God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 468: Anzi Affecting the Chessboard

Just when Qiu Mingyue asked this question!

Li Shanshan is slowly packing her luggage!

At this moment, her eyes are peaceful, her face is not a little pink, and a few strands of hair hang down, but it is even more delicate!

At this time, Li Shanshan, compared to the heavy makeup before, is like a different person!


Taking a breath, Li Shanshan's gaze suddenly fell on the pendant beside her!

Opening the pendant, Li Shanshan's mouth gradually evoked a happy smile!

Jiang Fan, don't worry!

I will never let you down again!


A rhythmic knock on the door suddenly sounded!

Li Shanshan hurriedly put away the pendant, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then gently opened the door!

However, when she saw the person outside the room, she was startled!

It was a woman full of intellectual temperament and dazzling as beautiful as a starry sky!

"You, hello, who are you looking for?"

The beauty of the woman obviously shocked Li Shanshan!

The woman was obviously a little surprised, and she didn't expect Li Shanshan, who didn't act as a fan, to be so beautiful!

However, she reacted immediately and smiled!

"I find you!"

"Find me?"

"Yes! Introduce yourself, my name is Xia Fanxing!"

"Xia Fanxing? Lan Ying's beautiful principal?"

Li Shanshan raised her brows!

"It's just the principal, beautiful women dare not be!"

Xia Fanxing smiled reserved!

"Miss Xia, please come in! Are you looking for me because of Jiang Fan?"

Li Shanshan smiled!

Xia Fanxing was startled!

Jiang Fan, this little bastard!

It turns out that the ex-girlfriend is not only beautiful, but also his brain is so easy to use!

But when she saw Jiang Fan deflated everywhere from the front, she thought it was just a vase!

That's right, how could it be simple for a woman who was once able to fascinate Jiang Fan!

I underestimated her!

However, this is better!

Xia Fanxing walked into the room and swept away at will!

"Miss Li is going to go out?"

"Well! Ready to go to the far door, wait a moment, I will pour you a glass of water!"


Soon, the tea was brewed, and the two women sat down face to face!

However, the atmosphere is a bit dull!

"Miss Xia!"

Li Shanshan hesitated and finally spoke!

"You did it for the matter of noon today, right?"


Xia Fanxing nodded!

"I've also heard about Jiang Fan at Lanying. Don't worry, I am just a trivial passer-by for him now! So, whatever you want me to do, in fact, it doesn't make sense!"

Li Shanshan laughed at herself!

She is not stupid, but smart enough!

Otherwise, how could he stand out and tie Jiang Fan firmly to his side?

It's just that Li Ling is stunned, one step wrong, wrong step!

By the time Jiang Fan today, and personally untie her happy knot, she has completely awakened!


"Miss Li misunderstood! With all due respect, I have never regarded you as an opponent!"

Although Xia Fanxing said it was not polite, but sincere, it was hard to be offensive!

"Then Miss Xia is here today?"

Li Shanshan was startled!

"I want to know what your feelings for Jiang Fan are right now!"

Xia Fanxing suddenly looked at Li Shanshan seriously!


Li Shanshan pondered for a long time, and finally spoke slowly!

"He is my benefactor, the debt I have never paid off in my entire life!"


Xia Fanxing suddenly smiled!

"Miss Li, there is now a chance for you to pay off your debts!"


"Yes! With your beauty and wisdom, you can definitely help Jiang Fan at the most important moment!"

"what do you want to do?"

"I want you to be an influencer on the chessboard, Anzi!"

In Xia Fanxing's eyes, a cruel look flashed past!


In the car!

As soon as the problem came out, Qiu Mingyue felt nervous for a while!

Today, she wanted to ask several times, but she didn't say anything!

Now, she finally mustered up the courage to ask!

"Ahem! This, um!"

Jiang Fan nodded with a guilty conscience!

"That, that..."

Qiu Mingyue hesitated, but didn't know what to ask!

"Nothing happened! Nothing will happen in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Qiu Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief!

"I, I just ask casually, there is no other meaning!"

"I know!"

"Then I will take you home?"


Jiang Fan's expression changed just as soon as the word ‘good’ was exported!

He grabbed Qiu Mingyue's waist with his left hand, and smashed the door with a palm of his right hand!

Then, with Qiu Mingyue, he suddenly jumped out of the car door!

And the next moment!

A special seed bomb with a fiery red color has shattered the windshield and fiercely shot into the car body!


A loud noise!

The whole car turned into a raging flame in an instant!

Just look at the orange flame, if the two are still in the car, now absolutely, there is no bones left!

Qiu Mingyue's heart beats wildly!

And Jiang Fan has fixed his eyes on a building in the distance!

In his eyes, killing intent is rolling!

Since it was determined that Qiu Yuanshan was the last employer at this moment, Jiang Fan has given Yue Jianhan a vacation!

Unexpectedly, he encountered the second assassination!

However, the technique this time is obviously different from the last time!

If Qiu Mingyue didn't stop the car, but was still driving, even if he was fine, Qiu Mingyue would definitely be seriously injured!

If Qiu Yuanshan had just another purpose, he would never let the killer use such a terrifying bullet!

This time, the other party obviously wanted to kill himself!

Since it is not Qiuyuan Mountain, who would it be?

At this moment, seeing this scene happen, all pedestrians on the road exclaimed!

Even many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures one after another!

Can't be seen!

Otherwise, it will be posted on the Internet and once you show up, you will be in trouble!

Jiang Fan frowned and quickly took out the bicycle!

Then, he picked up Qiu Mingyue and went straight to the building in the distance!


Before Qiu Mingyue recovered from the aftershocks of the explosion, he just listened to the sound of the wind!


The bicycle has been steadily parked downstairs in the building!

"Hey! Who are you? The building is closed! If something happens, come back tomorrow!"

The security guard of the building frowned and stopped Jiang Fan directly!

However, Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Hold Qiu Mingyue and rush upstairs!

At this moment, the safest place is in my arms!

Qiu Mingyue originally wanted to ask Jiang Fan what was going on!

However, feeling Jiang Fan's solid arms and listening to Jiang Fan's powerful heartbeat, she just felt that nothing matters!

So happy!


I really thank you and my family!

"Asshole! Stop!"

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing in, the security suddenly roared, and while chasing after him, he took out the walkie-talkie!

"Someone broke into the building! It's about to get on the elevator now! Right away—"

Before the security had finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly, Jiang Fan turned around the elevator and ran directly into the fire escape!

"Hey! Boy, you are self-inflicted! I, Zhao Dahu, can be called the little prince of the corridor!"

"Better than climbing upstairs, you just take the insult to yourself!"

"Monitoring room, watch this kid, don't let him run away!"

Zhao Dahu laughed, and rushed into the fire escape!

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