angeles TV reporter, Bai Xiaoyu!

At first sight of Jiang Fan, Bai Xiaoyu was also stunned!

Then, a look of surprise!

"Jiang Fan? You actually live here?"

Since adding Jiang Fan's number last time, Bai Xiaoyu has been looking forward to contacting Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan hasn't moved, and she's too busy at work. I didn't expect that today, I would meet here!

"Stay temporarily, stay temporarily!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

But as soon as he saw the presence of outsiders, Yue Jianhan directly restored Xiao Sha's temperament!

Cool one B!

"Who is this?"

Bai Xiaoyu was taken aback by Yue Jianhan's momentum!


Yue Jianhan reluctantly made a contemptuous sound from his nostrils, and Bai Xiaoyu was not a bird at all!

In his heart, except for the master and the sword, all men and women are rubbish!

"Friend, friend!"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly!

Bai Xiaoyu didn't care about it!

Her heart is full of excitement! Unexpectedly, they could become neighbors with Jiang Fan!

Doesn't this mean that in the future, you can often move around each other?

Or, invite Jiang Fan to be a guest at home, then open a bottle of red wine and play some music... Ha ha ha!

"Ms. Jiang, are you going out too?"

"Well, I'm going to deliver food!"

"Then, let's go downstairs together?"


The two entered the elevator together, but Bai Xiaoyu looked tangled!

Until the first floor, Bai Xiaoyu pretended to look at Jiang Fan naturally!

"Mr. Jiang, I don't even know that you live here too. You will be a neighbor in the future. Or, at night, come to my house for a casual meal?"

"Sorry, not tonight! I made a bet with my students, we are going to Zhongmao Building!"


Bai Xiaoyu was shocked at once! He woke up directly from the peachy fantasy and looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"Teacher Jiang, what are you kidding? How can you go to such a place!"

"It's okay, you can't lose faith!"

"This, this is not a joke!"

Bai Xiaoyu looked anxious! Simply pull Jiang Fan aside!

"Teacher Jiang, listen to me, some things are only circulated in the circle of reporters like us! The Zhongmao Building is far less simple than what you know!"

"Listen to me, don't go, otherwise, something will definitely happen!"

When Bai Xiaoyu said, Jiang Fan frowned!

"It's not that serious, isn't it? It's just an old building! It's just that someone committed suicide in the legend! But it's true, who knows!"

"It's not like that!"

Bai Xiaoyu said hurriedly!

"That place..."

Before she could finish her words, Jiang Fan was suddenly startled!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Before dying, a person is angry, holding his breath, and sulking. After death, a breath will gather in his throat! Over time, he will become a zombie! The zombies are powerful and invulnerable, and the descendants of Maoshan are the best at killing zombies!"

"Ding! Please give Jiu Shu a bowl of glutinous rice porridge to get rid of corpse poison!"

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