
"This, this, how is this possible?!"

The zodiac's eyes suddenly widened!

With a shocked look, he looked at Jiang Fan!

Seven-star formation, but his best skill!

This thing was a means of life-saving passed on to him by his master before he went down the mountain!

But, the real, formation!

Once ordinary people enter the formation, they will be "ghost hit the wall". As long as they don't have his permission, they will definitely not be able to get out of the formation!

In the end, only to be exhausted and starved to death!

He has used this formation three times over the years!

One of them is to deal with the top masters who are almost reaching the tenth level!

But even that person died in the formation in the end!

If Jiang Fan can do nothing, doesn't it mean that he is more powerful than tenth level? !

How is this possible? !

Tenth level master! Who is not a famous big man! Who will be a teacher?

And, also deliver food?

Do not! impossible! It's definitely fake!

The Zodiac suddenly pinched his fingerprints!

"Get up!"


The two door panels at Jiang Fan's feet shook suddenly!

The Zodiac was stunned!

Look around in a hurry!

Damn it!

No wonder, this formation is not useful at all!

Especially one of the formation flags, unexpectedly, the door panel that was knocked down by Jiang Fan was smashed into the ground!

The zodiac looks overjoyed, is waiting, and re-evokes the flag of formation!


at this time!

A big hand, already with a harsh wind, slapped his face with a slap!


The zodiac screamed, and the whole body that had been drawn volleyed around 720 degrees, and then fell to the foot of Jiang Fan!


The Zodiac smashed heavily to the ground, and suddenly there was another scream!

"Asshole! How dare to attack Dao Ye! You are really looking for death!"

The zodiac roars and is about to get up!

However, a big foot of Jiang Fan has already stepped heavily on his head!


The zodiac's forehead directly hit the masonry ground!


Turning his head under his forehead, it was actually smashed!

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts!"

For a time, the zodiac was full of blood, and kept screaming!

"It hurts? Why didn't you know it hurts when you bullied Laozi's students?"

"Asshole! What is my status? That kid who dares to be disrespectful to me should be punished!"

Although the zodiac's head is full of blood, but, unexpectedly, the pride is undiminished!

"act recklessly!"


Jiang Fan stepped straight down!

The head of the zodiac was almost kicked into the ground!

The broken bricks on the ground, even more so, his face is all over him!

"Asshole! Asshole!"

The Zodiac received such a heavy blow, but he was still full of breath!

"Jiang Fan! Since you can get rid of the evil spirits, you can be regarded as a man in the Taoist sect! Don't you feel shameful to use this method against me?"

"do not think so!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he kicked again!


The whole head of the zodiac was kicked into the ground!


The zodiac's voice sounded vaguely from the ground!

"You are bad rules! People in Dao Sects compare Dao Fa, not force!"

"If there is a kind, you will enter the battle and compare Dao Fa with me!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan suddenly dismissed it with a smile!

Simply, pinch the zodiac's neck directly, lift him up!

The Zodiac thought that Jiang Fan was planning to enter the battle, and he was overjoyed!

"Boy! You have a kind! As long as you can beat me, the old man will apologize to your student for his mistake!"

The zodiac said nicely, but in his heart, he was sneer!

Humph! Jiang Fan! I have seen a lot of young people like you! Definitely, full of arrogance!

At the same time, I like it the most, without thinking about it

One hundred percent, will advance!

As long as you enter this formation, there is only one dead end!

At that time, let you surrender the magic artifact first, and then you will be exhausted!


Jiang Fan actually shook his left shoulder, slowly raising his arm!

"Old guy! What are you? You deserve to be compared with me?"

"Tell you, I have only one purpose for coming today!"

"That's—it hit you shit!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, he suddenly clenched his fists!

Zodiac, stunned!

This way is wrong!

Shouldn't he, with an arrogant expression on his face, promised, then swaggered into the battle, and finally, was trapped to death by himself?

Even if it is a novel, you have to go in, and then the small universe bursts out, bursts out, and then destroys itself!

Could it be that he took the wrong script?

Bastard! This kid, why doesn't he play his cards according to his routine?

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already, suddenly raised his fist backward!

Seeing how Jiang Fan is accumulating power, even if the zodiac is immortal with this punch, he will have to get rid of half his life!

The zodiac is frightened for a time!

At this moment!


The door panel was suddenly lifted off!

The yellow flag that was almost pressed into the ground was exposed below!

Actually, Xiao Hu, the apprentice of the Zodiac, finally reacted and kicked the door open!

The zodiac smiled suddenly, and suddenly shouted in a low voice!

"Get up!"


The flag, which was already crooked, stood up!

Then, a thick fog suddenly came out of nothing, and completely enveloped Jiang Fan!

"Hahaha! Kid! You are dead!"

The Zodiac is proud and laughs more!

"Boy! Although you are smart enough, you are not ruthless enough!"

"If I didn't talk about nonsense just now, and just killed me, nothing would happen!"

"But now, it's too late for you to regret it! As long as you enter my seven-star array, even if it's level ten, it's the same, dying!"

"Now you obediently hand over the magic weapon, I can still give you a happy one! Otherwise--"

The zodiac's look is rampant, with the blood and broken bricks on his face, it is simply indescribable!

However, before he finished speaking, a fist suddenly appeared out of thin air and hit his nose fiercely!



The zodiac screamed like a pig, suddenly, resounding through the world!

His nose was directly crushed by this punch! The two front teeth even flew upside down into the eyes of the throat!

The whole face was almost evened by it!

However, what scared him more than the pain was that Jiang Fan, the boy, had already entered the battle, why could he still beat himself?

This is too unscientific!

"Are you a fool? Even if you start a formation, let yourself go out first?"

Jiang Fan was full of teasing voices, directly, directly opposite the zodiac!

The screams of the zodiac came to an abrupt end!

At this time, he realized that his neck had been pinched by Jiang Fan in his hand!

The seven-star array is only a magic array at best!

As long as Jiang Fan doesn't let go, the zodiac is the same, to die!

The Zodiac is completely stunned!

The extreme of happiness begets sorrow!

"Old guy, below, is me, the moment to fulfill the promise!"

"No, don't! I, I was wrong! Please, please—"

The Zodiac's face is extremely pale!

In his eyes, there is all fear!


Jiang Fan smiled grimly, right fist, and a sudden charge!

"I, I am from the Jinglingzong!"

The zodiac screamed frantically!

"Even if it's a man of Heavenly King Lao Tzu, you are dying!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, his fist pierced the air with a whistling, unstoppable, and hit the zodiac's stomach!


A loud noise!

The zodiacal man, there was an explosion all over his body!

The eyeballs almost burst out of their eye sockets!

Then, for an instant, **** and urine flow!

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