"Boss! Here are the taro and red beans!"


Soon, a serving of taro **** is already packed!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of Ten Thousand Realms has begun and is about to enter the age of myth!"


Jiang Fan reappeared, and he has come to a house with a tightly guarded entrance!

It looks like it should be the backyard, all the houses are made of bluestone, and the atmosphere is solemn!


Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, the guards at the door suddenly held a halberd and pointed at Jiang Fan!

"I'm Jiang Fan, a takeaway. I'm here to give Nezha and deliver food!"




A few guards looked dumbfounded!

They were sure that this handsome man who suddenly appeared must be speaking in Chinese, but Mao, himself, couldn't understand a word!

"This popularity is extraordinary, and what he says is so profound, it shouldn't be..."

One of the guards suddenly changed his expression, raised his hand, and pointed to the sky!


The rest were stunned!

The eyes that looked at Jiang Fan were suddenly full of worship!

"Dare to dare, dare to ask sir, where do you come from?"

Where did you come from?

With a flash of white light on his head, he came down!

Jiang Fan is very honest, pointing upward!


Several guards knelt down immediately!

"Shangxian Wan'an! The little one does not know that the Shangxian has arrived, please forgive me!"

Jiang Fan was too lazy to explain to them, so he waved his hand!

"Fine! Don't worry about you! What is this place?"

"Enlighten the gods, this is the residence of General Chen Tangguan, Master Li Jing and Li!"

Actually, he directly fell Li Jing's house!

The landing point given by the system this time is extremely accurate!

"Where is it?"


Several guards were stunned!

"Shangxian, Lord Li only has two sons, one calling Jinzha and the other Muzha, they are not called Nezha!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

How is this going?

At this moment!

In the room behind the guards, suddenly, there was a woman's painful cry!

"What's going on inside?"

"This... Mrs. Li's wife, is giving birth!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly!

Actually, he arrived when Nezha was born!

"Oh! Madam dystocia! I can't reproduce, I'm afraid, there is a life worry!"

"No! Madam's pulse is getting weaker and weaker!"

"Madam! Madam! Don't faint!"

Just as there was noisy inside, a male voice full of breath, thunderously sounded!

"You trash! If there is anything wrong with Madam, I will not forgive!"

Upon hearing this sound, Jiang Fan frowned!

Then, go straight to the door!

"Shangxian, here, it is being produced inside, you..."

"If I don't go in, she will be dead!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

Several guards were deterred by Jiang Fan's aura, and unexpectedly, involuntarily, gave way!

Jiang Fan kicked directly, kicked open the door, strode, and walked in!

This room is huge, and there is a screen in the middle. At this moment, a man with a strong figure and a heavy mustache is pacing anxiously in front of the screen!

This person is the General Soldier of Chen Tangguan, Li Jing!

Seeing Jiang Fan break in, Li Jing was furious!

"Asshole! Who are you? Who let you in!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't want your wife to die, just let me pass!"

Jiang Fan didn't have a good face to Li Jing!

Because of this man, there is no responsibility!

As soon as Nezha was born, he was treated as a monster!

After the trouble, Nezha could have been immortal, but because he was pleased with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he forced Nezha to have his arms cut off and cut his bones!

If Li Jing was afraid that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would launch a flood and flood Chentang Pass, and for the sake of the people, that would be the past!

However, afterwards, Nezha's soul entrusted the dream to his birth mother, Mrs. Yin, hoping to reshape the flesh with the incense and the power of hope!

Mrs. Yin built the temple, and Nezha Temple was repeatedly fulfilled to benefit the people. However, Li Jing always obstructed and persecuted the dead souls of Nezha for no reason!

In the end, the real Taiyi had no choice but to use the lotus flower to create a body for Nezha!

This kind of stuff is nothing but a father!

Jiang Fan is full of momentum, and even more so, he makes no secret of his dislike for Li Jing!

For a moment, Li Jing was shocked by Jiang Fan, speechless!


Jiang Fan let out a cold snort and walked directly behind the screen!

At this moment, behind the screen, a group of people are hustling around a big bed, like a group of headless flies!

On the bed, there was a woman with graceful brows and a bulging belly, who was Nezha's biological mother, Mrs. Yin!

"Get out of the way!"

Jiang Fan shouted in a low voice!

Directly, hold Mrs. Yin's wrist!

The pulse is weak and disordered!

If you can't regenerate, I'm afraid, I will die soon!

Jiang Fan frowned, stretched out his hand directly, and pressed it on Madam Yin's raised lower abdomen!

Then, Nine Suns' True Qi slowly poured in!

Jiuyang's true energy entered the body, and Jiang Fan immediately felt that a black hole appeared in Madam Yin's belly!

His own qi, as if opening a gate, was sucked in!

At the same time, Madam Yin's breath gradually became stronger!

Surprisingly, it was the little thing in the stomach, after transforming Jiang Fan's Jiuyang Zhenqi, it gave back to Madam Yin!

A group of subordinates were directly stunned!

"so amazing!"

"This person is not a god? Just put his hand on the lady's belly, and the lady is actually fine!"

"It's amazing! This is a real fairy family method!"

"It's so blessed to have a pity for the immortal, this child who is about to be born!"

"Yes! Even us can be blessed!"

A group of people are very excited!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

It is the first time that I have turned my zhenqi into anger to feed back. I have encountered this situation!

It seems that the magical effect of Zhenqi has yet to be discovered by myself!

It's just that the little thing sucked too hard, Jiang Fan was pumped, and only felt dizzy!

Nima! Take Lao Tzu's innocence as a filial son, you are so easy to play with!

"Little guy, if you are more naughty, you can't wait to cut the flesh and deboning, you have to use the lotus incarnation!"

Jiang Fan hooked his finger, and the nuclear bomb, which had been treasured for a long time, suddenly became ordinary from nothing, slowly revealing a section!

At the moment the nuclear bomb appeared, Jiang Fan only felt that the little thing in his stomach trembled suddenly!


"Born! Born!"

A group of people cheered one after another!

Just, the next moment!

"Damn! What is this?"

"Why, would such a thing be born?"

"Could it be that Madam's pregnancy is too long, this child is fat into a ball?"

"Don't talk nonsense! This, maybe, is because of the immortal spirit?"

I saw that Mrs. Yin gave birth to a chubby, pink meat ball!

At this moment, this meat ball is still on the ground, rolling flexibly!

Hearing the exclamation of a group of subordinates, Li Jing could no longer hold back, and suddenly rushed over!

However, when he saw this thing at first sight, Li Jing was straightforward and stunned!

My wife, unexpectedly, gave birth to such a thing!

"This, this is, monster!"

Li Jing suddenly burst into anger!


The sword is out of its sheath!

Li Jing slashed directly at the meat ball!

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